/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; requestLongerTimeout(2); // Check that the timeline toolbar contains a playback rate selector UI and that // it can be used to change the playback rate of animations in the timeline. // Also check that it displays the rate of the current animations in case they // all have the same rate, or that it displays the empty value in case they // have mixed rates. add_task(function* () { yield addTab(URL_ROOT + "doc_simple_animation.html"); let {panel, controller, inspector, toolbox} = yield openAnimationInspector(); // In this test, we disable the highlighter on purpose because of the way // events are simulated to select an option in the playbackRate , and these are AnimationTargetNode instances. // Simulating mouse events on them will cause the highlighter to emit requests // and this might cause the test to fail if they happen after it has ended. disableHighlighter(toolbox); let select = panel.rateSelectorEl.firstChild; ok(select, "The rate selector exists"); info("Change all of the current animations' rates to 0.5"); yield changeTimelinePlaybackRate(panel, .5); checkAllAnimationsRatesChanged(controller, select, .5); info("Select just one animated node and change its rate only"); yield selectNodeAndWaitForAnimations(".animated", inspector); yield changeTimelinePlaybackRate(panel, 2); checkAllAnimationsRatesChanged(controller, select, 2); info("Select the again, it should now have mixed-rates animations"); yield selectNodeAndWaitForAnimations("body", inspector); is(select.value, "", "The selected rate is empty"); info("Change the rate for these mixed-rate animations"); yield changeTimelinePlaybackRate(panel, 1); checkAllAnimationsRatesChanged(controller, select, 1); }); function checkAllAnimationsRatesChanged({animationPlayers}, select, rate) { ok(animationPlayers.every(({state}) => state.playbackRate === rate), "All animations' rates have been set to " + rate); is(select.value, rate, "The right value is displayed in the select"); }