/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /** * Make sure that the editing or removing watch expressions works properly. */ const TAB_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "doc_watch-expressions.html"; var gTab, gPanel, gDebugger; var gL10N, gEditor, gVars, gWatch; function test() { let options = { source: TAB_URL, line: 1 }; initDebugger(TAB_URL, options).then(([aTab,, aPanel]) => { gTab = aTab; gPanel = aPanel; gDebugger = gPanel.panelWin; gL10N = gDebugger.L10N; gEditor = gDebugger.DebuggerView.editor; gVars = gDebugger.DebuggerView.Variables; gWatch = gDebugger.DebuggerView.WatchExpressions; promise.all([ waitForDebuggerEvents(gPanel, gDebugger.EVENTS.FETCHED_WATCH_EXPRESSIONS), waitForCaretAndScopes(gPanel, 18)]) .then(() => testInitialVariablesInScope()) .then(() => testInitialExpressionsInScope()) .then(() => testModification("document.title = 42", "document.title = 43", "43", "undefined")) .then(() => testIntegrity1()) .then(() => testModification("aArg", "aArg = 44", "44", "44")) .then(() => testIntegrity2()) .then(() => testModification("aArg = 44", "\ \t\r\ndocument.title\ \t\r\n", "\"43\"", "44")) .then(() => testIntegrity3()) .then(() => testModification("document.title = 43", "\ \t\r\ndocument.title\ \t\r\n", "\"43\"", "44")) .then(() => testIntegrity4()) .then(() => testModification("document.title", "\ \t\r\n", "\"43\"", "44")) .then(() => testIntegrity5()) .then(() => testExprDeletion("this", "44")) .then(() => testIntegrity6()) .then(() => testExprFinalDeletion("ermahgerd", "44")) .then(() => testIntegrity7()) .then(() => resumeDebuggerThenCloseAndFinish(gPanel)) .then(null, aError => { ok(false, "Got an error: " + aError.message + "\n" + aError.stack); }); addExpressions(); callInTab(gTab, "ermahgerd"); }); } function addExpressions() { addExpression("this"); addExpression("ermahgerd"); addExpression("aArg"); addExpression("document.title"); addCmdExpression("document.title = 42"); is(gWatch.itemCount, 5, "There should be 5 items availalble in the watch expressions view."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(4).attachment.initialExpression, "this", "The first expression's initial value should be correct."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(3).attachment.initialExpression, "ermahgerd", "The second expression's initial value should be correct."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(2).attachment.initialExpression, "aArg", "The third expression's initial value should be correct."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(1).attachment.initialExpression, "document.title", "The fourth expression's initial value should be correct."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(0).attachment.initialExpression, "document.title = 42", "The fifth expression's initial value should be correct."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(4).attachment.currentExpression, "this", "The first expression's current value should be correct."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(3).attachment.currentExpression, "ermahgerd", "The second expression's current value should be correct."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(2).attachment.currentExpression, "aArg", "The third expression's current value should be correct."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(1).attachment.currentExpression, "document.title", "The fourth expression's current value should be correct."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(0).attachment.currentExpression, "document.title = 42", "The fifth expression's current value should be correct."); } function testInitialVariablesInScope() { let localScope = gVars.getScopeAtIndex(1); let argVar = localScope.get("aArg"); is(argVar.visible, true, "Should have the right visibility state for 'aArg'."); is(argVar.name, "aArg", "Should have the right name for 'aArg'."); is(argVar.value.type, "undefined", "Should have the right initial value for 'aArg'."); } function testInitialExpressionsInScope() { let exprScope = gVars.getScopeAtIndex(0); let thisExpr = exprScope.get("this"); let ermExpr = exprScope.get("ermahgerd"); let argExpr = exprScope.get("aArg"); let docExpr = exprScope.get("document.title"); let docExpr2 = exprScope.get("document.title = 42"); ok(exprScope, "There should be a wach expressions scope in the variables view."); is(exprScope.name, gL10N.getStr("watchExpressionsScopeLabel"), "The scope's name should be marked as 'Watch Expressions'."); is(exprScope._store.size, 5, "There should be 5 evaluations available."); is(thisExpr.visible, true, "Should have the right visibility state for 'this'."); is(thisExpr.target.querySelectorAll(".variables-view-delete").length, 1, "Should have the one close button visible for 'this'."); is(thisExpr.name, "this", "Should have the right name for 'this'."); is(thisExpr.value.type, "object", "Should have the right value type for 'this'."); is(thisExpr.value.class, "Window", "Should have the right value type for 'this'."); is(ermExpr.visible, true, "Should have the right visibility state for 'ermahgerd'."); is(ermExpr.target.querySelectorAll(".variables-view-delete").length, 1, "Should have the one close button visible for 'ermahgerd'."); is(ermExpr.name, "ermahgerd", "Should have the right name for 'ermahgerd'."); is(ermExpr.value.type, "object", "Should have the right value type for 'ermahgerd'."); is(ermExpr.value.class, "Function", "Should have the right value type for 'ermahgerd'."); is(argExpr.visible, true, "Should have the right visibility state for 'aArg'."); is(argExpr.target.querySelectorAll(".variables-view-delete").length, 1, "Should have the one close button visible for 'aArg'."); is(argExpr.name, "aArg", "Should have the right name for 'aArg'."); is(argExpr.value.type, "undefined", "Should have the right value for 'aArg'."); is(docExpr.visible, true, "Should have the right visibility state for 'document.title'."); is(docExpr.target.querySelectorAll(".variables-view-delete").length, 1, "Should have the one close button visible for 'document.title'."); is(docExpr.name, "document.title", "Should have the right name for 'document.title'."); is(docExpr.value, "42", "Should have the right value for 'document.title'."); is(docExpr2.visible, true, "Should have the right visibility state for 'document.title = 42'."); is(docExpr2.target.querySelectorAll(".variables-view-delete").length, 1, "Should have the one close button visible for 'document.title = 42'."); is(docExpr2.name, "document.title = 42", "Should have the right name for 'document.title = 42'."); is(docExpr2.value, 42, "Should have the right value for 'document.title = 42'."); is(gDebugger.document.querySelectorAll(".dbg-expression[hidden=true]").length, 5, "There should be 5 hidden nodes in the watch expressions container."); is(gDebugger.document.querySelectorAll(".dbg-expression:not([hidden=true])").length, 0, "There should be 0 visible nodes in the watch expressions container."); } function testModification(aName, aNewValue, aNewResult, aArgResult) { let exprScope = gVars.getScopeAtIndex(0); let exprVar = exprScope.get(aName); let finished = promise.all([ waitForDebuggerEvents(gPanel, gDebugger.EVENTS.FETCHED_SCOPES), waitForDebuggerEvents(gPanel, gDebugger.EVENTS.FETCHED_WATCH_EXPRESSIONS) ]) .then(() => { let localScope = gVars.getScopeAtIndex(1); let argVar = localScope.get("aArg"); is(argVar.visible, true, "Should have the right visibility state for 'aArg'."); is(argVar.target.querySelector(".name").getAttribute("value"), "aArg", "Should have the right name for 'aArg'."); is(argVar.target.querySelector(".value").getAttribute("value"), aArgResult, "Should have the right new value for 'aArg'."); let exprScope = gVars.getScopeAtIndex(0); let exprOldVar = exprScope.get(aName); let exprNewVar = exprScope.get(aNewValue.trim()); if (!aNewValue.trim()) { ok(!exprOldVar, "The old watch expression should have been removed."); ok(!exprNewVar, "No new watch expression should have been added."); } else { ok(!exprOldVar, "The old watch expression should have been removed."); ok(exprNewVar, "The new watch expression should have been added."); is(exprNewVar.visible, true, "Should have the right visibility state for the watch expression."); is(exprNewVar.target.querySelector(".name").getAttribute("value"), aNewValue.trim(), "Should have the right name for the watch expression."); is(exprNewVar.target.querySelector(".value").getAttribute("value"), aNewResult, "Should have the right new value for the watch expression."); } }); let varValue = exprVar.target.querySelector(".title > .name"); EventUtils.sendMouseEvent({ type: "dblclick" }, varValue, gDebugger); let varInput = exprVar.target.querySelector(".title > .element-name-input"); setText(varInput, aNewValue); EventUtils.sendKey("RETURN", gDebugger); return finished; } function testExprDeletion(aName, aArgResult) { let exprScope = gVars.getScopeAtIndex(0); let exprVar = exprScope.get(aName); let finished = promise.all([ waitForDebuggerEvents(gPanel, gDebugger.EVENTS.FETCHED_SCOPES), waitForDebuggerEvents(gPanel, gDebugger.EVENTS.FETCHED_WATCH_EXPRESSIONS) ]) .then(() => { let localScope = gVars.getScopeAtIndex(1); let argVar = localScope.get("aArg"); is(argVar.visible, true, "Should have the right visibility state for 'aArg'."); is(argVar.target.querySelector(".name").getAttribute("value"), "aArg", "Should have the right name for 'aArg'."); is(argVar.target.querySelector(".value").getAttribute("value"), aArgResult, "Should have the right new value for 'aArg'."); let exprScope = gVars.getScopeAtIndex(0); let exprOldVar = exprScope.get(aName); ok(!exprOldVar, "The watch expression should have been deleted."); }); let varDelete = exprVar.target.querySelector(".variables-view-delete"); EventUtils.sendMouseEvent({ type: "click" }, varDelete, gDebugger); return finished; } function testExprFinalDeletion(aName, aArgResult) { let exprScope = gVars.getScopeAtIndex(0); let exprVar = exprScope.get(aName); let finished = waitForDebuggerEvents(gPanel, gDebugger.EVENTS.FETCHED_SCOPES).then(() => { let localScope = gVars.getScopeAtIndex(0); let argVar = localScope.get("aArg"); is(argVar.visible, true, "Should have the right visibility state for 'aArg'."); is(argVar.target.querySelector(".name").getAttribute("value"), "aArg", "Should have the right name for 'aArg'."); is(argVar.target.querySelector(".value").getAttribute("value"), aArgResult, "Should have the right new value for 'aArg'."); let exprScope = gVars.getScopeAtIndex(0); let exprOldVar = exprScope.get(aName); ok(!exprOldVar, "The watch expression should have been deleted."); }); let varDelete = exprVar.target.querySelector(".variables-view-delete"); EventUtils.sendMouseEvent({ type: "click" }, varDelete, gDebugger); return finished; } function testIntegrity1() { is(gDebugger.document.querySelectorAll(".dbg-expression[hidden=true]").length, 5, "There should be 5 hidden nodes in the watch expressions container."); is(gDebugger.document.querySelectorAll(".dbg-expression:not([hidden=true])").length, 0, "There should be 0 visible nodes in the watch expressions container."); let exprScope = gVars.getScopeAtIndex(0); ok(exprScope, "There should be a wach expressions scope in the variables view."); is(exprScope.name, gL10N.getStr("watchExpressionsScopeLabel"), "The scope's name should be marked as 'Watch Expressions'."); is(exprScope._store.size, 5, "There should be 5 visible evaluations available."); is(gWatch.itemCount, 5, "There should be 5 hidden expression input available."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(0).attachment.view.inputNode.value, "document.title = 43", "The first textbox input value is not the correct one."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(0).attachment.currentExpression, "document.title = 43", "The first textbox input value is not the correct one."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(1).attachment.view.inputNode.value, "document.title", "The second textbox input value is not the correct one."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(1).attachment.currentExpression, "document.title", "The second textbox input value is not the correct one."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(2).attachment.view.inputNode.value, "aArg", "The third textbox input value is not the correct one."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(2).attachment.currentExpression, "aArg", "The third textbox input value is not the correct one."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(3).attachment.view.inputNode.value, "ermahgerd", "The fourth textbox input value is not the correct one."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(3).attachment.currentExpression, "ermahgerd", "The fourth textbox input value is not the correct one."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(4).attachment.view.inputNode.value, "this", "The fifth textbox input value is not the correct one."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(4).attachment.currentExpression, "this", "The fifth textbox input value is not the correct one."); } function testIntegrity2() { is(gDebugger.document.querySelectorAll(".dbg-expression[hidden=true]").length, 5, "There should be 5 hidden nodes in the watch expressions container."); is(gDebugger.document.querySelectorAll(".dbg-expression:not([hidden=true])").length, 0, "There should be 0 visible nodes in the watch expressions container."); let exprScope = gVars.getScopeAtIndex(0); ok(exprScope, "There should be a wach expressions scope in the variables view."); is(exprScope.name, gL10N.getStr("watchExpressionsScopeLabel"), "The scope's name should be marked as 'Watch Expressions'."); is(exprScope._store.size, 5, "There should be 5 visible evaluations available."); is(gWatch.itemCount, 5, "There should be 5 hidden expression input available."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(0).attachment.view.inputNode.value, "document.title = 43", "The first textbox input value is not the correct one."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(0).attachment.currentExpression, "document.title = 43", "The first textbox input value is not the correct one."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(1).attachment.view.inputNode.value, "document.title", "The second textbox input value is not the correct one."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(1).attachment.currentExpression, "document.title", "The second textbox input value is not the correct one."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(2).attachment.view.inputNode.value, "aArg = 44", "The third textbox input value is not the correct one."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(2).attachment.currentExpression, "aArg = 44", "The third textbox input value is not the correct one."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(3).attachment.view.inputNode.value, "ermahgerd", "The fourth textbox input value is not the correct one."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(3).attachment.currentExpression, "ermahgerd", "The fourth textbox input value is not the correct one."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(4).attachment.view.inputNode.value, "this", "The fifth textbox input value is not the correct one."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(4).attachment.currentExpression, "this", "The fifth textbox input value is not the correct one."); } function testIntegrity3() { is(gDebugger.document.querySelectorAll(".dbg-expression[hidden=true]").length, 4, "There should be 4 hidden nodes in the watch expressions container."); is(gDebugger.document.querySelectorAll(".dbg-expression:not([hidden=true])").length, 0, "There should be 0 visible nodes in the watch expressions container."); let exprScope = gVars.getScopeAtIndex(0); ok(exprScope, "There should be a wach expressions scope in the variables view."); is(exprScope.name, gL10N.getStr("watchExpressionsScopeLabel"), "The scope's name should be marked as 'Watch Expressions'."); is(exprScope._store.size, 4, "There should be 4 visible evaluations available."); is(gWatch.itemCount, 4, "There should be 4 hidden expression input available."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(0).attachment.view.inputNode.value, "document.title = 43", "The first textbox input value is not the correct one."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(0).attachment.currentExpression, "document.title = 43", "The first textbox input value is not the correct one."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(1).attachment.view.inputNode.value, "document.title", "The second textbox input value is not the correct one."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(1).attachment.currentExpression, "document.title", "The second textbox input value is not the correct one."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(2).attachment.view.inputNode.value, "ermahgerd", "The third textbox input value is not the correct one."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(2).attachment.currentExpression, "ermahgerd", "The third textbox input value is not the correct one."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(3).attachment.view.inputNode.value, "this", "The fourth textbox input value is not the correct one."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(3).attachment.currentExpression, "this", "The fourth textbox input value is not the correct one."); } function testIntegrity4() { is(gDebugger.document.querySelectorAll(".dbg-expression[hidden=true]").length, 3, "There should be 3 hidden nodes in the watch expressions container."); is(gDebugger.document.querySelectorAll(".dbg-expression:not([hidden=true])").length, 0, "There should be 0 visible nodes in the watch expressions container."); let exprScope = gVars.getScopeAtIndex(0); ok(exprScope, "There should be a wach expressions scope in the variables view."); is(exprScope.name, gL10N.getStr("watchExpressionsScopeLabel"), "The scope's name should be marked as 'Watch Expressions'."); is(exprScope._store.size, 3, "There should be 3 visible evaluations available."); is(gWatch.itemCount, 3, "There should be 3 hidden expression input available."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(0).attachment.view.inputNode.value, "document.title", "The first textbox input value is not the correct one."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(0).attachment.currentExpression, "document.title", "The first textbox input value is not the correct one."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(1).attachment.view.inputNode.value, "ermahgerd", "The second textbox input value is not the correct one."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(1).attachment.currentExpression, "ermahgerd", "The second textbox input value is not the correct one."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(2).attachment.view.inputNode.value, "this", "The third textbox input value is not the correct one."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(2).attachment.currentExpression, "this", "The third textbox input value is not the correct one."); } function testIntegrity5() { is(gDebugger.document.querySelectorAll(".dbg-expression[hidden=true]").length, 2, "There should be 2 hidden nodes in the watch expressions container."); is(gDebugger.document.querySelectorAll(".dbg-expression:not([hidden=true])").length, 0, "There should be 0 visible nodes in the watch expressions container."); let exprScope = gVars.getScopeAtIndex(0); ok(exprScope, "There should be a wach expressions scope in the variables view."); is(exprScope.name, gL10N.getStr("watchExpressionsScopeLabel"), "The scope's name should be marked as 'Watch Expressions'."); is(exprScope._store.size, 2, "There should be 2 visible evaluations available."); is(gWatch.itemCount, 2, "There should be 2 hidden expression input available."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(0).attachment.view.inputNode.value, "ermahgerd", "The first textbox input value is not the correct one."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(0).attachment.currentExpression, "ermahgerd", "The first textbox input value is not the correct one."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(1).attachment.view.inputNode.value, "this", "The second textbox input value is not the correct one."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(1).attachment.currentExpression, "this", "The second textbox input value is not the correct one."); } function testIntegrity6() { is(gDebugger.document.querySelectorAll(".dbg-expression[hidden=true]").length, 1, "There should be 1 hidden nodes in the watch expressions container."); is(gDebugger.document.querySelectorAll(".dbg-expression:not([hidden=true])").length, 0, "There should be 0 visible nodes in the watch expressions container."); let exprScope = gVars.getScopeAtIndex(0); ok(exprScope, "There should be a wach expressions scope in the variables view."); is(exprScope.name, gL10N.getStr("watchExpressionsScopeLabel"), "The scope's name should be marked as 'Watch Expressions'."); is(exprScope._store.size, 1, "There should be 1 visible evaluation available."); is(gWatch.itemCount, 1, "There should be 1 hidden expression input available."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(0).attachment.view.inputNode.value, "ermahgerd", "The first textbox input value is not the correct one."); is(gWatch.getItemAtIndex(0).attachment.currentExpression, "ermahgerd", "The first textbox input value is not the correct one."); } function testIntegrity7() { is(gDebugger.document.querySelectorAll(".dbg-expression[hidden=true]").length, 0, "There should be 0 hidden nodes in the watch expressions container."); is(gDebugger.document.querySelectorAll(".dbg-expression:not([hidden=true])").length, 0, "There should be 0 visible nodes in the watch expressions container."); let localScope = gVars.getScopeAtIndex(0); ok(localScope, "There should be a local scope in the variables view."); isnot(localScope.name, gL10N.getStr("watchExpressionsScopeLabel"), "The scope's name should not be marked as 'Watch Expressions'."); isnot(localScope._store.size, 0, "There should be some variables available."); is(gWatch.itemCount, 0, "The watch expressions container should be empty."); } function addExpression(aString) { gWatch.addExpression(aString); gEditor.focus(); } function addCmdExpression(aString) { gWatch._onCmdAddExpression(aString); gEditor.focus(); } registerCleanupFunction(function () { gTab = null; gPanel = null; gDebugger = null; gL10N = null; gEditor = null; gVars = null; gWatch = null; });