# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. STANDALONE_MAKEFILE := 1 include $(topsrcdir)/config/rules.mk # Building XPIDLs effectively consists of two steps: # # 1) Staging all .idl files to a common directory. # 2) Doing everything with the .idl files. # # Each .idl file is processed into a .h file and typelib information. # The .h file shares the same stem as the input file and is installed # in the common headers include directory. # # XPIDL files are logically grouped together by modules. The typelib # information for all XPIDLs in the same module is linked together into # an .xpt file having the name of the module. # # As an optimization to reduce overall CPU usage, we process all .idl # belonging to a module with a single command invocation. This prevents # redundant parsing of .idl files and significantly reduces CPU cycles. # For dependency files. idl_deps_dir := .deps dist_idl_dir := $(DIST)/idl dist_include_dir := $(DIST)/include process_py := $(topsrcdir)/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/action/xpidl-process.py # TODO we should use py_action, but that would require extra directories to be # in the virtualenv. %.xpt: @echo "$(@F)" $(PYTHON_PATH) $(PLY_INCLUDE) -I$(topsrcdir)/xpcom/idl-parser -I$(DEPTH)/xpcom/idl-parser/xpidl \ $(process_py) --cache-dir $(DEPTH)/xpcom/idl-parser/xpidl --depsdir $(idl_deps_dir) \ $(dist_idl_dir) $(dist_include_dir) $(@D) $(libxul_sdk_includes) \ $(basename $(notdir $@)) $($(basename $(notdir $@))_deps) # When some IDL is added or removed, if the actual IDL file was already, or # still is, in the tree, simple dependencies can't detect that the XPT needs # to be rebuilt. # Add the current value of $($(xpidl_module)_deps) in the depend file, such that # we can later check if the value has changed since last build, which will # indicate whether IDLs were added or removed. # Note that removing previously built files is not covered. @echo $(basename $(notdir $@))_deps_built = $($(basename $(notdir $@))_deps) >> $(idl_deps_dir)/$(basename $(notdir $@)).pp # Chrome manifests may be written from several Makefiles at various times during # the build. The 'buildlist' action adds to the file if it already exists, but # if it does exist, make considers it to be up-to-date (as we have no inputs to # depend on). We use FORCE to ensure that we always add the interface manifest, # whether or not the chrome manifest already exists. %/chrome.manifest: FORCE $(call py_action,buildlist,$@ 'manifest components/interfaces.manifest') chrome_manifests := @chrome_manifests@ %/interfaces.manifest: Makefile $(call py_action,buildlist,$@ $(foreach xpt,$(filter $*/%,$(registered_xpt_files)),'interfaces $(notdir $(xpt))')) interfaces_manifests := @interfaces_manifests@ xpidl_modules := @xpidl_modules@ registered_xpt_files := @registered_xpt_files@ xpt_files := $(registered_xpt_files) @xpt_files@ @xpidl_rules@ depends_files := $(foreach root,$(xpidl_modules),$(idl_deps_dir)/$(root).pp) GARBAGE += $(xpt_files) $(depends_files) ifdef COMPILE_ENVIRONMENT xpidl:: $(xpt_files) $(chrome_manifests) $(interfaces_manifests) endif $(xpt_files): $(process_py) $(call mkdir_deps,$(idl_deps_dir) $(dist_include_dir)) -include $(depends_files) define xpt_deps $(1): $(call mkdir_deps,$(dir $(1))) $(1): $(addsuffix .idl,$(addprefix $(dist_idl_dir)/,$($(basename $(notdir $(1)))_deps))) ifneq ($($(basename $(notdir $(1)))_deps),$($(basename $(notdir $(1)))_deps_built)) $(1): FORCE endif endef $(foreach xpt,$(xpt_files),$(eval $(call xpt_deps,$(xpt)))) .PHONY: xpidl