/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Tests that links are shown in attributes when the values (or part of the // values) are URIs or pointers to IDs. const TEST_URL = URL_ROOT + "doc_markup_links.html"; const TEST_DATA = [{ selector: "link", attributes: [{ attributeName: "href", links: [{type: "cssresource", value: "style.css"}] }] }, { selector: "link[rel=icon]", attributes: [{ attributeName: "href", links: [{type: "uri", value: "/media/img/firefox/favicon-196.223e1bcaf067.png"}] }] }, { selector: "form", attributes: [{ attributeName: "action", links: [{type: "uri", value: "/post_message"}] }] }, { selector: "label[for=name]", attributes: [{ attributeName: "for", links: [{type: "idref", value: "name"}] }] }, { selector: "label[for=message]", attributes: [{ attributeName: "for", links: [{type: "idref", value: "message"}] }] }, { selector: "output", attributes: [{ attributeName: "form", links: [{type: "idref", value: "message-form"}] }, { attributeName: "for", links: [ {type: "idref", value: "name"}, {type: "idref", value: "message"}, {type: "idref", value: "invalid"} ] }] }, { selector: "a", attributes: [{ attributeName: "href", links: [{type: "uri", value: "/go/somewhere/else"}] }, { attributeName: "ping", links: [ {type: "uri", value: "/analytics?page=pageA"}, {type: "uri", value: "/analytics?user=test"} ] }] }, { selector: "li[contextmenu=menu1]", attributes: [{ attributeName: "contextmenu", links: [{type: "idref", value: "menu1"}] }] }, { selector: "li[contextmenu=menu2]", attributes: [{ attributeName: "contextmenu", links: [{type: "idref", value: "menu2"}] }] }, { selector: "li[contextmenu=menu3]", attributes: [{ attributeName: "contextmenu", links: [{type: "idref", value: "menu3"}] }] }, { selector: "video", attributes: [{ attributeName: "poster", links: [{type: "uri", value: "doc_markup_tooltip.png"}] }, { attributeName: "src", links: [{type: "uri", value: "code-rush.mp4"}] }] }, { selector: "script", attributes: [{ attributeName: "src", links: [{type: "jsresource", value: "lib_jquery_1.0.js"}] }] }]; requestLongerTimeout(2); add_task(function* () { let {inspector} = yield openInspectorForURL(TEST_URL); for (let {selector, attributes} of TEST_DATA) { info("Testing attributes on node " + selector); yield selectNode(selector, inspector); let {editor} = yield getContainerForSelector(selector, inspector); for (let {attributeName, links} of attributes) { info("Testing attribute " + attributeName); let linkEls = editor.attrElements.get(attributeName) .querySelectorAll(".link"); is(linkEls.length, links.length, "The right number of links were found"); for (let i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { is(linkEls[i].dataset.type, links[i].type, `Link ${i} has the right type`); is(linkEls[i].textContent, links[i].value, `Link ${i} has the right value`); } } } });