/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* import-globals-from animation-controller.js */ /* globals document */ "use strict"; const {AnimationsTimeline} = require("devtools/client/animationinspector/components/animation-timeline"); const {RateSelector} = require("devtools/client/animationinspector/components/rate-selector"); const {formatStopwatchTime} = require("devtools/client/animationinspector/utils"); const {KeyCodes} = require("devtools/client/shared/keycodes"); var $ = (selector, target = document) => target.querySelector(selector); /** * The main animations panel UI. */ var AnimationsPanel = { UI_UPDATED_EVENT: "ui-updated", PANEL_INITIALIZED: "panel-initialized", initialize: Task.async(function* () { if (AnimationsController.destroyed) { console.warn("Could not initialize the animation-panel, controller " + "was destroyed"); return; } if (this.initialized) { yield this.initialized; return; } let resolver; this.initialized = new Promise(resolve => { resolver = resolve; }); this.playersEl = $("#players"); this.errorMessageEl = $("#error-message"); this.pickerButtonEl = $("#element-picker"); this.toggleAllButtonEl = $("#toggle-all"); this.playTimelineButtonEl = $("#pause-resume-timeline"); this.rewindTimelineButtonEl = $("#rewind-timeline"); this.timelineCurrentTimeEl = $("#timeline-current-time"); this.rateSelectorEl = $("#timeline-rate"); this.rewindTimelineButtonEl.setAttribute("title", L10N.getStr("timeline.rewindButtonTooltip")); $("#all-animations-label").textContent = L10N.getStr("panel.allAnimations"); // If the server doesn't support toggling all animations at once, hide the // whole global toolbar. if (!AnimationsController.traits.hasToggleAll) { $("#global-toolbar").style.display = "none"; } // Binding functions that need to be called in scope. for (let functionName of ["onKeyDown", "onPickerStarted", "onPickerStopped", "refreshAnimationsUI", "onToggleAllClicked", "onTabNavigated", "onTimelineDataChanged", "onTimelinePlayClicked", "onTimelineRewindClicked", "onRateChanged"]) { this[functionName] = this[functionName].bind(this); } let hUtils = gToolbox.highlighterUtils; this.togglePicker = hUtils.togglePicker.bind(hUtils); this.animationsTimelineComponent = new AnimationsTimeline(gInspector, AnimationsController.traits); this.animationsTimelineComponent.init(this.playersEl); if (AnimationsController.traits.hasSetPlaybackRate) { this.rateSelectorComponent = new RateSelector(); this.rateSelectorComponent.init(this.rateSelectorEl); } this.startListeners(); yield this.refreshAnimationsUI(); resolver(); this.emit(this.PANEL_INITIALIZED); }), destroy: Task.async(function* () { if (!this.initialized) { return; } if (this.destroyed) { yield this.destroyed; return; } let resolver; this.destroyed = new Promise(resolve => { resolver = resolve; }); this.stopListeners(); this.animationsTimelineComponent.destroy(); this.animationsTimelineComponent = null; if (this.rateSelectorComponent) { this.rateSelectorComponent.destroy(); this.rateSelectorComponent = null; } this.playersEl = this.errorMessageEl = null; this.toggleAllButtonEl = this.pickerButtonEl = null; this.playTimelineButtonEl = this.rewindTimelineButtonEl = null; this.timelineCurrentTimeEl = this.rateSelectorEl = null; resolver(); }), startListeners: function () { AnimationsController.on(AnimationsController.PLAYERS_UPDATED_EVENT, this.refreshAnimationsUI); this.pickerButtonEl.addEventListener("click", this.togglePicker); gToolbox.on("picker-started", this.onPickerStarted); gToolbox.on("picker-stopped", this.onPickerStopped); this.toggleAllButtonEl.addEventListener("click", this.onToggleAllClicked); this.playTimelineButtonEl.addEventListener( "click", this.onTimelinePlayClicked); this.rewindTimelineButtonEl.addEventListener( "click", this.onTimelineRewindClicked); document.addEventListener("keydown", this.onKeyDown, false); gToolbox.target.on("navigate", this.onTabNavigated); this.animationsTimelineComponent.on("timeline-data-changed", this.onTimelineDataChanged); if (this.rateSelectorComponent) { this.rateSelectorComponent.on("rate-changed", this.onRateChanged); } }, stopListeners: function () { AnimationsController.off(AnimationsController.PLAYERS_UPDATED_EVENT, this.refreshAnimationsUI); this.pickerButtonEl.removeEventListener("click", this.togglePicker); gToolbox.off("picker-started", this.onPickerStarted); gToolbox.off("picker-stopped", this.onPickerStopped); this.toggleAllButtonEl.removeEventListener("click", this.onToggleAllClicked); this.playTimelineButtonEl.removeEventListener("click", this.onTimelinePlayClicked); this.rewindTimelineButtonEl.removeEventListener("click", this.onTimelineRewindClicked); document.removeEventListener("keydown", this.onKeyDown, false); gToolbox.target.off("navigate", this.onTabNavigated); this.animationsTimelineComponent.off("timeline-data-changed", this.onTimelineDataChanged); if (this.rateSelectorComponent) { this.rateSelectorComponent.off("rate-changed", this.onRateChanged); } }, onKeyDown: function (event) { // If the space key is pressed, it should toggle the play state of // the animations displayed in the panel, or of all the animations on // the page if the selected node does not have any animation on it. if (event.keyCode === KeyCodes.DOM_VK_SPACE) { if (AnimationsController.animationPlayers.length > 0) { this.playPauseTimeline().catch(ex => console.error(ex)); } else { this.toggleAll().catch(ex => console.error(ex)); } event.preventDefault(); } }, togglePlayers: function (isVisible) { if (isVisible) { document.body.removeAttribute("empty"); document.body.setAttribute("timeline", "true"); } else { document.body.setAttribute("empty", "true"); document.body.removeAttribute("timeline"); $("#error-type").textContent = L10N.getStr("panel.invalidElementSelected"); $("#error-hint").textContent = L10N.getStr("panel.selectElement"); } }, onPickerStarted: function () { this.pickerButtonEl.setAttribute("checked", "true"); }, onPickerStopped: function () { this.pickerButtonEl.removeAttribute("checked"); }, onToggleAllClicked: function () { this.toggleAll().catch(ex => console.error(ex)); }, /** * Toggle (pause/play) all animations in the current target * and update the UI the toggleAll button. */ toggleAll: Task.async(function* () { this.toggleAllButtonEl.classList.toggle("paused"); yield AnimationsController.toggleAll(); }), onTimelinePlayClicked: function () { this.playPauseTimeline().catch(ex => console.error(ex)); }, /** * Depending on the state of the timeline either pause or play the animations * displayed in it. * If the animations are finished, this will play them from the start again. * If the animations are playing, this will pause them. * If the animations are paused, this will resume them. * * @return {Promise} Resolves when the playState is changed and the UI * is refreshed */ playPauseTimeline: function () { return AnimationsController .toggleCurrentAnimations(this.timelineData.isMoving) .then(() => this.refreshAnimationsStateAndUI()); }, onTimelineRewindClicked: function () { this.rewindTimeline().catch(ex => console.error(ex)); }, /** * Reset the startTime of all current animations shown in the timeline and * pause them. * * @return {Promise} Resolves when currentTime is set and the UI is refreshed */ rewindTimeline: function () { return AnimationsController .setCurrentTimeAll(0, true) .then(() => this.refreshAnimationsStateAndUI()); }, /** * Set the playback rate of all current animations shown in the timeline to * the value of this.rateSelectorEl. */ onRateChanged: function (e, rate) { AnimationsController.setPlaybackRateAll(rate) .then(() => this.refreshAnimationsStateAndUI()) .catch(ex => console.error(ex)); }, onTabNavigated: function () { this.toggleAllButtonEl.classList.remove("paused"); }, onTimelineDataChanged: function (e, data) { this.timelineData = data; let {isMoving, isUserDrag, time} = data; this.playTimelineButtonEl.classList.toggle("paused", !isMoving); let l10nPlayProperty = isMoving ? "timeline.resumedButtonTooltip" : "timeline.pausedButtonTooltip"; this.playTimelineButtonEl.setAttribute("title", L10N.getStr(l10nPlayProperty)); // If the timeline data changed as a result of the user dragging the // scrubber, then pause all animations and set their currentTimes. // (Note that we want server-side requests to be sequenced, so we only do // this after the previous currentTime setting was done). if (isUserDrag && !this.setCurrentTimeAllPromise) { this.setCurrentTimeAllPromise = AnimationsController.setCurrentTimeAll(time, true) .catch(error => console.error(error)) .then(() => { this.setCurrentTimeAllPromise = null; }); } this.displayTimelineCurrentTime(); }, displayTimelineCurrentTime: function () { let {time} = this.timelineData; this.timelineCurrentTimeEl.textContent = formatStopwatchTime(time); }, /** * Make sure all known animations have their states up to date (which is * useful after the playState or currentTime has been changed and in case the * animations aren't auto-refreshing), and then refresh the UI. */ refreshAnimationsStateAndUI: Task.async(function* () { for (let player of AnimationsController.animationPlayers) { yield player.refreshState(); } yield this.refreshAnimationsUI(); }), /** * Refresh the list of animations UI. This will empty the panel and re-render * the various components again. */ refreshAnimationsUI: Task.async(function* () { // Empty the whole panel first. this.togglePlayers(true); // Re-render the timeline component. this.animationsTimelineComponent.render( AnimationsController.animationPlayers, AnimationsController.documentCurrentTime); // Re-render the rate selector component. if (this.rateSelectorComponent) { this.rateSelectorComponent.render(AnimationsController.animationPlayers); } // If there are no players to show, show the error message instead and // return. if (!AnimationsController.animationPlayers.length) { this.togglePlayers(false); this.emit(this.UI_UPDATED_EVENT); return; } this.emit(this.UI_UPDATED_EVENT); }) }; EventEmitter.decorate(AnimationsPanel);