/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* eslint no-unused-vars: [2, {"vars": "local"}] */ /* import-globals-from head.js */ "use strict"; /** * Run a series of edit-outer-html tests. * This function will iterate over the provided tests array and run each test. * Each test's goal is to provide a node (a selector) and a new outer-HTML to be * inserted in place of the current one for that node. * This test runner will wait for the mutation event to be fired and will check * a few things. Each test may also provide its own validate function to perform * assertions and verify that the new outer html is correct. * @param {Array} tests See runEditOuterHTMLTest for the structure * @param {InspectorPanel} inspector The instance of InspectorPanel currently * opened * @param {TestActorFront} testActor The current TestActorFront instance * @return a promise that resolves when the tests have run */ function runEditOuterHTMLTests(tests, inspector, testActor) { info("Running " + tests.length + " edit-outer-html tests"); return Task.spawn(function* () { for (let step of tests) { yield runEditOuterHTMLTest(step, inspector, testActor); } }); } /** * Run a single edit-outer-html test. * See runEditOuterHTMLTests for a description. * @param {Object} test A test object should contain the following properties: * - selector {String} a css selector targeting the node to edit * - oldHTML {String} * - newHTML {String} * - validate {Function} will be executed when the edition test is done, * after the new outer-html has been inserted. Should be used to verify * the actual DOM, see if it corresponds to the newHTML string provided * @param {InspectorPanel} inspector The instance of InspectorPanel currently * @param {TestActorFront} testActor The current TestActorFront instance * opened */ function* runEditOuterHTMLTest(test, inspector, testActor) { info("Running an edit outerHTML test on '" + test.selector + "'"); yield selectNode(test.selector, inspector); let onUpdated = inspector.once("inspector-updated"); info("Listen for reselectedonremoved and edit the outerHTML"); let onReselected = inspector.markup.once("reselectedonremoved"); yield inspector.markup.updateNodeOuterHTML(inspector.selection.nodeFront, test.newHTML, test.oldHTML); yield onReselected; // Typically selectedNode will === pageNode, but if a new element has been // injected in front of it, this will not be the case. If this happens. let selectedNodeFront = inspector.selection.nodeFront; let pageNodeFront = yield inspector.walker.querySelector( inspector.walker.rootNode, test.selector); if (test.validate) { yield test.validate({pageNodeFront, selectedNodeFront, inspector, testActor}); } else { is(pageNodeFront, selectedNodeFront, "Original node (grabbed by selector) is selected"); let {outerHTML} = yield testActor.getNodeInfo(test.selector); is(outerHTML, test.newHTML, "Outer HTML has been updated"); } // Wait for the inspector to be fully updated to avoid causing errors by // abruptly closing hanging requests when the test ends yield onUpdated; let closeTagLine = inspector.markup.getContainer(pageNodeFront).closeTagLine; if (closeTagLine) { is(closeTagLine.querySelectorAll(".theme-fg-contrast").length, 0, "No contrast class"); } }