/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /** * Tests if the stepping buttons in the call list toolbar work as advertised. */ function* ifTestingSupported() { let { target, panel } = yield initCanvasDebuggerFrontend(SIMPLE_CANVAS_URL); let { window, $, EVENTS, SnapshotsListView, CallsListView } = panel.panelWin; yield reload(target); let recordingFinished = once(window, EVENTS.SNAPSHOT_RECORDING_FINISHED); let callListPopulated = once(window, EVENTS.CALL_LIST_POPULATED); SnapshotsListView._onRecordButtonClick(); yield promise.all([recordingFinished, callListPopulated]); checkSteppingButtons(1, 1, 1, 1); is(CallsListView.selectedIndex, -1, "There should be no selected item in the calls list view initially."); CallsListView._onResume(); checkSteppingButtons(1, 1, 1, 1); is(CallsListView.selectedIndex, 0, "The first draw call should now be selected."); CallsListView._onResume(); checkSteppingButtons(1, 1, 1, 1); is(CallsListView.selectedIndex, 2, "The second draw call should now be selected."); CallsListView._onStepOver(); checkSteppingButtons(1, 1, 1, 1); is(CallsListView.selectedIndex, 3, "The next context call should now be selected."); CallsListView._onStepOut(); checkSteppingButtons(0, 0, 1, 0); is(CallsListView.selectedIndex, 7, "The last context call should now be selected."); function checkSteppingButtons(resume, stepOver, stepIn, stepOut) { if (!resume) { is($("#resume").getAttribute("disabled"), "true", "The resume button doesn't have the expected disabled state."); } else { is($("#resume").hasAttribute("disabled"), false, "The resume button doesn't have the expected enabled state."); } if (!stepOver) { is($("#step-over").getAttribute("disabled"), "true", "The stepOver button doesn't have the expected disabled state."); } else { is($("#step-over").hasAttribute("disabled"), false, "The stepOver button doesn't have the expected enabled state."); } if (!stepIn) { is($("#step-in").getAttribute("disabled"), "true", "The stepIn button doesn't have the expected disabled state."); } else { is($("#step-in").hasAttribute("disabled"), false, "The stepIn button doesn't have the expected enabled state."); } if (!stepOut) { is($("#step-out").getAttribute("disabled"), "true", "The stepOut button doesn't have the expected disabled state."); } else { is($("#step-out").hasAttribute("disabled"), false, "The stepOut button doesn't have the expected enabled state."); } } yield teardown(panel); finish(); }