/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ // Tests that the editor will always highight the right line, no // matter if the source text doesn't exist yet or even if the source // doesn't exist. add_task(function* () { const dbg = yield initDebugger("doc-scripts.html"); const { selectors: { getSourceText }, getState } = dbg; const sourceUrl = EXAMPLE_URL + "long.js"; // The source itself doesn't even exist yet, and using // `selectSourceURL` will set a pending request to load this source // and highlight a specific line. dbg.actions.selectSourceURL(sourceUrl, { line: 66 }); // Wait for the source text to load and make sure we're in the right // place. yield waitForDispatch(dbg, "LOAD_SOURCE_TEXT"); assertHighlightLocation(dbg, "long.js", 66); // Jump to line 16 and make sure the editor scrolled. yield selectSource(dbg, "long.js", 16); assertHighlightLocation(dbg, "long.js", 16); // Make sure only one line is ever highlighted and the flash // animation is cancelled on old lines. yield selectSource(dbg, "long.js", 17); yield selectSource(dbg, "long.js", 18); assertHighlightLocation(dbg, "long.js", 18); is(findAllElements(dbg, "highlightLine").length, 1, "Only 1 line is highlighted"); // Test jumping to a line in a source that exists but hasn't been // loaded yet. selectSource(dbg, "simple1.js", 6); // Make sure the source is in the loading state, wait for it to be // fully loaded, and check the highlighted line. const simple1 = findSource(dbg, "simple1.js"); ok(getSourceText(getState(), simple1.id).get("loading")); yield waitForDispatch(dbg, "LOAD_SOURCE_TEXT"); ok(getSourceText(getState(), simple1.id).get("text")); assertHighlightLocation(dbg, "simple1.js", 6); });