/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Test that nodes don't start dragging before the mouse has moved by at least // the minimum vertical distance defined in markup-view.js by // DRAG_DROP_MIN_INITIAL_DISTANCE. const TEST_URL = URL_ROOT + "doc_markup_dragdrop.html"; const TEST_NODE = "#test"; // Keep this in sync with DRAG_DROP_MIN_INITIAL_DISTANCE in markup-view.js const MIN_DISTANCE = 10; add_task(function* () { let {inspector} = yield openInspectorForURL(TEST_URL); info("Drag the test node by half of the minimum distance"); yield simulateNodeDrag(inspector, TEST_NODE, 0, MIN_DISTANCE / 2); yield checkIsDragging(inspector, TEST_NODE, false); info("Drag the test node by exactly the minimum distance"); yield simulateNodeDrag(inspector, TEST_NODE, 0, MIN_DISTANCE); yield checkIsDragging(inspector, TEST_NODE, true); inspector.markup.cancelDragging(); info("Drag the test node by more than the minimum distance"); yield simulateNodeDrag(inspector, TEST_NODE, 0, MIN_DISTANCE * 2); yield checkIsDragging(inspector, TEST_NODE, true); inspector.markup.cancelDragging(); info("Drag the test node by minus the minimum distance"); yield simulateNodeDrag(inspector, TEST_NODE, 0, MIN_DISTANCE * -1); yield checkIsDragging(inspector, TEST_NODE, true); inspector.markup.cancelDragging(); }); function* checkIsDragging(inspector, selector, isDragging) { let container = yield getContainerForSelector(selector, inspector); if (isDragging) { ok(container.isDragging, "The container is being dragged"); ok(inspector.markup.isDragging, "And the markup-view knows it"); } else { ok(!container.isDragging, "The container hasn't been marked as dragging"); ok(!inspector.markup.isDragging, "And the markup-view either"); } }