/* * Copyright 2012, Mozilla Foundation and contributors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ "use strict"; // THIS FILE IS GENERATED FROM SOURCE IN THE GCLI PROJECT // PLEASE TALK TO SOMEONE IN DEVELOPER TOOLS BEFORE EDITING IT const exports = {}; function test() { helpers.runTestModule(exports, "browser_gcli_types.js"); } // var assert = require('../testharness/assert'); var util = require("gcli/util/util"); function forEachType(options, templateTypeSpec, callback) { var types = options.requisition.system.types; return util.promiseEach(types.getTypeNames(), function (name) { var typeSpec = {}; util.copyProperties(templateTypeSpec, typeSpec); typeSpec.name = name; typeSpec.requisition = options.requisition; // Provide some basic defaults to help selection/delegate/array work if (name === "selection") { typeSpec.data = [ "a", "b" ]; } else if (name === "delegate") { typeSpec.delegateType = function () { return "string"; }; } else if (name === "array") { typeSpec.subtype = "string"; } else if (name === "remote") { return; } else if (name === "union") { typeSpec.alternatives = [{ name: "string" }]; } else if (options.isRemote) { if (name === "node" || name === "nodelist") { return; } } var type = types.createType(typeSpec); var reply = callback(type); return Promise.resolve(reply); }); } exports.testDefault = function (options) { return forEachType(options, {}, function (type) { var context = options.requisition.executionContext; var blank = type.getBlank(context).value; // boolean and array types are exempt from needing undefined blank values if (type.name === "boolean") { assert.is(blank, false, "blank boolean is false"); } else if (type.name === "array") { assert.ok(Array.isArray(blank), "blank array is array"); assert.is(blank.length, 0, "blank array is empty"); } else if (type.name === "nodelist") { assert.ok(typeof blank.item, "function", "blank.item is function"); assert.is(blank.length, 0, "blank nodelist is empty"); } else { assert.is(blank, undefined, "default defined for " + type.name); } }); }; exports.testNullDefault = function (options) { var context = null; // Is this test still valid with a null context? return forEachType(options, { defaultValue: null }, function (type) { var reply = type.stringify(null, context); return Promise.resolve(reply).then(function (str) { assert.is(str, "", "stringify(null) for " + type.name); }); }); }; exports.testGetSpec = function (options) { return forEachType(options, {}, function (type) { if (type.name === "param") { return; } var spec = type.getSpec("cmd", "param"); assert.ok(spec != null, "non null spec for " + type.name); var str = JSON.stringify(spec); assert.ok(str != null, "serializable spec for " + type.name); var example = options.requisition.system.types.createType(spec); assert.ok(example != null, "creatable spec for " + type.name); }); };