/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; requestLongerTimeout(2); // Check that the timeline toolbar contains a rewind button and that it can be // clicked. Check that when it is, the current animations displayed in the // timeline get their playstates changed to paused, and their currentTimes // reset to 0, and that the scrubber stops moving and is positioned to the // start. add_task(function* () { yield addTab(URL_ROOT + "doc_simple_animation.html"); let {panel, controller} = yield openAnimationInspector(); let players = controller.animationPlayers; let btn = panel.rewindTimelineButtonEl; ok(btn, "The rewind button exists"); info("Click on the button to rewind all timeline animations"); yield clickTimelineRewindButton(panel); info("Check that the scrubber has stopped moving"); yield assertScrubberMoving(panel, false); ok(players.every(({state}) => state.currentTime === 0), "All animations' currentTimes have been set to 0"); ok(players.every(({state}) => state.playState === "paused"), "All animations have been paused"); info("Play the animations again"); yield clickTimelinePlayPauseButton(panel); info("And pause them after a short while"); yield new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 200)); info("Check that rewinding when animations are paused works too"); yield clickTimelineRewindButton(panel); info("Check that the scrubber has stopped moving"); yield assertScrubberMoving(panel, false); ok(players.every(({state}) => state.currentTime === 0), "All animations' currentTimes have been set to 0"); ok(players.every(({state}) => state.playState === "paused"), "All animations have been paused"); });