dumbmake ======== *dumbmake* is a simple dependency tracker for make. It turns lists of make targets into longer lists of make targets that include dependencies. For example: netwerk, package might be turned into netwerk, netwerk/build, toolkit/library, package The dependency list is read from the plain text file `topsrcdir/build/dumbmake-dependencies`. The format best described by example: build_this when_this_changes Interpret this to mean that `build_this` is a dependency of `when_this_changes`. More formally, a line (CHILD) indented more than the preceding line (PARENT) means that CHILD should trigger building PARENT. That is, building CHILD will trigger building first CHILD and then PARENT. This structure is recursive: build_this_when_either_change build_this_only_when this_changes This means that `build_this_when_either_change` is a dependency of `build_this_only_when` and `this_changes`, and `build_this_only_when` is a dependency of `this_changes`. Building `this_changes` will build first `this_changes`, then `build_this_only_when`, and finally `build_this_when_either_change`.