/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /* import-globals-from helper_style_attr_test_runner.js */ "use strict"; // Test CSS autocompletion of the style attribute can be triggered when the // caret is before a non-word character. loadHelperScript("helper_style_attr_test_runner.js"); const TEST_URL = URL_ROOT + "doc_markup_edit.html"; // test data format : // [ // what key to press, // expected input box value after keypress, // expected input.selectionStart, // expected input.selectionEnd, // is popup expected to be open ? // ] const TEST_DATA = [ ["s", "s", 1, 1, false], ["t", "st", 2, 2, false], ["y", "sty", 3, 3, false], ["l", "styl", 4, 4, false], ["e", "style", 5, 5, false], ["=", "style=", 6, 6, false], ["\"", "style=\"", 7, 7, false], ["\"", "style=\"\"", 8, 8, false], ["VK_LEFT", "style=\"\"", 7, 7, false], ["c", "style=\"color\"", 8, 12, true], ["o", "style=\"color\"", 9, 12, true], ["VK_RIGHT", "style=\"color\"", 12, 12, false], [":", "style=\"color:aliceblue\"", 13, 22, true], ["b", "style=\"color:beige\"", 14, 18, true], ["VK_RIGHT", "style=\"color:beige\"", 18, 18, false], [";", "style=\"color:beige;\"", 19, 19, false], [";", "style=\"color:beige;;\"", 20, 20, false], ["VK_LEFT", "style=\"color:beige;;\"", 19, 19, false], ["p", "style=\"color:beige;padding;\"", 20, 26, true], ["VK_RIGHT", "style=\"color:beige;padding;\"", 26, 26, false], [":", "style=\"color:beige;padding:calc;\"", 27, 31, true], ["0", "style=\"color:beige;padding:0;\"", 28, 28, false], ["VK_RETURN", "style=\"color:beige;padding:0;\"", -1, -1, false] ]; add_task(function* () { let {inspector} = yield openInspectorForURL(TEST_URL); yield runStyleAttributeAutocompleteTests(inspector, TEST_DATA); });