/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ // Tests the breakpoints are hit in various situations. add_task(function* () { const dbg = yield initDebugger("doc-scripts.html"); const { selectors: { getSelectedSource }, getState } = dbg; // Make sure we can set a top-level breakpoint and it will be hit on // reload. yield addBreakpoint(dbg, "scripts.html", 18); reload(dbg); yield waitForPaused(dbg); assertPausedLocation(dbg, "scripts.html", 18); yield resume(dbg); const paused = waitForPaused(dbg); // Create an eval script that pauses itself. invokeInTab("doEval"); yield paused; yield resume(dbg); const source = getSelectedSource(getState()).toJS(); ok(!source.url, "It is an eval source"); yield addBreakpoint(dbg, source, 5); invokeInTab("evaledFunc"); yield waitForPaused(dbg); assertPausedLocation(dbg, source, 5); });