 * Copyright 2012, Mozilla Foundation and contributors
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

"use strict";


const exports = {};

function test() {
  helpers.runTestModule(exports, "browser_gcli_remotexhr.js");

// var assert = require('../testharness/assert');
// var helpers = require('./helpers');

// testRemoteWs and testRemoteXhr are virtually identical.
// Changes made here should be made there too.
// They are kept separate to save adding complexity to the test system and so
// to help us select the test that are available in different environments

exports.testRemoteXhr = function (options) {
  return helpers.audit(options, [
      skipRemainingIf: options.isRemote || options.isNode || options.isFirefox,
      setup:    "remote ",
      check: {
        input:  "remote ",
        hints:         "",
        markup: "EEEEEEV",
        cursor: 7,
        current: "__command",
        status: "ERROR",
        options: [ ],
        message: "Can't use 'remote'.",
        predictions: [ ],
        unassigned: [ ],
      setup: "connect remote",
      check: {
        args: {
          prefix: { value: "remote" },
          url: { value: undefined }
      exec: {
        error: false
      setup: "disconnect remote",
      check: {
        args: {
          prefix: {
            value: function (front) {
              assert.is(front.prefix, "remote", "disconnecting remote");
      exec: {
        output: /^Removed [0-9]* commands.$/,
        type: "string",
        error: false
      setup: "connect remote --method xhr",
      check: {
        args: {
          prefix: { value: "remote" },
          url: { value: undefined }
      exec: {
        error: false
      setup: "disconnect remote",
      check: {
        args: {
          prefix: {
            value: function (front) {
              assert.is(front.prefix, "remote", "disconnecting remote");
      exec: {
        output: /^Removed [0-9]* commands.$/,
        type: "string",
        error: false
      setup: "connect remote --method xhr",
      check: {
        args: {
          prefix: { value: "remote" },
          url: { value: undefined }
      exec: {
        output: /^Added [0-9]* commands.$/,
        type: "string",
        error: false
      setup:    "remote ",
      check: {
        input:  "remote ",
        // PhantomJS fails on this. Unsure why
        // hints:         ' {',
        markup: "IIIIIIV",
        status: "ERROR",
        optionsIncludes: [
          "remote", "remote cd", "remote context", "remote echo",
          "remote exec", "remote exit", "remote firefox", "remote help",
          "remote intro", "remote make"
        message: "",
        predictionsIncludes: [ "remote" ],
        unassigned: [ ],
      setup:    "remote echo hello world",
      check: {
        input:  "remote echo hello world",
        hints:                         "",
        cursor: 23,
        current: "message",
        status: "VALID",
        options: [ ],
        message: "",
        predictions: [ ],
        unassigned: [ ],
        args: {
          command: { name: "remote echo" },
          message: {
            value: "hello world",
            arg: " hello world",
            status: "VALID",
            message: ""
      exec: {
        output: "hello world",
        type: "string",
        error: false
      setup:    "remote exec ls",
      check: {
        input:  "remote exec ls",
        hints:                "",
        markup: "VVVVVVVVVVVVVV",
        cursor: 14,
        current: "command",
        status: "VALID",
        options: [ ],
        message: "",
        predictions: [ ],
        unassigned: [ ],
        args: {
          command: {
            value: "ls",
            arg: " ls",
            status: "VALID",
            message: ""
      exec: {
        // output: '', We can't rely on the contents of the FS
        type: "output",
        error: false
      setup:    "remote sleep mistake",
      check: {
        input:  "remote sleep mistake",
        hints:                      "",
        cursor: 20,
        current: "length",
        status: "ERROR",
        options: [ ],
        message: 'Can\'t convert "mistake" to a number.',
        predictions: [ ],
        unassigned: [ ],
        args: {
          command: { name: "remote sleep" },
          length: {
            value: undefined,
            arg: " mistake",
            status: "ERROR",
            message: 'Can\'t convert "mistake" to a number.'
      setup:    "remote sleep 1",
      check: {
        input:  "remote sleep 1",
        hints:                 "",
        markup: "VVVVVVVVVVVVVV",
        cursor: 14,
        current: "length",
        status: "VALID",
        options: [ ],
        message: "",
        predictions: [ ],
        unassigned: [ ],
        args: {
          command: { name: "remote sleep" },
          length: { value: 1, arg: " 1", status: "VALID", message: "" }
      exec: {
        output: "Done",
        type: "string",
        error: false
      setup:    "remote help ",
      skipIf: true, // The help command is not remotable
      check: {
        input:  "remote help ",
        hints:              "[search]",
        markup: "VVVVVVVVVVVV",
        cursor: 12,
        current: "search",
        status: "VALID",
        options: [ ],
        message: "",
        predictions: [ ],
        unassigned: [ ],
        args: {
          command: { name: "remote help" },
          search: {
            value: undefined,
            arg: "",
            status: "VALID",
            message: ""
      exec: {
        output: "",
        type: "string",
        error: false
      setup:    "remote intro",
      check: {
        input:  "remote intro",
        hints:              "",
        markup: "VVVVVVVVVVVV",
        cursor: 12,
        current: "__command",
        status: "VALID",
        options: [ ],
        message: "",
        predictions: [ ],
        unassigned: [ ],
        args: {
          command: { name: "remote intro" }
      exec: {
        output: [
          /GCLI is an experiment/,
        type: "intro",
        error: false
      setup:    "context remote",
      check: {
        input:  "context remote",
        // hints:                ' {',
        markup: "VVVVVVVVVVVVVV",
        cursor: 14,
        current: "prefix",
        status: "VALID",
        optionsContains: [
          "remote", "remote cd", "remote echo", "remote exec", "remote exit",
          "remote firefox", "remote help", "remote intro", "remote make"
        message: "",
        // predictionsContains: [
        //   'remote', 'remote cd', 'remote echo', 'remote exec', 'remote exit',
        //   'remote firefox', 'remote help', 'remote intro', 'remote make',
        //   'remote pref'
        // ],
        unassigned: [ ],
        args: {
          command: { name: "context" },
          prefix: {
            arg: " remote",
            status: "VALID",
            message: ""
      exec: {
        output: "Using remote as a command prefix",
        type: "string",
        error: false
      setup:    "exec ls",
      check: {
        input:  "exec ls",
        hints:         "",
        markup: "VVVVVVV",
        cursor: 7,
        current: "command",
        status: "VALID",
        options: [ ],
        message: "",
        predictions: [ ],
        unassigned: [ ],
        args: {
          command: { value: "ls", arg: " ls", status: "VALID", message: "" },
      exec: {
        // output: '', We can't rely on the contents of the filesystem
        type: "output",
        error: false
      setup:    "echo hello world",
      check: {
        input:  "echo hello world",
        hints:                  "",
        markup: "VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV",
        cursor: 16,
        current: "message",
        status: "VALID",
        options: [ ],
        message: "",
        predictions: [ ],
        unassigned: [ ],
        args: {
          command: { name: "remote echo" },
          message: {
            value: "hello world",
            arg: " hello world",
            status: "VALID",
            message: ""
      exec: {
        output: /^hello world$/,
        type: "string",
        error: false
      setup:    "context",
      check: {
        input:  "context",
        hints:         " [prefix]",
        markup: "VVVVVVV",
        cursor: 7,
        current: "__command",
        status: "VALID",
        optionsContains: [
          "remote", "remote cd", "remote echo", "remote exec", "remote exit",
          "remote firefox", "remote help", "remote intro", "remote make"
        message: "",
        predictions: [ ],
        unassigned: [ ],
        args: {
          command: { name: "context" },
          prefix: { value: undefined, arg: "", status: "VALID", message: "" }
      exec: {
        output: "Command prefix is unset",
        type: "string",
        error: false
      setup:    "disconnect ",
      check: {
        input:  "disconnect ",
        hints:             "remote",
        markup: "VVVVVVVVVVV",
        cursor: 11,
        current: "prefix",
        status: "ERROR",
        options: [ "remote" ],
        message: "",
        predictions: [ "remote" ],
        unassigned: [ ],
        args: {
          command: { name: "disconnect" },
          prefix: {
            value: undefined,
            arg: "",
            status: "INCOMPLETE",
            message: "Value required for 'prefix'."
      setup:    "disconnect remote",
      check: {
        input:  "disconnect remote",
        hints:                   "",
        markup: "VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV",
        status: "VALID",
        message: "",
        unassigned: [ ],
        args: {
          prefix: {
            value: function (front) {
              assert.is(front.prefix, "remote", "disconnecting remote");
            arg: " remote",
            status: "VALID",
            message: ""
      exec: {
        output: /^Removed [0-9]* commands.$/,
        type: "string",
        error: false
      setup:    "remote ",
      check: {
        input:  "remote ",
        hints:         "",
        markup: "EEEEEEV",
        cursor: 7,
        current: "__command",
        status: "ERROR",
        options: [ ],
        message: "Can't use 'remote'.",
        predictions: [ ],
        unassigned: [ ],