/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ // On debug test runner, it takes about 50s to run the test. requestLongerTimeout(4); const { setInterval, clearInterval } = require("sdk/timers"); add_task(function* runTest() { yield new Promise(done => { let options = {"set": [ ["devtools.debugger.prompt-connection", false], ["devtools.debugger.remote-enabled", true], ["devtools.chrome.enabled", true], // Test-only pref to allow passing `testScript` argument to the browser // toolbox ["devtools.browser-toolbox.allow-unsafe-script", true], // On debug test runner, it takes more than the default time (20s) // to get a initialized console ["devtools.debugger.remote-timeout", 120000] ]}; SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv(options, done); }); let s = Cu.Sandbox("http://mozilla.org"); // Pass a fake URL to evalInSandbox. If we just pass a filename, // Debugger is going to fail and only display root folder (`/`) listing. // But it won't try to fetch this url and use sandbox content as expected. let testUrl = "http://mozilla.org/browser-toolbox-test.js"; Cu.evalInSandbox("(" + function () { this.plop = function plop() { return 1; }; } + ").call(this)", s, "1.8", testUrl, 0); // Execute the function every second in order to trigger the breakpoint let interval = setInterval(s.plop, 1000); // Be careful, this JS function is going to be executed in the browser toolbox, // which lives in another process. So do not try to use any scope variable! let env = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/process/environment;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIEnvironment); let testScript = function () { const { Task } = Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/Task.jsm", {}); dump("Opening the browser toolbox and debugger panel\n"); let window, document; let testUrl = "http://mozilla.org/browser-toolbox-test.js"; Task.spawn(function* () { dump("Waiting for debugger load\n"); let panel = yield toolbox.selectTool("jsdebugger"); let window = panel.panelWin; let document = window.document; yield window.once(window.EVENTS.SOURCE_SHOWN); dump("Loaded, selecting the test script to debug\n"); let item = document.querySelector(`.dbg-source-item[tooltiptext="${testUrl}"]`); let onSourceShown = window.once(window.EVENTS.SOURCE_SHOWN); item.click(); yield onSourceShown; dump("Selected, setting a breakpoint\n"); let { Sources, editor } = window.DebuggerView; let onBreak = window.once(window.EVENTS.FETCHED_SCOPES); editor.emit("gutterClick", 1); yield onBreak; dump("Paused, asserting breakpoint position\n"); let url = Sources.selectedItem.attachment.source.url; if (url != testUrl) { throw new Error("Breaking on unexpected script: " + url); } let cursor = editor.getCursor(); if (cursor.line != 1) { throw new Error("Breaking on unexpected line: " + cursor.line); } dump("Now, stepping over\n"); let stepOver = window.document.querySelector("#step-over"); let onFetchedScopes = window.once(window.EVENTS.FETCHED_SCOPES); stepOver.click(); yield onFetchedScopes; dump("Stepped, asserting step position\n"); url = Sources.selectedItem.attachment.source.url; if (url != testUrl) { throw new Error("Stepping on unexpected script: " + url); } cursor = editor.getCursor(); if (cursor.line != 2) { throw new Error("Stepping on unexpected line: " + cursor.line); } dump("Resume script execution\n"); let resume = window.document.querySelector("#resume"); let onResume = toolbox.target.once("thread-resumed"); resume.click(); yield onResume; dump("Close the browser toolbox\n"); toolbox.destroy(); }).catch(error => { dump("Error while running code in the browser toolbox process:\n"); dump(error + "\n"); dump("stack:\n" + error.stack + "\n"); }); }; env.set("MOZ_TOOLBOX_TEST_SCRIPT", "new " + testScript); registerCleanupFunction(() => { env.set("MOZ_TOOLBOX_TEST_SCRIPT", ""); }); let { BrowserToolboxProcess } = Cu.import("resource://devtools/client/framework/ToolboxProcess.jsm", {}); // Use two promises, one for each BrowserToolboxProcess.init callback // arguments, to ensure that we wait for toolbox run and close events. let closePromise; yield new Promise(onRun => { closePromise = new Promise(onClose => { info("Opening the browser toolbox\n"); BrowserToolboxProcess.init(onClose, onRun); }); }); ok(true, "Browser toolbox started\n"); yield closePromise; ok(true, "Browser toolbox process just closed"); clearInterval(interval); });