/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; requestLongerTimeout(2); // Check the text content and width of name label. add_task(function* () { yield addTab(URL_ROOT + "doc_simple_animation.html"); let {inspector, panel} = yield openAnimationInspector(); info("Selecting 'simple-animation' animation which is running on compositor"); yield selectNodeAndWaitForAnimations(".animated", inspector); checkNameLabel(panel.animationsTimelineComponent.rootWrapperEl, "simple-animation"); info("Selecting 'no-compositor' animation which is not running on compositor"); yield selectNodeAndWaitForAnimations(".no-compositor", inspector); checkNameLabel(panel.animationsTimelineComponent.rootWrapperEl, "no-compositor"); }); function checkNameLabel(rootWrapperEl, expectedLabelContent) { const timeblockEl = rootWrapperEl.querySelector(".time-block"); const labelEl = rootWrapperEl.querySelector(".name div"); is(labelEl.textContent, expectedLabelContent, `Text content of labelEl sould be ${ expectedLabelContent }`); // Expand timeblockEl to avoid max-width of the label. timeblockEl.style.width = "10000px"; const originalLabelWidth = labelEl.clientWidth; ok(originalLabelWidth < timeblockEl.clientWidth / 2, "Label width should be less than 50%"); // Set timeblockEl width to double of original label width. timeblockEl.style.width = `${ originalLabelWidth * 2 }px`; is(labelEl.clientWidth + labelEl.offsetLeft, originalLabelWidth, `Label width + offsetLeft should be ${ originalLabelWidth }px`); // Shrink timeblockEl to enable max-width. timeblockEl.style.width = `${ originalLabelWidth }px`; is(labelEl.clientWidth + labelEl.offsetLeft, Math.round(timeblockEl.clientWidth / 2), "Label width + offsetLeft should be half of timeblockEl"); }