/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Tests various output of the computed-view's getNodeInfo method. // This method is used by the HighlightersOverlay and TooltipsOverlay on mouseover to // decide which highlighter or tooltip to show when hovering over a value/name/selector // if any. // // For instance, browser_ruleview_selector-highlighter_01.js and // browser_ruleview_selector-highlighter_02.js test that the selector // highlighter appear when hovering over a selector in the rule-view. // Since the code to make this work for the computed-view is 90% the same, // there is no need for testing it again here. // This test however serves as a unit test for getNodeInfo. const { VIEW_NODE_SELECTOR_TYPE, VIEW_NODE_PROPERTY_TYPE, VIEW_NODE_VALUE_TYPE, VIEW_NODE_IMAGE_URL_TYPE } = require("devtools/client/inspector/shared/node-types"); const TEST_URI = `
Test element
`; // Each item in this array must have the following properties: // - desc {String} will be logged for information // - getHoveredNode {Generator Function} received the computed-view instance as // argument and must return the node to be tested // - assertNodeInfo {Function} should check the validity of the nodeInfo // argument it receives const TEST_DATA = [ { desc: "Testing a null node", getHoveredNode: function* () { return null; }, assertNodeInfo: function (nodeInfo) { is(nodeInfo, null); } }, { desc: "Testing a useless node", getHoveredNode: function* (view) { return view.element; }, assertNodeInfo: function (nodeInfo) { is(nodeInfo, null); } }, { desc: "Testing a property name", getHoveredNode: function* (view) { return getComputedViewProperty(view, "color").nameSpan; }, assertNodeInfo: function (nodeInfo) { is(nodeInfo.type, VIEW_NODE_PROPERTY_TYPE); ok("property" in nodeInfo.value); ok("value" in nodeInfo.value); is(nodeInfo.value.property, "color"); is(nodeInfo.value.value, "rgb(255, 0, 0)"); } }, { desc: "Testing a property value", getHoveredNode: function* (view) { return getComputedViewProperty(view, "color").valueSpan; }, assertNodeInfo: function (nodeInfo) { is(nodeInfo.type, VIEW_NODE_VALUE_TYPE); ok("property" in nodeInfo.value); ok("value" in nodeInfo.value); is(nodeInfo.value.property, "color"); is(nodeInfo.value.value, "rgb(255, 0, 0)"); } }, { desc: "Testing an image url", getHoveredNode: function* (view) { let {valueSpan} = getComputedViewProperty(view, "background-image"); return valueSpan.querySelector(".theme-link"); }, assertNodeInfo: function (nodeInfo) { is(nodeInfo.type, VIEW_NODE_IMAGE_URL_TYPE); ok("property" in nodeInfo.value); ok("value" in nodeInfo.value); is(nodeInfo.value.property, "background-image"); is(nodeInfo.value.value, "url(\"chrome://global/skin/icons/warning-64.png\")"); is(nodeInfo.value.url, "chrome://global/skin/icons/warning-64.png"); } }, { desc: "Testing a matched rule selector (bestmatch)", getHoveredNode: function* (view) { let el = yield getComputedViewMatchedRules(view, "background-color"); return el.querySelector(".bestmatch"); }, assertNodeInfo: function (nodeInfo) { is(nodeInfo.type, VIEW_NODE_SELECTOR_TYPE); is(nodeInfo.value, "div div"); } }, { desc: "Testing a matched rule selector (matched)", getHoveredNode: function* (view) { let el = yield getComputedViewMatchedRules(view, "background-color"); return el.querySelector(".matched"); }, assertNodeInfo: function (nodeInfo) { is(nodeInfo.type, VIEW_NODE_SELECTOR_TYPE); is(nodeInfo.value, "div"); } }, { desc: "Testing a matched rule selector (parentmatch)", getHoveredNode: function* (view) { let el = yield getComputedViewMatchedRules(view, "color"); return el.querySelector(".parentmatch"); }, assertNodeInfo: function (nodeInfo) { is(nodeInfo.type, VIEW_NODE_SELECTOR_TYPE); is(nodeInfo.value, "body"); } }, { desc: "Testing a matched rule value", getHoveredNode: function* (view) { let el = yield getComputedViewMatchedRules(view, "color"); return el.querySelector(".other-property-value"); }, assertNodeInfo: function (nodeInfo) { is(nodeInfo.type, VIEW_NODE_VALUE_TYPE); is(nodeInfo.value.property, "color"); is(nodeInfo.value.value, "red"); } }, { desc: "Testing a matched rule stylesheet link", getHoveredNode: function* (view) { let el = yield getComputedViewMatchedRules(view, "color"); return el.querySelector(".rule-link .theme-link"); }, assertNodeInfo: function (nodeInfo) { is(nodeInfo, null); } } ]; add_task(function* () { yield addTab("data:text/html;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(TEST_URI)); let {inspector, view} = yield openComputedView(); yield selectNode("#testElement", inspector); for (let {desc, getHoveredNode, assertNodeInfo} of TEST_DATA) { info(desc); let nodeInfo = view.getNodeInfo(yield getHoveredNode(view)); assertNodeInfo(nodeInfo); } });