/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const promise = require("promise"); const Services = require("Services"); const defer = require("devtools/shared/defer"); const {Task} = require("devtools/shared/task"); const nodeConstants = require("devtools/shared/dom-node-constants"); const nodeFilterConstants = require("devtools/shared/dom-node-filter-constants"); const EventEmitter = require("devtools/shared/event-emitter"); const {LocalizationHelper} = require("devtools/shared/l10n"); const {PluralForm} = require("devtools/shared/plural-form"); const {template} = require("devtools/shared/gcli/templater"); const {AutocompletePopup} = require("devtools/client/shared/autocomplete-popup"); const {KeyShortcuts} = require("devtools/client/shared/key-shortcuts"); const {scrollIntoViewIfNeeded} = require("devtools/client/shared/scroll"); const {UndoStack} = require("devtools/client/shared/undo"); const {HTMLTooltip} = require("devtools/client/shared/widgets/tooltip/HTMLTooltip"); const {PrefObserver} = require("devtools/client/styleeditor/utils"); const HTMLEditor = require("devtools/client/inspector/markup/views/html-editor"); const MarkupElementContainer = require("devtools/client/inspector/markup/views/element-container"); const MarkupReadOnlyContainer = require("devtools/client/inspector/markup/views/read-only-container"); const MarkupTextContainer = require("devtools/client/inspector/markup/views/text-container"); const RootContainer = require("devtools/client/inspector/markup/views/root-container"); const INSPECTOR_L10N = new LocalizationHelper("devtools/client/locales/inspector.properties"); // Page size for pageup/pagedown const PAGE_SIZE = 10; const DEFAULT_MAX_CHILDREN = 100; const NEW_SELECTION_HIGHLIGHTER_TIMER = 1000; const DRAG_DROP_AUTOSCROLL_EDGE_MAX_DISTANCE = 50; const DRAG_DROP_AUTOSCROLL_EDGE_RATIO = 0.1; const DRAG_DROP_MIN_AUTOSCROLL_SPEED = 2; const DRAG_DROP_MAX_AUTOSCROLL_SPEED = 8; const DRAG_DROP_HEIGHT_TO_SPEED = 500; const DRAG_DROP_HEIGHT_TO_SPEED_MIN = 0.5; const DRAG_DROP_HEIGHT_TO_SPEED_MAX = 1; const ATTR_COLLAPSE_ENABLED_PREF = "devtools.markup.collapseAttributes"; const ATTR_COLLAPSE_LENGTH_PREF = "devtools.markup.collapseAttributeLength"; /** * Vocabulary for the purposes of this file: * * MarkupContainer - the structure that holds an editor and its * immediate children in the markup panel. * - MarkupElementContainer: markup container for element nodes * - MarkupTextContainer: markup container for text / comment nodes * - MarkupReadonlyContainer: markup container for other nodes * Node - A content node. * object.elt - A UI element in the markup panel. */ /** * The markup tree. Manages the mapping of nodes to MarkupContainers, * updating based on mutations, and the undo/redo bindings. * * @param {Inspector} inspector * The inspector we're watching. * @param {iframe} frame * An iframe in which the caller has kindly loaded markup.xhtml. */ function MarkupView(inspector, frame, controllerWindow) { this.inspector = inspector; this.walker = this.inspector.walker; this._frame = frame; this.win = this._frame.contentWindow; this.doc = this._frame.contentDocument; this._elt = this.doc.querySelector("#root"); this.htmlEditor = new HTMLEditor(this.doc); try { this.maxChildren = Services.prefs.getIntPref("devtools.markup.pagesize"); } catch (ex) { this.maxChildren = DEFAULT_MAX_CHILDREN; } this.collapseAttributes = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(ATTR_COLLAPSE_ENABLED_PREF); this.collapseAttributeLength = Services.prefs.getIntPref(ATTR_COLLAPSE_LENGTH_PREF); // Creating the popup to be used to show CSS suggestions. // The popup will be attached to the toolbox document. this.popup = new AutocompletePopup(inspector.toolbox.doc, { autoSelect: true, theme: "auto", }); this.undo = new UndoStack(); this.undo.installController(controllerWindow); this._containers = new Map(); // Binding functions that need to be called in scope. this._handleRejectionIfNotDestroyed = this._handleRejectionIfNotDestroyed.bind(this); this._mutationObserver = this._mutationObserver.bind(this); this._onDisplayChange = this._onDisplayChange.bind(this); this._onMouseClick = this._onMouseClick.bind(this); this._onMouseUp = this._onMouseUp.bind(this); this._onNewSelection = this._onNewSelection.bind(this); this._onCopy = this._onCopy.bind(this); this._onFocus = this._onFocus.bind(this); this._onMouseMove = this._onMouseMove.bind(this); this._onMouseOut = this._onMouseOut.bind(this); this._onToolboxPickerCanceled = this._onToolboxPickerCanceled.bind(this); this._onToolboxPickerHover = this._onToolboxPickerHover.bind(this); this._onCollapseAttributesPrefChange = this._onCollapseAttributesPrefChange.bind(this); this._isImagePreviewTarget = this._isImagePreviewTarget.bind(this); this._onBlur = this._onBlur.bind(this); EventEmitter.decorate(this); // Listening to various events. this._elt.addEventListener("click", this._onMouseClick, false); this._elt.addEventListener("mousemove", this._onMouseMove, false); this._elt.addEventListener("mouseout", this._onMouseOut, false); this._elt.addEventListener("blur", this._onBlur, true); this.win.addEventListener("mouseup", this._onMouseUp); this.win.addEventListener("copy", this._onCopy); this._frame.addEventListener("focus", this._onFocus, false); this.walker.on("mutations", this._mutationObserver); this.walker.on("display-change", this._onDisplayChange); this.inspector.selection.on("new-node-front", this._onNewSelection); this.toolbox.on("picker-canceled", this._onToolboxPickerCanceled); this.toolbox.on("picker-node-hovered", this._onToolboxPickerHover); this._onNewSelection(); this._initTooltips(); this._prefObserver = new PrefObserver("devtools.markup"); this._prefObserver.on(ATTR_COLLAPSE_ENABLED_PREF, this._onCollapseAttributesPrefChange); this._prefObserver.on(ATTR_COLLAPSE_LENGTH_PREF, this._onCollapseAttributesPrefChange); this._initShortcuts(); } MarkupView.prototype = { /** * How long does a node flash when it mutates (in ms). */ CONTAINER_FLASHING_DURATION: 500, _selectedContainer: null, get toolbox() { return this.inspector.toolbox; }, /** * Handle promise rejections for various asynchronous actions, and only log errors if * the markup view still exists. * This is useful to silence useless errors that happen when the markup view is * destroyed while still initializing (and making protocol requests). */ _handleRejectionIfNotDestroyed: function (e) { if (!this._destroyer) { console.error(e); } }, _initTooltips: function () { // The tooltips will be attached to the toolbox document. this.eventDetailsTooltip = new HTMLTooltip(this.toolbox.doc, {type: "arrow"}); this.imagePreviewTooltip = new HTMLTooltip(this.toolbox.doc, {type: "arrow", useXulWrapper: "true"}); this._enableImagePreviewTooltip(); }, _enableImagePreviewTooltip: function () { this.imagePreviewTooltip.startTogglingOnHover(this._elt, this._isImagePreviewTarget); }, _disableImagePreviewTooltip: function () { this.imagePreviewTooltip.stopTogglingOnHover(); }, _onToolboxPickerHover: function (event, nodeFront) { this.showNode(nodeFront).then(() => { this._showContainerAsHovered(nodeFront); }, e => console.error(e)); }, /** * If the element picker gets canceled, make sure and re-center the view on the * current selected element. */ _onToolboxPickerCanceled: function () { if (this._selectedContainer) { scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(this._selectedContainer.editor.elt); } }, isDragging: false, _onMouseMove: function (event) { let target = event.target; // Auto-scroll if we're dragging. if (this.isDragging) { event.preventDefault(); this._autoScroll(event); return; } // Show the current container as hovered and highlight it. // This requires finding the current MarkupContainer (walking up the DOM). while (!target.container) { if (target.tagName.toLowerCase() === "body") { return; } target = target.parentNode; } let container = target.container; if (this._hoveredNode !== container.node) { this._showBoxModel(container.node); } this._showContainerAsHovered(container.node); this.emit("node-hover"); }, /** * If focus is moved outside of the markup view document and there is a * selected container, make its contents not focusable by a keyboard. */ _onBlur: function (event) { if (!this._selectedContainer) { return; } let {relatedTarget} = event; if (relatedTarget && relatedTarget.ownerDocument === this.doc) { return; } if (this._selectedContainer) { this._selectedContainer.clearFocus(); } }, /** * Executed on each mouse-move while a node is being dragged in the view. * Auto-scrolls the view to reveal nodes below the fold to drop the dragged * node in. */ _autoScroll: function (event) { let docEl = this.doc.documentElement; if (this._autoScrollAnimationFrame) { this.win.cancelAnimationFrame(this._autoScrollAnimationFrame); } // Auto-scroll when the mouse approaches top/bottom edge. let fromBottom = docEl.clientHeight - event.pageY + this.win.scrollY; let fromTop = event.pageY - this.win.scrollY; let edgeDistance = Math.min(DRAG_DROP_AUTOSCROLL_EDGE_MAX_DISTANCE, docEl.clientHeight * DRAG_DROP_AUTOSCROLL_EDGE_RATIO); // The smaller the screen, the slower the movement. let heightToSpeedRatio = Math.max(DRAG_DROP_HEIGHT_TO_SPEED_MIN, Math.min(DRAG_DROP_HEIGHT_TO_SPEED_MAX, docEl.clientHeight / DRAG_DROP_HEIGHT_TO_SPEED)); if (fromBottom <= edgeDistance) { // Map our distance range to a speed range so that the speed is not too // fast or too slow. let speed = map( fromBottom, 0, edgeDistance, DRAG_DROP_MIN_AUTOSCROLL_SPEED, DRAG_DROP_MAX_AUTOSCROLL_SPEED); this._runUpdateLoop(() => { docEl.scrollTop -= heightToSpeedRatio * (speed - DRAG_DROP_MAX_AUTOSCROLL_SPEED); }); } if (fromTop <= edgeDistance) { let speed = map( fromTop, 0, edgeDistance, DRAG_DROP_MIN_AUTOSCROLL_SPEED, DRAG_DROP_MAX_AUTOSCROLL_SPEED); this._runUpdateLoop(() => { docEl.scrollTop += heightToSpeedRatio * (speed - DRAG_DROP_MAX_AUTOSCROLL_SPEED); }); } }, /** * Run a loop on the requestAnimationFrame. */ _runUpdateLoop: function (update) { let loop = () => { update(); this._autoScrollAnimationFrame = this.win.requestAnimationFrame(loop); }; loop(); }, _onMouseClick: function (event) { // From the target passed here, let's find the parent MarkupContainer // and ask it if the tooltip should be shown let parentNode = event.target; let container; while (parentNode !== this.doc.body) { if (parentNode.container) { container = parentNode.container; break; } parentNode = parentNode.parentNode; } if (container instanceof MarkupElementContainer) { // With the newly found container, delegate the tooltip content creation // and decision to show or not the tooltip container._buildEventTooltipContent(event.target, this.eventDetailsTooltip); } }, _onMouseUp: function () { this.indicateDropTarget(null); this.indicateDragTarget(null); if (this._autoScrollAnimationFrame) { this.win.cancelAnimationFrame(this._autoScrollAnimationFrame); } }, _onCollapseAttributesPrefChange: function () { this.collapseAttributes = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(ATTR_COLLAPSE_ENABLED_PREF); this.collapseAttributeLength = Services.prefs.getIntPref(ATTR_COLLAPSE_LENGTH_PREF); this.update(); }, cancelDragging: function () { if (!this.isDragging) { return; } for (let [, container] of this._containers) { if (container.isDragging) { container.cancelDragging(); break; } } this.indicateDropTarget(null); this.indicateDragTarget(null); if (this._autoScrollAnimationFrame) { this.win.cancelAnimationFrame(this._autoScrollAnimationFrame); } }, _hoveredNode: null, /** * Show a NodeFront's container as being hovered * * @param {NodeFront} nodeFront * The node to show as hovered */ _showContainerAsHovered: function (nodeFront) { if (this._hoveredNode === nodeFront) { return; } if (this._hoveredNode) { this.getContainer(this._hoveredNode).hovered = false; } this.getContainer(nodeFront).hovered = true; this._hoveredNode = nodeFront; // Emit an event that the container view is actually hovered now, as this function // can be called by an asynchronous caller. this.emit("showcontainerhovered"); }, _onMouseOut: function (event) { // Emulate mouseleave by skipping any relatedTarget inside the markup-view. if (this._elt.contains(event.relatedTarget)) { return; } if (this._autoScrollAnimationFrame) { this.win.cancelAnimationFrame(this._autoScrollAnimationFrame); } if (this.isDragging) { return; } this._hideBoxModel(true); if (this._hoveredNode) { this.getContainer(this._hoveredNode).hovered = false; } this._hoveredNode = null; this.emit("leave"); }, /** * Show the box model highlighter on a given node front * * @param {NodeFront} nodeFront * The node to show the highlighter for * @return {Promise} Resolves when the highlighter for this nodeFront is * shown, taking into account that there could already be highlighter * requests queued up */ _showBoxModel: function (nodeFront) { return this.toolbox.highlighterUtils.highlightNodeFront(nodeFront); }, /** * Hide the box model highlighter on a given node front * * @param {Boolean} forceHide * See toolbox-highlighter-utils/unhighlight * @return {Promise} Resolves when the highlighter for this nodeFront is * hidden, taking into account that there could already be highlighter * requests queued up */ _hideBoxModel: function (forceHide) { return this.toolbox.highlighterUtils.unhighlight(forceHide); }, _briefBoxModelTimer: null, _clearBriefBoxModelTimer: function () { if (this._briefBoxModelTimer) { clearTimeout(this._briefBoxModelTimer); this._briefBoxModelPromise.resolve(); this._briefBoxModelPromise = null; this._briefBoxModelTimer = null; } }, _brieflyShowBoxModel: function (nodeFront) { this._clearBriefBoxModelTimer(); let onShown = this._showBoxModel(nodeFront); this._briefBoxModelPromise = defer(); this._briefBoxModelTimer = setTimeout(() => { this._hideBoxModel() .then(this._briefBoxModelPromise.resolve, this._briefBoxModelPromise.resolve); }, NEW_SELECTION_HIGHLIGHTER_TIMER); return promise.all([onShown, this._briefBoxModelPromise.promise]); }, template: function (name, dest, options = {stack: "markup.xhtml"}) { let node = this.doc.getElementById("template-" + name).cloneNode(true); node.removeAttribute("id"); template(node, dest, options); return node; }, /** * Get the MarkupContainer object for a given node, or undefined if * none exists. */ getContainer: function (node) { return this._containers.get(node); }, update: function () { let updateChildren = (node) => { this.getContainer(node).update(); for (let child of node.treeChildren()) { updateChildren(child); } }; // Start with the documentElement let documentElement; for (let node of this._rootNode.treeChildren()) { if (node.isDocumentElement === true) { documentElement = node; break; } } // Recursively update each node starting with documentElement. updateChildren(documentElement); }, /** * Executed when the mouse hovers over a target in the markup-view and is used * to decide whether this target should be used to display an image preview * tooltip. * Delegates the actual decision to the corresponding MarkupContainer instance * if one is found. * * @return {Promise} the promise returned by * MarkupElementContainer._isImagePreviewTarget */ _isImagePreviewTarget: Task.async(function* (target) { // From the target passed here, let's find the parent MarkupContainer // and ask it if the tooltip should be shown if (this.isDragging) { return false; } let parent = target, container; while (parent !== this.doc.body) { if (parent.container) { container = parent.container; break; } parent = parent.parentNode; } if (container instanceof MarkupElementContainer) { // With the newly found container, delegate the tooltip content creation // and decision to show or not the tooltip return container.isImagePreviewTarget(target, this.imagePreviewTooltip); } return false; }), /** * Given the known reason, should the current selection be briefly highlighted * In a few cases, we don't want to highlight the node: * - If the reason is null (used to reset the selection), * - if it's "inspector-open" (when the inspector opens up, let's not * highlight the default node) * - if it's "navigateaway" (since the page is being navigated away from) * - if it's "test" (this is a special case for mochitest. In tests, we often * need to select elements but don't necessarily want the highlighter to come * and go after a delay as this might break test scenarios) * We also do not want to start a brief highlight timeout if the node is * already being hovered over, since in that case it will already be * highlighted. */ _shouldNewSelectionBeHighlighted: function () { let reason = this.inspector.selection.reason; let unwantedReasons = [ "inspector-open", "navigateaway", "nodeselected", "test" ]; let isHighlight = this._hoveredNode === this.inspector.selection.nodeFront; return !isHighlight && reason && unwantedReasons.indexOf(reason) === -1; }, /** * React to new-node-front selection events. * Highlights the node if needed, and make sure it is shown and selected in * the view. */ _onNewSelection: function () { let selection = this.inspector.selection; this.htmlEditor.hide(); if (this._hoveredNode && this._hoveredNode !== selection.nodeFront) { this.getContainer(this._hoveredNode).hovered = false; this._hoveredNode = null; } if (!selection.isNode()) { this.unmarkSelectedNode(); return; } let done = this.inspector.updating("markup-view"); let onShowBoxModel, onShow; // Highlight the element briefly if needed. if (this._shouldNewSelectionBeHighlighted()) { onShowBoxModel = this._brieflyShowBoxModel(selection.nodeFront); } onShow = this.showNode(selection.nodeFront).then(() => { // We could be destroyed by now. if (this._destroyer) { return promise.reject("markupview destroyed"); } // Mark the node as selected. this.markNodeAsSelected(selection.nodeFront); // Make sure the new selection is navigated to. this.maybeNavigateToNewSelection(); return undefined; }).catch(this._handleRejectionIfNotDestroyed); promise.all([onShowBoxModel, onShow]).then(done); }, /** * Maybe make selected the current node selection's MarkupContainer depending * on why the current node got selected. */ maybeNavigateToNewSelection: function () { let {reason, nodeFront} = this.inspector.selection; // The list of reasons that should lead to navigating to the node. let reasonsToNavigate = [ // If the user picked an element with the element picker. "picker-node-picked", // If the user shift-clicked (previewed) an element. "picker-node-previewed", // If the user selected an element with the browser context menu. "browser-context-menu", // If the user added a new node by clicking in the inspector toolbar. "node-inserted" ]; if (reasonsToNavigate.includes(reason)) { this.getContainer(this._rootNode).elt.focus(); this.navigate(this.getContainer(nodeFront)); } }, /** * Create a TreeWalker to find the next/previous * node for selection. */ _selectionWalker: function (start) { let walker = this.doc.createTreeWalker( start || this._elt, nodeFilterConstants.SHOW_ELEMENT, function (element) { if (element.container && element.container.elt === element && element.container.visible) { return nodeFilterConstants.FILTER_ACCEPT; } return nodeFilterConstants.FILTER_SKIP; } ); walker.currentNode = this._selectedContainer.elt; return walker; }, _onCopy: function (evt) { // Ignore copy events from editors if (this._isInputOrTextarea(evt.target)) { return; } let selection = this.inspector.selection; if (selection.isNode()) { this.inspector.copyOuterHTML(); } evt.stopPropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); }, /** * Register all key shortcuts. */ _initShortcuts: function () { let shortcuts = new KeyShortcuts({ window: this.win, }); this._onShortcut = this._onShortcut.bind(this); // Process localizable keys ["markupView.hide.key", "markupView.edit.key", "markupView.scrollInto.key"].forEach(name => { let key = INSPECTOR_L10N.getStr(name); shortcuts.on(key, (_, event) => this._onShortcut(name, event)); }); // Process generic keys: ["Delete", "Backspace", "Home", "Left", "Right", "Up", "Down", "PageUp", "PageDown", "Esc", "Enter", "Space"].forEach(key => { shortcuts.on(key, this._onShortcut); }); }, /** * Key shortcut listener. */ _onShortcut(name, event) { if (this._isInputOrTextarea(event.target)) { return; } switch (name) { // Localizable keys case "markupView.hide.key": { let node = this._selectedContainer.node; if (node.hidden) { this.walker.unhideNode(node); } else { this.walker.hideNode(node); } break; } case "markupView.edit.key": { this.beginEditingOuterHTML(this._selectedContainer.node); break; } case "markupView.scrollInto.key": { let selection = this._selectedContainer.node; this.inspector.scrollNodeIntoView(selection); break; } // Generic keys case "Delete": { this.deleteNodeOrAttribute(); break; } case "Backspace": { this.deleteNodeOrAttribute(true); break; } case "Home": { let rootContainer = this.getContainer(this._rootNode); this.navigate(rootContainer.children.firstChild.container); break; } case "Left": { if (this._selectedContainer.expanded) { this.collapseNode(this._selectedContainer.node); } else { let parent = this._selectionWalker().parentNode(); if (parent) { this.navigate(parent.container); } } break; } case "Right": { if (!this._selectedContainer.expanded && this._selectedContainer.hasChildren) { this._expandContainer(this._selectedContainer); } else { let next = this._selectionWalker().nextNode(); if (next) { this.navigate(next.container); } } break; } case "Up": { let previousNode = this._selectionWalker().previousNode(); if (previousNode) { this.navigate(previousNode.container); } break; } case "Down": { let nextNode = this._selectionWalker().nextNode(); if (nextNode) { this.navigate(nextNode.container); } break; } case "PageUp": { let walker = this._selectionWalker(); let selection = this._selectedContainer; for (let i = 0; i < PAGE_SIZE; i++) { let previousNode = walker.previousNode(); if (!previousNode) { break; } selection = previousNode.container; } this.navigate(selection); break; } case "PageDown": { let walker = this._selectionWalker(); let selection = this._selectedContainer; for (let i = 0; i < PAGE_SIZE; i++) { let nextNode = walker.nextNode(); if (!nextNode) { break; } selection = nextNode.container; } this.navigate(selection); break; } case "Enter": case "Space": { if (!this._selectedContainer.canFocus) { this._selectedContainer.canFocus = true; this._selectedContainer.focus(); } else { // Return early to prevent cancelling the event. return; } break; } case "Esc": { if (this.isDragging) { this.cancelDragging(); } else { // Return early to prevent cancelling the event when not // dragging, to allow the split console to be toggled. return; } break; } default: console.error("Unexpected markup-view key shortcut", name); return; } // Prevent default for this action event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); }, /** * Check if a node is an input or textarea */ _isInputOrTextarea: function (element) { let name = element.tagName.toLowerCase(); return name === "input" || name === "textarea"; }, /** * If there's an attribute on the current node that's currently focused, then * delete this attribute, otherwise delete the node itself. * * @param {Boolean} moveBackward * If set to true and if we're deleting the node, focus the previous * sibling after deletion, otherwise the next one. */ deleteNodeOrAttribute: function (moveBackward) { let focusedAttribute = this.doc.activeElement ? this.doc.activeElement.closest(".attreditor") : null; if (focusedAttribute) { // The focused attribute might not be in the current selected container. let container = focusedAttribute.closest("li.child").container; container.removeAttribute(focusedAttribute.dataset.attr); } else { this.deleteNode(this._selectedContainer.node, moveBackward); } }, /** * Delete a node from the DOM. * This is an undoable action. * * @param {NodeFront} node * The node to remove. * @param {Boolean} moveBackward * If set to true, focus the previous sibling, otherwise the next one. */ deleteNode: function (node, moveBackward) { if (node.isDocumentElement || node.nodeType == nodeConstants.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE || node.isAnonymous) { return; } let container = this.getContainer(node); // Retain the node so we can undo this... this.walker.retainNode(node).then(() => { let parent = node.parentNode(); let nextSibling = null; this.undo.do(() => { this.walker.removeNode(node).then(siblings => { nextSibling = siblings.nextSibling; let prevSibling = siblings.previousSibling; let focusNode = moveBackward ? prevSibling : nextSibling; // If we can't move as the user wants, we move to the other direction. // If there is no sibling elements anymore, move to the parent node. if (!focusNode) { focusNode = nextSibling || prevSibling || parent; } let isNextSiblingText = nextSibling ? nextSibling.nodeType === nodeConstants.TEXT_NODE : false; let isPrevSiblingText = prevSibling ? prevSibling.nodeType === nodeConstants.TEXT_NODE : false; // If the parent had two children and the next or previous sibling // is a text node, then it now has only a single text node, is about // to be in-lined; and focus should move to the parent. if (parent.numChildren === 2 && (isNextSiblingText || isPrevSiblingText)) { focusNode = parent; } if (container.selected) { this.navigate(this.getContainer(focusNode)); } }); }, () => { let isValidSibling = nextSibling && !nextSibling.isPseudoElement; nextSibling = isValidSibling ? nextSibling : null; this.walker.insertBefore(node, parent, nextSibling); }); }).then(null, console.error); }, /** * If an editable item is focused, select its container. */ _onFocus: function (event) { let parent = event.target; while (!parent.container) { parent = parent.parentNode; } if (parent) { this.navigate(parent.container); } }, /** * Handle a user-requested navigation to a given MarkupContainer, * updating the inspector's currently-selected node. * * @param {MarkupContainer} container * The container we're navigating to. */ navigate: function (container) { if (!container) { return; } let node = container.node; this.markNodeAsSelected(node, "treepanel"); }, /** * Make sure a node is included in the markup tool. * * @param {NodeFront} node * The node in the content document. * @param {Boolean} flashNode * Whether the newly imported node should be flashed * @return {MarkupContainer} The MarkupContainer object for this element. */ importNode: function (node, flashNode) { if (!node) { return null; } if (this._containers.has(node)) { return this.getContainer(node); } let container; let {nodeType, isPseudoElement} = node; if (node === this.walker.rootNode) { container = new RootContainer(this, node); this._elt.appendChild(container.elt); this._rootNode = node; } else if (nodeType == nodeConstants.ELEMENT_NODE && !isPseudoElement) { container = new MarkupElementContainer(this, node, this.inspector); } else if (nodeType == nodeConstants.COMMENT_NODE || nodeType == nodeConstants.TEXT_NODE) { container = new MarkupTextContainer(this, node, this.inspector); } else { container = new MarkupReadOnlyContainer(this, node, this.inspector); } if (flashNode) { container.flashMutation(); } this._containers.set(node, container); container.childrenDirty = true; this._updateChildren(container); this.inspector.emit("container-created", container); return container; }, /** * Mutation observer used for included nodes. */ _mutationObserver: function (mutations) { for (let mutation of mutations) { let type = mutation.type; let target = mutation.target; if (mutation.type === "documentUnload") { // Treat this as a childList change of the child (maybe the protocol // should do this). type = "childList"; target = mutation.targetParent; if (!target) { continue; } } let container = this.getContainer(target); if (!container) { // Container might not exist if this came from a load event for a node // we're not viewing. continue; } if (type === "attributes" && mutation.attributeName === "class") { container.updateIsDisplayed(); } if (type === "attributes" || type === "characterData" || type === "events" || type === "pseudoClassLock") { container.update(); } else if (type === "childList" || type === "nativeAnonymousChildList") { container.childrenDirty = true; // Update the children to take care of changes in the markup view DOM // and update container (and its subtree) DOM tree depth level for // accessibility where necessary. this._updateChildren(container, {flash: true}).then(() => container.updateLevel()); } else if (type === "inlineTextChild") { container.childrenDirty = true; this._updateChildren(container, {flash: true}); container.update(); } } this._waitForChildren().then(() => { if (this._destroyer) { // Could not fully update after markup mutations, the markup-view was destroyed // while waiting for children. Bail out silently. return; } this._flashMutatedNodes(mutations); this.inspector.emit("markupmutation", mutations); // Since the htmlEditor is absolutely positioned, a mutation may change // the location in which it should be shown. this.htmlEditor.refresh(); }); }, /** * React to display-change events from the walker * * @param {Array} nodes * An array of nodeFronts */ _onDisplayChange: function (nodes) { for (let node of nodes) { let container = this.getContainer(node); if (container) { container.updateIsDisplayed(); } } }, /** * Given a list of mutations returned by the mutation observer, flash the * corresponding containers to attract attention. */ _flashMutatedNodes: function (mutations) { let addedOrEditedContainers = new Set(); let removedContainers = new Set(); for (let {type, target, added, removed, newValue} of mutations) { let container = this.getContainer(target); if (container) { if (type === "characterData") { addedOrEditedContainers.add(container); } else if (type === "attributes" && newValue === null) { // Removed attributes should flash the entire node. // New or changed attributes will flash the attribute itself // in ElementEditor.flashAttribute. addedOrEditedContainers.add(container); } else if (type === "childList") { // If there has been removals, flash the parent if (removed.length) { removedContainers.add(container); } // If there has been additions, flash the nodes if their associated // container exist (so if their parent is expanded in the inspector). added.forEach(node => { let addedContainer = this.getContainer(node); if (addedContainer) { addedOrEditedContainers.add(addedContainer); // The node may be added as a result of an append, in which case // it will have been removed from another container first, but in // these cases we don't want to flash both the removal and the // addition removedContainers.delete(container); } }); } } } for (let container of removedContainers) { container.flashMutation(); } for (let container of addedOrEditedContainers) { container.flashMutation(); } }, /** * Make sure the given node's parents are expanded and the * node is scrolled on to screen. */ showNode: function (node, centered = true) { let parent = node; this.importNode(node); while ((parent = parent.parentNode())) { this.importNode(parent); this.expandNode(parent); } return this._waitForChildren().then(() => { if (this._destroyer) { return promise.reject("markupview destroyed"); } return this._ensureVisible(node); }).then(() => { scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(this.getContainer(node).editor.elt, centered); }, this._handleRejectionIfNotDestroyed); }, /** * Expand the container's children. */ _expandContainer: function (container) { return this._updateChildren(container, {expand: true}).then(() => { if (this._destroyer) { // Could not expand the node, the markup-view was destroyed in the meantime. Just // silently give up. return; } container.setExpanded(true); }); }, /** * Expand the node's children. */ expandNode: function (node) { let container = this.getContainer(node); this._expandContainer(container); }, /** * Expand the entire tree beneath a container. * * @param {MarkupContainer} container * The container to expand. */ _expandAll: function (container) { return this._expandContainer(container).then(() => { let child = container.children.firstChild; let promises = []; while (child) { promises.push(this._expandAll(child.container)); child = child.nextSibling; } return promise.all(promises); }).then(null, console.error); }, /** * Expand the entire tree beneath a node. * * @param {DOMNode} node * The node to expand, or null to start from the top. */ expandAll: function (node) { node = node || this._rootNode; return this._expandAll(this.getContainer(node)); }, /** * Collapse the node's children. */ collapseNode: function (node) { let container = this.getContainer(node); container.setExpanded(false); }, /** * Returns either the innerHTML or the outerHTML for a remote node. * * @param {NodeFront} node * The NodeFront to get the outerHTML / innerHTML for. * @param {Boolean} isOuter * If true, makes the function return the outerHTML, * otherwise the innerHTML. * @return {Promise} that will be resolved with the outerHTML / innerHTML. */ _getNodeHTML: function (node, isOuter) { let walkerPromise = null; if (isOuter) { walkerPromise = this.walker.outerHTML(node); } else { walkerPromise = this.walker.innerHTML(node); } return walkerPromise.then(longstr => { return longstr.string().then(html => { longstr.release().then(null, console.error); return html; }); }); }, /** * Retrieve the outerHTML for a remote node. * * @param {NodeFront} node * The NodeFront to get the outerHTML for. * @return {Promise} that will be resolved with the outerHTML. */ getNodeOuterHTML: function (node) { return this._getNodeHTML(node, true); }, /** * Retrieve the innerHTML for a remote node. * * @param {NodeFront} node * The NodeFront to get the innerHTML for. * @return {Promise} that will be resolved with the innerHTML. */ getNodeInnerHTML: function (node) { return this._getNodeHTML(node); }, /** * Listen to mutations, expect a given node to be removed and try and select * the node that sits at the same place instead. * This is useful when changing the outerHTML or the tag name so that the * newly inserted node gets selected instead of the one that just got removed. */ reselectOnRemoved: function (removedNode, reason) { // Only allow one removed node reselection at a time, so that when there are // more than 1 request in parallel, the last one wins. this.cancelReselectOnRemoved(); // Get the removedNode index in its parent node to reselect the right node. let isHTMLTag = removedNode.tagName.toLowerCase() === "html"; let oldContainer = this.getContainer(removedNode); let parentContainer = this.getContainer(removedNode.parentNode()); let childIndex = parentContainer.getChildContainers().indexOf(oldContainer); let onMutations = this._removedNodeObserver = (e, mutations) => { let isNodeRemovalMutation = false; for (let mutation of mutations) { let containsRemovedNode = mutation.removed && mutation.removed.some(n => n === removedNode); if (mutation.type === "childList" && (containsRemovedNode || isHTMLTag)) { isNodeRemovalMutation = true; break; } } if (!isNodeRemovalMutation) { return; } this.inspector.off("markupmutation", onMutations); this._removedNodeObserver = null; // Don't select the new node if the user has already changed the current // selection. if (this.inspector.selection.nodeFront === parentContainer.node || (this.inspector.selection.nodeFront === removedNode && isHTMLTag)) { let childContainers = parentContainer.getChildContainers(); if (childContainers && childContainers[childIndex]) { this.markNodeAsSelected(childContainers[childIndex].node, reason); if (childContainers[childIndex].hasChildren) { this.expandNode(childContainers[childIndex].node); } this.emit("reselectedonremoved"); } } }; // Start listening for mutations until we find a childList change that has // removedNode removed. this.inspector.on("markupmutation", onMutations); }, /** * Make sure to stop listening for node removal markupmutations and not * reselect the corresponding node when that happens. * Useful when the outerHTML/tagname edition failed. */ cancelReselectOnRemoved: function () { if (this._removedNodeObserver) { this.inspector.off("markupmutation", this._removedNodeObserver); this._removedNodeObserver = null; this.emit("canceledreselectonremoved"); } }, /** * Replace the outerHTML of any node displayed in the inspector with * some other HTML code * * @param {NodeFront} node * Node which outerHTML will be replaced. * @param {String} newValue * The new outerHTML to set on the node. * @param {String} oldValue * The old outerHTML that will be used if the user undoes the update. * @return {Promise} that will resolve when the outer HTML has been updated. */ updateNodeOuterHTML: function (node, newValue) { let container = this.getContainer(node); if (!container) { return promise.reject(); } // Changing the outerHTML removes the node which outerHTML was changed. // Listen to this removal to reselect the right node afterwards. this.reselectOnRemoved(node, "outerhtml"); return this.walker.setOuterHTML(node, newValue).then(null, () => { this.cancelReselectOnRemoved(); }); }, /** * Replace the innerHTML of any node displayed in the inspector with * some other HTML code * @param {Node} node * node which innerHTML will be replaced. * @param {String} newValue * The new innerHTML to set on the node. * @param {String} oldValue * The old innerHTML that will be used if the user undoes the update. * @return {Promise} that will resolve when the inner HTML has been updated. */ updateNodeInnerHTML: function (node, newValue, oldValue) { let container = this.getContainer(node); if (!container) { return promise.reject(); } let def = defer(); container.undo.do(() => { this.walker.setInnerHTML(node, newValue).then(def.resolve, def.reject); }, () => { this.walker.setInnerHTML(node, oldValue); }); return def.promise; }, /** * Insert adjacent HTML to any node displayed in the inspector. * * @param {NodeFront} node * The reference node. * @param {String} position * The position as specified for Element.insertAdjacentHTML * (i.e. "beforeBegin", "afterBegin", "beforeEnd", "afterEnd"). * @param {String} newValue * The adjacent HTML. * @return {Promise} that will resolve when the adjacent HTML has * been inserted. */ insertAdjacentHTMLToNode: function (node, position, value) { let container = this.getContainer(node); if (!container) { return promise.reject(); } let def = defer(); let injectedNodes = []; container.undo.do(() => { this.walker.insertAdjacentHTML(node, position, value).then(nodeArray => { injectedNodes = nodeArray.nodes; return nodeArray; }).then(def.resolve, def.reject); }, () => { this.walker.removeNodes(injectedNodes); }); return def.promise; }, /** * Open an editor in the UI to allow editing of a node's outerHTML. * * @param {NodeFront} node * The NodeFront to edit. */ beginEditingOuterHTML: function (node) { this.getNodeOuterHTML(node).then(oldValue => { let container = this.getContainer(node); if (!container) { return; } this.htmlEditor.show(container.tagLine, oldValue); this.htmlEditor.once("popuphidden", (e, commit, value) => { // Need to focus the element instead of the frame / window // in order to give keyboard focus back to doc (from editor). this.doc.documentElement.focus(); if (commit) { this.updateNodeOuterHTML(node, value, oldValue); } }); }); }, /** * Mark the given node expanded. * * @param {NodeFront} node * The NodeFront to mark as expanded. * @param {Boolean} expanded * Whether the expand or collapse. * @param {Boolean} expandDescendants * Whether to expand all descendants too */ setNodeExpanded: function (node, expanded, expandDescendants) { if (expanded) { if (expandDescendants) { this.expandAll(node); } else { this.expandNode(node); } } else { this.collapseNode(node); } }, /** * Mark the given node selected, and update the inspector.selection * object's NodeFront to keep consistent state between UI and selection. * * @param {NodeFront} aNode * The NodeFront to mark as selected. * @param {String} reason * The reason for marking the node as selected. * @return {Boolean} False if the node is already marked as selected, true * otherwise. */ markNodeAsSelected: function (node, reason) { let container = this.getContainer(node); if (this._selectedContainer === container) { return false; } // Un-select and remove focus from the previous container. if (this._selectedContainer) { this._selectedContainer.selected = false; this._selectedContainer.clearFocus(); } // Select the new container. this._selectedContainer = container; if (node) { this._selectedContainer.selected = true; } // Change the current selection if needed. if (this.inspector.selection.nodeFront !== node) { this.inspector.selection.setNodeFront(node, reason || "nodeselected"); } return true; }, /** * Make sure that every ancestor of the selection are updated * and included in the list of visible children. */ _ensureVisible: function (node) { while (node) { let container = this.getContainer(node); let parent = node.parentNode(); if (!container.elt.parentNode) { let parentContainer = this.getContainer(parent); if (parentContainer) { parentContainer.childrenDirty = true; this._updateChildren(parentContainer, {expand: true}); } } node = parent; } return this._waitForChildren(); }, /** * Unmark selected node (no node selected). */ unmarkSelectedNode: function () { if (this._selectedContainer) { this._selectedContainer.selected = false; this._selectedContainer = null; } }, /** * Check if the current selection is a descendent of the container. * if so, make sure it's among the visible set for the container, * and set the dirty flag if needed. * * @return The node that should be made visible, if any. */ _checkSelectionVisible: function (container) { let centered = null; let node = this.inspector.selection.nodeFront; while (node) { if (node.parentNode() === container.node) { centered = node; break; } node = node.parentNode(); } return centered; }, /** * Make sure all children of the given container's node are * imported and attached to the container in the right order. * * Children need to be updated only in the following circumstances: * a) We just imported this node and have never seen its children. * container.childrenDirty will be set by importNode in this case. * b) We received a childList mutation on the node. * container.childrenDirty will be set in that case too. * c) We have changed the selection, and the path to that selection * wasn't loaded in a previous children request (because we only * grab a subset). * container.childrenDirty should be set in that case too! * * @param {MarkupContainer} container * The markup container whose children need updating * @param {Object} options * Options are {expand:boolean,flash:boolean} * @return {Promise} that will be resolved when the children are ready * (which may be immediately). */ _updateChildren: function (container, options) { let expand = options && options.expand; let flash = options && options.flash; container.hasChildren = container.node.hasChildren; // Accessibility should either ignore empty children or semantically // consider them a group. container.setChildrenRole(); if (!this._queuedChildUpdates) { this._queuedChildUpdates = new Map(); } if (this._queuedChildUpdates.has(container)) { return this._queuedChildUpdates.get(container); } if (!container.childrenDirty) { return promise.resolve(container); } if (container.inlineTextChild && container.inlineTextChild != container.node.inlineTextChild) { // This container was doing double duty as a container for a single // text child, back that out. this._containers.delete(container.inlineTextChild); container.clearInlineTextChild(); if (container.hasChildren && container.selected) { container.setExpanded(true); } } if (container.node.inlineTextChild) { container.setExpanded(false); // this container will do double duty as the container for the single // text child. while (container.children.firstChild) { container.children.removeChild(container.children.firstChild); } container.setInlineTextChild(container.node.inlineTextChild); this._containers.set(container.node.inlineTextChild, container); container.childrenDirty = false; return promise.resolve(container); } if (!container.hasChildren) { while (container.children.firstChild) { container.children.removeChild(container.children.firstChild); } container.childrenDirty = false; container.setExpanded(false); return promise.resolve(container); } // If we're not expanded (or asked to update anyway), we're done for // now. Note that this will leave the childrenDirty flag set, so when // expanded we'll refresh the child list. if (!(container.expanded || expand)) { return promise.resolve(container); } // We're going to issue a children request, make sure it includes the // centered node. let centered = this._checkSelectionVisible(container); // Children aren't updated yet, but clear the childrenDirty flag anyway. // If the dirty flag is re-set while we're fetching we'll need to fetch // again. container.childrenDirty = false; let updatePromise = this._getVisibleChildren(container, centered).then(children => { if (!this._containers) { return promise.reject("markup view destroyed"); } this._queuedChildUpdates.delete(container); // If children are dirty, we got a change notification for this node // while the request was in progress, we need to do it again. if (container.childrenDirty) { return this._updateChildren(container, {expand: centered}); } let fragment = this.doc.createDocumentFragment(); for (let child of children.nodes) { let childContainer = this.importNode(child, flash); fragment.appendChild(childContainer.elt); } while (container.children.firstChild) { container.children.removeChild(container.children.firstChild); } if (!(children.hasFirst && children.hasLast)) { let nodesCount = container.node.numChildren; let showAllString = PluralForm.get(nodesCount, INSPECTOR_L10N.getStr("markupView.more.showAll2")); let data = { showing: INSPECTOR_L10N.getStr("markupView.more.showing"), showAll: showAllString.replace("#1", nodesCount), allButtonClick: () => { container.maxChildren = -1; container.childrenDirty = true; this._updateChildren(container); } }; if (!children.hasFirst) { let span = this.template("more-nodes", data); fragment.insertBefore(span, fragment.firstChild); } if (!children.hasLast) { let span = this.template("more-nodes", data); fragment.appendChild(span); } } container.children.appendChild(fragment); return container; }).catch(this._handleRejectionIfNotDestroyed); this._queuedChildUpdates.set(container, updatePromise); return updatePromise; }, _waitForChildren: function () { if (!this._queuedChildUpdates) { return promise.resolve(undefined); } return promise.all([...this._queuedChildUpdates.values()]); }, /** * Return a list of the children to display for this container. */ _getVisibleChildren: function (container, centered) { let maxChildren = container.maxChildren || this.maxChildren; if (maxChildren == -1) { maxChildren = undefined; } return this.walker.children(container.node, { maxNodes: maxChildren, center: centered }); }, /** * Tear down the markup panel. */ destroy: function () { if (this._destroyer) { return this._destroyer; } this._destroyer = promise.resolve(); this._clearBriefBoxModelTimer(); this._hoveredNode = null; this.htmlEditor.destroy(); this.htmlEditor = null; this.undo.destroy(); this.undo = null; this.popup.destroy(); this.popup = null; this._elt.removeEventListener("click", this._onMouseClick, false); this._elt.removeEventListener("mousemove", this._onMouseMove, false); this._elt.removeEventListener("mouseout", this._onMouseOut, false); this._elt.removeEventListener("blur", this._onBlur, true); this.win.removeEventListener("mouseup", this._onMouseUp); this.win.removeEventListener("copy", this._onCopy); this._frame.removeEventListener("focus", this._onFocus, false); this.walker.off("mutations", this._mutationObserver); this.walker.off("display-change", this._onDisplayChange); this.inspector.selection.off("new-node-front", this._onNewSelection); this.toolbox.off("picker-node-hovered", this._onToolboxPickerHover); this._prefObserver.off(ATTR_COLLAPSE_ENABLED_PREF, this._onCollapseAttributesPrefChange); this._prefObserver.off(ATTR_COLLAPSE_LENGTH_PREF, this._onCollapseAttributesPrefChange); this._prefObserver.destroy(); this._elt = null; for (let [, container] of this._containers) { container.destroy(); } this._containers = null; this.eventDetailsTooltip.destroy(); this.eventDetailsTooltip = null; this.imagePreviewTooltip.destroy(); this.imagePreviewTooltip = null; this.win = null; this.doc = null; this._lastDropTarget = null; this._lastDragTarget = null; return this._destroyer; }, /** * Find the closest element with class tag-line. These are used to indicate * drag and drop targets. * * @param {DOMNode} el * @return {DOMNode} */ findClosestDragDropTarget: function (el) { return el.classList.contains("tag-line") ? el : el.querySelector(".tag-line") || el.closest(".tag-line"); }, /** * Takes an element as it's only argument and marks the element * as the drop target */ indicateDropTarget: function (el) { if (this._lastDropTarget) { this._lastDropTarget.classList.remove("drop-target"); } if (!el) { return; } let target = this.findClosestDragDropTarget(el); if (target) { target.classList.add("drop-target"); this._lastDropTarget = target; } }, /** * Takes an element to mark it as indicator of dragging target's initial place */ indicateDragTarget: function (el) { if (this._lastDragTarget) { this._lastDragTarget.classList.remove("drag-target"); } if (!el) { return; } let target = this.findClosestDragDropTarget(el); if (target) { target.classList.add("drag-target"); this._lastDragTarget = target; } }, /** * Used to get the nodes required to modify the markup after dragging the * element (parent/nextSibling). */ get dropTargetNodes() { let target = this._lastDropTarget; if (!target) { return null; } let parent, nextSibling; if (target.previousElementSibling && target.previousElementSibling.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "ul") { parent = target.parentNode.container.node; nextSibling = null; } else { parent = target.parentNode.container.node.parentNode(); nextSibling = target.parentNode.container.node; } if (nextSibling && nextSibling.isBeforePseudoElement) { nextSibling = target.parentNode.parentNode.children[1].container.node; } if (nextSibling && nextSibling.isAfterPseudoElement) { parent = target.parentNode.container.node.parentNode(); nextSibling = null; } if (parent.nodeType !== nodeConstants.ELEMENT_NODE) { return null; } return {parent, nextSibling}; } }; /** * Map a number from one range to another. */ function map(value, oldMin, oldMax, newMin, newMax) { let ratio = oldMax - oldMin; if (ratio == 0) { return value; } return newMin + (newMax - newMin) * ((value - oldMin) / ratio); } module.exports = MarkupView;