/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /** * Tests that integers used in arguments are not cast to their constant, enum value * forms if the method's signature does not expect an enum. Bug 999687. */ function* ifTestingSupported() { let { target, front } = yield initCanvasDebuggerBackend(WEBGL_ENUM_URL); let navigated = once(target, "navigate"); yield front.setup({ reload: true }); ok(true, "The front was setup up successfully."); yield navigated; ok(true, "Target automatically navigated when the front was set up."); let snapshotActor = yield front.recordAnimationFrame(); let animationOverview = yield snapshotActor.getOverview(); let functionCalls = animationOverview.calls; is(functionCalls[0].name, "clear", "The function's name is correct."); is(functionCalls[0].argsPreview, "DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT | STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT | COLOR_BUFFER_BIT", "The bits passed into `gl.clear` have been cast to their enum values."); is(functionCalls[1].name, "bindTexture", "The function's name is correct."); is(functionCalls[1].argsPreview, "TEXTURE_2D, null", "The bits passed into `gl.bindTexture` have been cast to their enum values."); yield removeTab(target.tab); finish(); }