/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Test toggling the toolbox with ACCEL+SHIFT+I / ACCEL+ALT+I and F12 in docked // and detached (window) modes. const URL = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,Toggling devtools using shortcuts"; var {Toolbox} = require("devtools/client/framework/toolbox"); add_task(function* () { // Make sure this test starts with the selectedTool pref cleared. Previous // tests select various tools, and that sets this pref. Services.prefs.clearUserPref("devtools.toolbox.selectedTool"); // Test with ACCEL+SHIFT+I / ACCEL+ALT+I (MacOSX) ; modifiers should match : // - toolbox-key-toggle in devtools/client/framework/toolbox-window.xul // - key_devToolboxMenuItem in browser/base/content/browser.xul info("Test toggle using CTRL+SHIFT+I/CMD+ALT+I"); yield testToggle("I", { accelKey: true, shiftKey: !navigator.userAgent.match(/Mac/), altKey: navigator.userAgent.match(/Mac/) }); // Test with F12 ; no modifiers info("Test toggle using F12"); yield testToggle("VK_F12", {}); }); function* testToggle(key, modifiers) { let tab = yield addTab(URL + " ; key : '" + key + "'"); yield gDevTools.showToolbox(TargetFactory.forTab(tab)); yield testToggleDockedToolbox(tab, key, modifiers); yield testToggleDetachedToolbox(tab, key, modifiers); yield cleanup(); } function* testToggleDockedToolbox(tab, key, modifiers) { let toolbox = getToolboxForTab(tab); isnot(toolbox.hostType, Toolbox.HostType.WINDOW, "Toolbox is docked in the main window"); info("verify docked toolbox is destroyed when using toggle key"); let onToolboxDestroyed = once(gDevTools, "toolbox-destroyed"); EventUtils.synthesizeKey(key, modifiers); yield onToolboxDestroyed; ok(true, "Docked toolbox is destroyed when using a toggle key"); info("verify new toolbox is created when using toggle key"); let onToolboxReady = once(gDevTools, "toolbox-ready"); EventUtils.synthesizeKey(key, modifiers); yield onToolboxReady; ok(true, "Toolbox is created by using when toggle key"); } function* testToggleDetachedToolbox(tab, key, modifiers) { let toolbox = getToolboxForTab(tab); info("change the toolbox hostType to WINDOW"); yield toolbox.switchHost(Toolbox.HostType.WINDOW); is(toolbox.hostType, Toolbox.HostType.WINDOW, "Toolbox opened on separate window"); info("Wait for focus on the toolbox window"); yield new Promise(res => waitForFocus(res, toolbox.win)); info("Focus main window to put the toolbox window in the background"); let onMainWindowFocus = once(window, "focus"); window.focus(); yield onMainWindowFocus; ok(true, "Main window focused"); info("Verify windowed toolbox is focused instead of closed when using " + "toggle key from the main window"); let toolboxWindow = toolbox.win.top; let onToolboxWindowFocus = once(toolboxWindow, "focus", true); EventUtils.synthesizeKey(key, modifiers); yield onToolboxWindowFocus; ok(true, "Toolbox focused and not destroyed"); info("Verify windowed toolbox is destroyed when using toggle key from its " + "own window"); let onToolboxDestroyed = once(gDevTools, "toolbox-destroyed"); EventUtils.synthesizeKey(key, modifiers, toolboxWindow); yield onToolboxDestroyed; ok(true, "Toolbox destroyed"); } function getToolboxForTab(tab) { return gDevTools.getToolbox(TargetFactory.forTab(tab)); } function* cleanup() { Services.prefs.setCharPref("devtools.toolbox.host", Toolbox.HostType.BOTTOM); gBrowser.removeCurrentTab(); }