/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Test that the box model view for elements within iframes also updates when they // change add_task(function* () { yield addTab(URL_ROOT + "doc_boxmodel_iframe1.html"); let {inspector, view, testActor} = yield openBoxModelView(); yield testResizingInIframe(inspector, view, testActor); yield testReflowsAfterIframeDeletion(inspector, view, testActor); }); function* testResizingInIframe(inspector, view, testActor) { info("Test that resizing an element in an iframe updates its box model"); info("Selecting the nested test node"); yield selectNodeInIframe2("div", inspector); info("Checking that the box model view shows the right value"); let sizeElt = view.doc.querySelector(".boxmodel-size > span"); is(sizeElt.textContent, "400\u00D7200"); info("Listening for box model view changes and modifying its size"); let onUpdated = waitForUpdate(inspector); yield setStyleInIframe2(testActor, "div", "width", "200px"); yield onUpdated; ok(true, "Box model view got updated"); info("Checking that the box model view shows the right value after update"); is(sizeElt.textContent, "200\u00D7200"); } function* testReflowsAfterIframeDeletion(inspector, view, testActor) { info("Test reflows are still sent to the box model view after deleting an " + "iframe"); info("Deleting the iframe2"); yield removeIframe2(testActor); yield inspector.once("inspector-updated"); info("Selecting the test node in iframe1"); yield selectNodeInIframe1("p", inspector); info("Checking that the box model view shows the right value"); let sizeElt = view.doc.querySelector(".boxmodel-size > span"); is(sizeElt.textContent, "100\u00D7100"); info("Listening for box model view changes and modifying its size"); let onUpdated = waitForUpdate(inspector); yield setStyleInIframe1(testActor, "p", "width", "200px"); yield onUpdated; ok(true, "Box model view got updated"); info("Checking that the box model view shows the right value after update"); is(sizeElt.textContent, "200\u00D7100"); } function* selectNodeInIframe1(selector, inspector) { let iframe1 = yield getNodeFront("iframe", inspector); let node = yield getNodeFrontInFrame(selector, iframe1, inspector); yield selectNode(node, inspector); } function* selectNodeInIframe2(selector, inspector) { let iframe1 = yield getNodeFront("iframe", inspector); let iframe2 = yield getNodeFrontInFrame("iframe", iframe1, inspector); let node = yield getNodeFrontInFrame(selector, iframe2, inspector); yield selectNode(node, inspector); } function* setStyleInIframe1(testActor, selector, propertyName, value) { yield testActor.eval(` content.document.querySelector("iframe") .contentDocument.querySelector("${selector}") .style.${propertyName} = "${value}"; `); } function* setStyleInIframe2(testActor, selector, propertyName, value) { yield testActor.eval(` content.document.querySelector("iframe") .contentDocument .querySelector("iframe") .contentDocument.querySelector("${selector}") .style.${propertyName} = "${value}"; `); } function* removeIframe2(testActor) { yield testActor.eval(` content.document.querySelector("iframe") .contentDocument .querySelector("iframe") .remove(); `); }