/* vim: set ft=javascript ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Checking selector counts, matched rules and titles in the computed-view. const {PropertyView} = require("devtools/client/inspector/computed/computed"); const TEST_URI = URL_ROOT + "doc_matched_selectors.html"; add_task(function* () { yield addTab(TEST_URI); let {inspector, view} = yield openComputedView(); yield selectNode("#test", inspector); yield testMatchedSelectors(view, inspector); }); function* testMatchedSelectors(view, inspector) { info("checking selector counts, matched rules and titles"); let nodeFront = yield getNodeFront("#test", inspector); is(nodeFront, view._viewedElement, "style inspector node matches the selected node"); let propertyView = new PropertyView(view, "color"); propertyView.buildMain(); propertyView.buildSelectorContainer(); propertyView.matchedExpanded = true; yield propertyView.refreshMatchedSelectors(); let numMatchedSelectors = propertyView.matchedSelectors.length; is(numMatchedSelectors, 6, "CssLogic returns the correct number of matched selectors for div"); is(propertyView.hasMatchedSelectors, true, "hasMatchedSelectors returns true"); }