/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ft=javascript ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /** * Tests that urls are correctly shortened to unique labels. */ const TAB_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "doc_recursion-stack.html"; const { ELLIPSIS } = require("devtools/shared/l10n"); function test() { let gTab, gPanel, gDebugger; let gSources, gUtils; let options = { source: TAB_URL, line: 1 }; initDebugger(TAB_URL, options).then(Task.async(function* ([aTab,, aPanel]) { gTab = aTab; gPanel = aPanel; gDebugger = gPanel.panelWin; gSources = gDebugger.DebuggerView.Sources; gUtils = gDebugger.SourceUtils; let nananana = new Array(20).join(NaN); // Test trimming url queries. let someUrl = "a/b/c.d?test=1&random=4#reference"; let shortenedUrl = "a/b/c.d"; is(gUtils.trimUrlQuery(someUrl), shortenedUrl, "Trimming the url query isn't done properly."); // Test trimming long urls with an ellipsis. let largeLabel = new Array(100).join("Beer can in Jamaican sounds like Bacon!"); let trimmedLargeLabel = gUtils.trimUrlLength(largeLabel, 1234); is(trimmedLargeLabel.length, 1235, "Trimming large labels isn't done properly."); ok(trimmedLargeLabel.endsWith(ELLIPSIS), "Trimming large labels should add an ellipsis at the end : " + ELLIPSIS); // Test the sources list behaviour with certain urls. let urls = [ { href: "http://some.address.com/random/", leaf: "subrandom/" }, { href: "http://some.address.com/random/", leaf: "suprandom/?a=1" }, { href: "http://some.address.com/random/", leaf: "?a=1" }, { href: "https://another.address.org/random/subrandom/", leaf: "page.html" }, { href: "ftp://interesting.address.org/random/", leaf: "script.js" }, { href: "ftp://interesting.address.com/random/", leaf: "script.js" }, { href: "ftp://interesting.address.com/random/", leaf: "x/script.js" }, { href: "ftp://interesting.address.com/random/", leaf: "x/y/script.js?a=1" }, { href: "ftp://interesting.address.com/random/x/", leaf: "y/script.js?a=1&b=2" }, { href: "ftp://interesting.address.com/random/x/y/", leaf: "script.js?a=1&b=2&c=3" }, { href: "ftp://interesting.address.com/random/", leaf: "x/y/script.js?a=2" }, { href: "ftp://interesting.address.com/random/x/", leaf: "y/script.js?a=2&b=3" }, { href: "ftp://interesting.address.com/random/x/y/", leaf: "script.js?a=2&b=3&c=4" }, { href: "file://random/", leaf: "script_t1.js&a=1&b=2&c=3" }, { href: "file://random/", leaf: "script_t2_1.js#id" }, { href: "file://random/", leaf: "script_t2_2.js?a" }, { href: "file://random/", leaf: "script_t2_3.js&b" }, { href: "resource://random/", leaf: "script_t3_1.js#id?a=1&b=2" }, { href: "resource://random/", leaf: "script_t3_2.js?a=1&b=2#id" }, { href: "resource://random/", leaf: "script_t3_3.js&a=1&b=2#id" }, { href: nananana, leaf: "Batman!" + "{trim me, now and forevermore}" } ]; is(gSources.itemCount, 1, "Should contain the original source label in the sources widget."); is(gSources.selectedIndex, 0, "The first item in the sources widget should be selected (1)."); is(gSources.selectedItem.attachment.label, "doc_recursion-stack.html", "The first item in the sources widget should be selected (2)."); is(getSelectedSourceURL(gSources), TAB_URL, "The first item in the sources widget should be selected (3)."); let id = 0; for (let { href, leaf } of urls) { let url = href + leaf; let actor = "actor" + id++; let label = gUtils.trimUrlLength(gUtils.getSourceLabel(url)); let group = gUtils.getSourceGroup(url); let dummy = document.createElement("label"); dummy.setAttribute("value", label); gSources.push([dummy, actor], { attachment: { source: { actor: actor, url: url }, label: label, group: group } }); } info("Source locations:"); info(gSources.values.toSource()); info("Source attachments:"); info(gSources.attachments.toSource()); for (let { href, leaf, dupe } of urls) { let url = href + leaf; if (dupe) { ok(!gSources.containsValue(getSourceActor(gSources, url)), "Shouldn't contain source: " + url); } else { ok(gSources.containsValue(getSourceActor(gSources, url)), "Should contain source: " + url); } } ok(gSources.getItemForAttachment(e => e.label == "random/subrandom/"), "Source (0) label is incorrect."); ok(gSources.getItemForAttachment(e => e.label == "random/suprandom/?a=1"), "Source (1) label is incorrect."); ok(gSources.getItemForAttachment(e => e.label == "random/?a=1"), "Source (2) label is incorrect."); ok(gSources.getItemForAttachment(e => e.label == "page.html"), "Source (3) label is incorrect."); ok(gSources.getItemForAttachment(e => e.label == "script.js"), "Source (4) label is incorrect."); ok(gSources.getItemForAttachment(e => e.label == "random/script.js"), "Source (5) label is incorrect."); ok(gSources.getItemForAttachment(e => e.label == "random/x/script.js"), "Source (6) label is incorrect."); ok(gSources.getItemForAttachment(e => e.label == "script.js?a=1"), "Source (7) label is incorrect."); ok(gSources.getItemForAttachment(e => e.label == "script_t1.js"), "Source (8) label is incorrect."); ok(gSources.getItemForAttachment(e => e.label == "script_t2_1.js"), "Source (9) label is incorrect."); ok(gSources.getItemForAttachment(e => e.label == "script_t2_2.js"), "Source (10) label is incorrect."); ok(gSources.getItemForAttachment(e => e.label == "script_t2_3.js"), "Source (11) label is incorrect."); ok(gSources.getItemForAttachment(e => e.label == "script_t3_1.js"), "Source (12) label is incorrect."); ok(gSources.getItemForAttachment(e => e.label == "script_t3_2.js"), "Source (13) label is incorrect."); ok(gSources.getItemForAttachment(e => e.label == "script_t3_3.js"), "Source (14) label is incorrect."); ok(gSources.getItemForAttachment(e => e.label == nananana + "Batman!" + ELLIPSIS), "Source (15) label is incorrect."); is(gSources.itemCount, urls.filter(({ dupe }) => !dupe).length + 1, "Didn't get the correct number of sources in the list."); is(gSources.getItemByValue(getSourceActor(gSources, "http://some.address.com/random/subrandom/")).attachment.label, "random/subrandom/", "gSources.getItemByValue isn't functioning properly (0)."); is(gSources.getItemByValue(getSourceActor(gSources, "http://some.address.com/random/suprandom/?a=1")).attachment.label, "random/suprandom/?a=1", "gSources.getItemByValue isn't functioning properly (1)."); is(gSources.getItemForAttachment(e => e.label == "random/subrandom/").attachment.source.url, "http://some.address.com/random/subrandom/", "gSources.getItemForAttachment isn't functioning properly (0)."); is(gSources.getItemForAttachment(e => e.label == "random/suprandom/?a=1").attachment.source.url, "http://some.address.com/random/suprandom/?a=1", "gSources.getItemForAttachment isn't functioning properly (1)."); closeDebuggerAndFinish(gPanel); })); }