/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /** * Test if 'break on next' functionality works from executions * in content triggered by the console in the toolbox. */ const TAB_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "doc_script-eval.html"; function test() { let gTab, gPanel, gDebugger; let gSources, gBreakpoints, gTarget, gResumeButton, gResumeKey, gThreadClient; let options = { source: EXAMPLE_URL + "code_script-eval.js", line: 1 }; initDebugger(TAB_URL, options).then(([aTab,, aPanel]) => { gTab = aTab; gPanel = aPanel; gDebugger = gPanel.panelWin; gSources = gDebugger.DebuggerView.Sources; gTarget = gDebugger.gTarget; gThreadClient = gDebugger.gThreadClient; gResumeButton = gDebugger.document.getElementById("resume"); gResumeKey = gDebugger.document.getElementById("resumeKey"); testConsole() .then(() => closeDebuggerAndFinish(gPanel)); }); let testConsole = Task.async(function* () { info("Starting testConsole"); let oncePaused = gTarget.once("thread-paused"); EventUtils.sendMouseEvent({ type: "mousedown" }, gResumeButton, gDebugger); let jsterm = yield getSplitConsole(gDevTools.getToolbox(gPanel.target)); let executed = jsterm.execute("1+1"); yield oncePaused; let updatedFrame = yield waitForDebuggerEvents(gPanel, gDebugger.EVENTS.FETCHED_SCOPES); let variables = gDebugger.DebuggerView.Variables; is(variables._store.length, 3, "Correct number of scopes available"); is(variables.getScopeAtIndex(0).name, "With scope [Object]", "Paused with correct scope (0)"); is(variables.getScopeAtIndex(1).name, "Block scope", "Paused with correct scope (1)"); is(variables.getScopeAtIndex(2).name, "Global scope [Window]", "Paused with correct scope (2)"); let onceResumed = gTarget.once("thread-resumed"); EventUtils.sendMouseEvent({ type: "mousedown" }, gResumeButton, gDebugger); yield onceResumed; yield executed; }); }