/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Check that the iteration start is displayed correctly in time blocks. add_task(function* () { yield addTab(URL_ROOT + "doc_script_animation.html"); let {panel} = yield openAnimationInspector(); let timelineComponent = panel.animationsTimelineComponent; let timeBlockComponents = timelineComponent.timeBlocks; let detailsComponents = timelineComponent.details; for (let i = 0; i < timeBlockComponents.length; i++) { info(`Expand time block ${i} so its keyframes are visible`); yield clickOnAnimation(panel, i); info(`Check the state of time block ${i}`); let {containerEl, animation: {state}} = timeBlockComponents[i]; checkAnimationTooltip(containerEl, state); checkProgressAtStartingTime(containerEl, state); // Get the first set of keyframes (there's only one animated property // anyway), and the first frame element from there, we're only interested in // its offset. let keyframeComponent = detailsComponents[i].keyframeComponents[0]; let frameEl = keyframeComponent.keyframesEl.querySelector(".frame"); checkKeyframeOffset(containerEl, frameEl, state); } }); function checkAnimationTooltip(el, {iterationStart, duration}) { info("Check an animation's iterationStart data in its tooltip"); let title = el.querySelector(".name").getAttribute("title"); let iterationStartTime = iterationStart * duration / 1000; let iterationStartTimeString = iterationStartTime.toLocaleString(undefined, { maximumFractionDigits: 2, minimumFractionDigits: 2 }).replace(".", "\\."); let iterationStartString = iterationStart.toString().replace(".", "\\."); let regex = new RegExp("Iteration start: " + iterationStartString + " \\(" + iterationStartTimeString + "s\\)"); ok(title.match(regex), "The tooltip shows the expected iteration start"); } function checkProgressAtStartingTime(el, { iterationStart }) { info("Check the progress of starting time"); const pathEl = el.querySelector(".iteration-path"); const pathSegList = pathEl.pathSegList; const pathSeg = pathSegList.getItem(1); const progress = pathSeg.y; is(progress, iterationStart % 1, `The progress at starting point should be ${ iterationStart % 1 }`); } function checkKeyframeOffset(timeBlockEl, frameEl, {iterationStart}) { info("Check that the first keyframe is offset correctly"); let start = getIterationStartFromLeft(frameEl); is(start, iterationStart % 1, "The frame offset for iteration start"); } function getIterationStartFromLeft(el) { let left = 100 - parseFloat(/(\d+)%/.exec(el.style.left)[1]); return left / 100; }