/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /** * Tests that loops using setTimeout are recorded and stored * for a canvas context, and that the generated screenshots are correct. */ function* ifTestingSupported() { let { target, front } = yield initCanvasDebuggerBackend(SET_TIMEOUT_URL); let navigated = once(target, "navigate"); yield front.setup({ reload: true }); ok(true, "The front was setup up successfully."); yield navigated; ok(true, "Target automatically navigated when the front was set up."); let snapshotActor = yield front.recordAnimationFrame(); ok(snapshotActor, "A snapshot actor was sent after recording."); let animationOverview = yield snapshotActor.getOverview(); ok(snapshotActor, "An animation overview could be retrieved after recording."); let functionCalls = animationOverview.calls; ok(functionCalls, "An array of function call actors was sent after recording."); is(functionCalls.length, 8, "The number of function call actors is correct."); is(functionCalls[0].type, CallWatcherFront.METHOD_FUNCTION, "The first called function is correctly identified as a method."); is(functionCalls[0].name, "clearRect", "The first called function's name is correct."); is(functionCalls[0].file, SET_TIMEOUT_URL, "The first called function's file is correct."); is(functionCalls[0].line, 25, "The first called function's line is correct."); is(functionCalls[0].argsPreview, "0, 0, 128, 128", "The first called function's args preview is correct."); is(functionCalls[0].callerPreview, "Object", "The first called function's caller preview is correct."); is(functionCalls[6].type, CallWatcherFront.METHOD_FUNCTION, "The penultimate called function is correctly identified as a method."); is(functionCalls[6].name, "fillRect", "The penultimate called function's name is correct."); is(functionCalls[6].file, SET_TIMEOUT_URL, "The penultimate called function's file is correct."); is(functionCalls[6].line, 21, "The penultimate called function's line is correct."); is(functionCalls[6].argsPreview, "10, 10, 55, 50", "The penultimate called function's args preview is correct."); is(functionCalls[6].callerPreview, "Object", "The penultimate called function's caller preview is correct."); is(functionCalls[7].type, CallWatcherFront.METHOD_FUNCTION, "The last called function is correctly identified as a method."); is(functionCalls[7].name, "setTimeout", "The last called function's name is correct."); is(functionCalls[7].file, SET_TIMEOUT_URL, "The last called function's file is correct."); is(functionCalls[7].line, 30, "The last called function's line is correct."); ok(functionCalls[7].argsPreview.includes("Function"), "The last called function's args preview is correct."); is(functionCalls[7].callerPreview, "Object", "The last called function's caller preview is correct."); let firstNonDrawCall = yield functionCalls[1].getDetails(); let secondNonDrawCall = yield functionCalls[3].getDetails(); let lastNonDrawCall = yield functionCalls[7].getDetails(); is(firstNonDrawCall.name, "fillStyle", "The first non-draw function's name is correct."); is(secondNonDrawCall.name, "fillStyle", "The second non-draw function's name is correct."); is(lastNonDrawCall.name, "setTimeout", "The last non-draw function's name is correct."); let firstScreenshot = yield snapshotActor.generateScreenshotFor(functionCalls[1]); let secondScreenshot = yield snapshotActor.generateScreenshotFor(functionCalls[3]); let lastScreenshot = yield snapshotActor.generateScreenshotFor(functionCalls[7]); ok(firstScreenshot, "A screenshot was successfully retrieved for the first non-draw function."); ok(secondScreenshot, "A screenshot was successfully retrieved for the second non-draw function."); ok(lastScreenshot, "A screenshot was successfully retrieved for the last non-draw function."); let firstActualScreenshot = yield snapshotActor.generateScreenshotFor(functionCalls[0]); ok(sameArray(firstScreenshot.pixels, firstActualScreenshot.pixels), "The screenshot for the first non-draw function is correct."); is(firstScreenshot.width, 128, "The screenshot for the first non-draw function has the correct width."); is(firstScreenshot.height, 128, "The screenshot for the first non-draw function has the correct height."); let secondActualScreenshot = yield snapshotActor.generateScreenshotFor(functionCalls[2]); ok(sameArray(secondScreenshot.pixels, secondActualScreenshot.pixels), "The screenshot for the second non-draw function is correct."); is(secondScreenshot.width, 128, "The screenshot for the second non-draw function has the correct width."); is(secondScreenshot.height, 128, "The screenshot for the second non-draw function has the correct height."); let lastActualScreenshot = yield snapshotActor.generateScreenshotFor(functionCalls[6]); ok(sameArray(lastScreenshot.pixels, lastActualScreenshot.pixels), "The screenshot for the last non-draw function is correct."); is(lastScreenshot.width, 128, "The screenshot for the last non-draw function has the correct width."); is(lastScreenshot.height, 128, "The screenshot for the last non-draw function has the correct height."); ok(!sameArray(firstScreenshot.pixels, secondScreenshot.pixels), "The screenshots taken on consecutive draw calls are different (1)."); ok(!sameArray(secondScreenshot.pixels, lastScreenshot.pixels), "The screenshots taken on consecutive draw calls are different (2)."); yield removeTab(target.tab); finish(); } function sameArray(a, b) { if (a.length != b.length) { return false; } for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (a[i] !== b[i]) { return false; } } return true; }