/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /** * Bug 723069: Test the debugger breakpoint API and connection to the * source editor. */ const TAB_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "doc_script-switching-01.html"; function test() { let options = { source: EXAMPLE_URL + "code_script-switching-01.js", line: 1 }; initDebugger(TAB_URL, options).then(([aTab,, aPanel]) => { const gTab = aTab; const gPanel = aPanel; const gDebugger = gPanel.panelWin; const gEditor = gDebugger.DebuggerView.editor; const gSources = gDebugger.DebuggerView.Sources; const queries = gDebugger.require("./content/queries"); const constants = gDebugger.require("./content/constants"); const actions = bindActionCreators(gPanel); const getState = gDebugger.DebuggerController.getState; Task.spawn(function* () { yield waitForSourceAndCaretAndScopes(gPanel, "-02.js", 1); is(gDebugger.gThreadClient.state, "paused", "Should only be getting stack frames while paused."); is(queries.getSourceCount(getState()), 2, "Found the expected number of sources."); is(gEditor.getText().indexOf("debugger"), 166, "The correct source was loaded initially."); is(queries.getSelectedSource(getState()).actor, gSources.values[1], "The correct source is selected."); is(queries.getBreakpoints(getState()).length, 0, "No breakpoints currently added."); info("Add the first breakpoint."); gEditor.once("breakpointAdded", onEditorBreakpointAddFirst); let location = { actor: gSources.selectedValue, line: 6 }; yield actions.addBreakpoint(location); checkFirstBreakpoint(location); info("Remove the first breakpoint."); gEditor.once("breakpointRemoved", onEditorBreakpointRemoveFirst); yield actions.removeBreakpoint(location); checkFirstBreakpointRemoved(location); checkBackgroundBreakpoint(yield testBreakpointAddBackground()); info("Switch to the first source, which is not yet selected"); gEditor.once("breakpointAdded", onEditorBreakpointAddSwitch); gEditor.once("change", onEditorTextChanged); actions.selectSource(gSources.items[0].attachment.source); yield waitForDebuggerEvents(gPanel, gDebugger.EVENTS.SOURCE_SHOWN); onReadyForClick(); }); callInTab(gTab, "firstCall"); let breakpointsAdded = 0; let breakpointsRemoved = 0; let editorBreakpointChanges = 0; function onEditorBreakpointAddFirst(aEvent, aLine) { editorBreakpointChanges++; ok(aEvent, "breakpoint1 added to the editor."); is(aLine, 5, "Editor breakpoint line is correct."); is(gEditor.getBreakpoints().length, 1, "editor.getBreakpoints().length is correct."); } function onEditorBreakpointRemoveFirst(aEvent, aLine) { editorBreakpointChanges++; ok(aEvent, "breakpoint1 removed from the editor."); is(aLine, 5, "Editor breakpoint line is correct."); is(gEditor.getBreakpoints().length, 0, "editor.getBreakpoints().length is correct."); } function checkFirstBreakpoint(location) { breakpointsAdded++; const bp = queries.getBreakpoint(getState(), location); ok(bp, "breakpoint1 exists"); is(bp.location.actor, queries.getSelectedSource(getState()).actor, "breakpoint1 actor is correct."); is(bp.location.line, 6, "breakpoint1 line is correct."); is(queries.getBreakpoints(getState()).length, 1, "The list of added breakpoints holds only one breakpoint."); is(queries.getSelectedSource(getState()).actor, gSources.values[1], "The second source should be currently selected."); } function checkFirstBreakpointRemoved(location) { breakpointsRemoved++; const bp = queries.getBreakpoint(getState(), location); ok(!bp, "breakpoint1 removed"); } function testBreakpointAddBackground() { is(queries.getBreakpoints(getState()).length, 0, "No breakpoints currently added."); is(gSources.values[1], gSources.selectedValue, "The second source should be currently selected."); info("Add a breakpoint to the first source, which is not selected."); let location = { actor: gSources.values[0], line: 5 }; gEditor.on("breakpointAdded", onEditorBreakpointAddBackgroundTrap); return actions.addBreakpoint(location).then(() => location); } function onEditorBreakpointAddBackgroundTrap() { // Trap listener: no breakpoint must be added to the editor when a // breakpoint is added to a source that is not currently selected. editorBreakpointChanges++; ok(false, "breakpoint2 must not be added to the editor."); } function checkBackgroundBreakpoint(location) { breakpointsAdded++; const bp = queries.getBreakpoint(getState(), location); ok(bp, "breakpoint2 added, client received"); is(bp.location.actor, gSources.values[0], "breakpoint2 client url is correct."); is(bp.location.line, 5, "breakpoint2 client line is correct."); ok(queries.getBreakpoint(getState(), bp.location), "breakpoint2 found in the list of added breakpoints."); is(queries.getBreakpoints(getState()).length, 1, "The list of added breakpoints holds only one breakpoint."); is(queries.getSelectedSource(getState()).actor, gSources.values[1], "The second source should be currently selected."); // Remove the trap listener. gEditor.off("breakpointAdded", onEditorBreakpointAddBackgroundTrap); } function onEditorBreakpointAddSwitch(aEvent, aLine) { editorBreakpointChanges++; ok(aEvent, "breakpoint2 added to the editor."); is(aLine, 4, "Editor breakpoint line is correct."); is(gEditor.getBreakpoints().length, 1, "editor.getBreakpoints().length is correct"); } function onEditorTextChanged() { // Wait for the actual text to be shown. if (gEditor.getText() == gDebugger.L10N.getStr("loadingText")) return void gEditor.once("change", onEditorTextChanged); is(gEditor.getText().indexOf("debugger"), -1, "The second source is no longer displayed."); is(gEditor.getText().indexOf("firstCall"), 118, "The first source is displayed."); is(gSources.values[0], gSources.selectedValue, "The first source should be currently selected."); } function onReadyForClick() { info("Remove the second breakpoint using the mouse."); gEditor.once("breakpointRemoved", onEditorBreakpointRemoveSecond); let iframe = gEditor.container; let testWin = iframe.ownerDocument.defaultView; // Flush the layout for the iframe. info("rect " + iframe.contentDocument.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect()); let utils = testWin .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils); let coords = gEditor.getCoordsFromPosition({ line: 4, ch: 0 }); let rect = iframe.getBoundingClientRect(); let left = rect.left + 10; let top = rect.top + coords.top + 4; utils.sendMouseEventToWindow("mousedown", left, top, 0, 1, 0, false, 0, 0); utils.sendMouseEventToWindow("mouseup", left, top, 0, 1, 0, false, 0, 0); } function onEditorBreakpointRemoveSecond(aEvent, aLine) { editorBreakpointChanges++; ok(aEvent, "breakpoint2 removed from the editor."); is(aLine, 4, "Editor breakpoint line is correct."); is(gEditor.getBreakpoints().length, 0, "editor.getBreakpoints().length is correct."); waitForDebuggerEvents(gPanel, gDebugger.EVENTS.AFTER_FRAMES_CLEARED).then(() => { finalCheck(); closeDebuggerAndFinish(gPanel); }); gDebugger.gThreadClient.resume(); } function finalCheck() { is(queries.getBreakpoints(getState()).length, 0, "No breakpoints currently added."); is(breakpointsAdded, 2, "Correct number of breakpoints have been added."); is(breakpointsRemoved, 1, "Correct number of breakpoints have been removed."); is(editorBreakpointChanges, 4, "Correct number of editor breakpoint changes."); } }); }