/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ var { classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr } = Components; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); var Social, SocialService; var manifests = [ { name: "provider 1", origin: "https://example1.com", sidebarURL: "https://example1.com/sidebar/", }, { name: "provider 2", origin: "https://example2.com", sidebarURL: "https://example1.com/sidebar/", } ]; const MANIFEST_PREFS = Services.prefs.getBranch("social.manifest."); // SocialProvider class relies on blocklisting being enabled. To enable // blocklisting, we have to setup an app and initialize the blocklist (see // initApp below). const gProfD = do_get_profile(); function createAppInfo(ID, name, version, platformVersion="1.0") { let tmp = {}; Cu.import("resource://testing-common/AppInfo.jsm", tmp); tmp.updateAppInfo({ ID, name, version, platformVersion, crashReporter: true, }); gAppInfo = tmp.getAppInfo(); } function initApp() { createAppInfo("xpcshell@tests.mozilla.org", "XPCShell", "1", "1.9"); // prepare a blocklist file for the blocklist service var blocklistFile = gProfD.clone(); blocklistFile.append("blocklist.xml"); if (blocklistFile.exists()) blocklistFile.remove(false); var source = do_get_file("blocklist.xml"); source.copyTo(gProfD, "blocklist.xml"); blocklistFile.lastModifiedTime = Date.now(); let internalManager = Cc["@mozilla.org/addons/integration;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIObserver). QueryInterface(Ci.nsITimerCallback); internalManager.observe(null, "addons-startup", null); } function setManifestPref(manifest) { let string = Cc["@mozilla.org/supports-string;1"]. createInstance(Ci.nsISupportsString); string.data = JSON.stringify(manifest); Services.prefs.setComplexValue("social.manifest." + manifest.origin, Ci.nsISupportsString, string); } function do_wait_observer(obsTopic, cb) { function observer(subject, topic, data) { Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, topic); cb(); } Services.obs.addObserver(observer, obsTopic, false); } function do_add_providers(cb) { // run only after social is already initialized SocialService.addProvider(manifests[0], function() { do_wait_observer("social:providers-changed", function() { do_check_eq(Social.providers.length, 2, "2 providers installed"); do_execute_soon(cb); }); SocialService.addProvider(manifests[1]); }); } function do_initialize_social(enabledOnStartup, cb) { initApp(); if (enabledOnStartup) { // set prefs before initializing social manifests.forEach(function (manifest) { setManifestPref(manifest); }); // Set both providers active and flag the first one as "current" let activeVal = Cc["@mozilla.org/supports-string;1"]. createInstance(Ci.nsISupportsString); let active = {}; for (let m of manifests) active[m.origin] = 1; activeVal.data = JSON.stringify(active); Services.prefs.setComplexValue("social.activeProviders", Ci.nsISupportsString, activeVal); do_register_cleanup(function() { manifests.forEach(function (manifest) { Services.prefs.clearUserPref("social.manifest." + manifest.origin); }); Services.prefs.clearUserPref("social.activeProviders"); }); // expecting 2 providers installed do_wait_observer("social:providers-changed", function() { do_check_eq(Social.providers.length, 2, "2 providers installed"); do_execute_soon(cb); }); } // import and initialize everything SocialService = Cu.import("resource:///modules/SocialService.jsm", {}).SocialService; do_check_eq(enabledOnStartup, SocialService.hasEnabledProviders, "Service has enabled providers"); Social = Cu.import("resource:///modules/Social.jsm", {}).Social; do_check_false(Social.initialized, "Social is not initialized"); Social.init(); do_check_true(Social.initialized, "Social is initialized"); if (!enabledOnStartup) do_execute_soon(cb); } function AsyncRunner() { do_test_pending(); do_register_cleanup(() => this.destroy()); this._callbacks = { done: do_test_finished, error: function (err) { // xpcshell test functions like do_check_eq throw NS_ERROR_ABORT on // failure. Ignore those so they aren't rethrown here. if (err !== Cr.NS_ERROR_ABORT) { if (err.stack) { err = err + " - See following stack:\n" + err.stack + "\nUseless do_throw stack"; } do_throw(err); } }, consoleError: function (scriptErr) { // Try to ensure the error is related to the test. let filename = scriptErr.sourceName || scriptErr.toString() || ""; if (filename.indexOf("/toolkit/components/social/") >= 0) do_throw(scriptErr); }, }; this._iteratorQueue = []; // This catches errors reported to the console, e.g., via Cu.reportError, but // not on the runner's stack. Cc["@mozilla.org/consoleservice;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIConsoleService). registerListener(this); } AsyncRunner.prototype = { appendIterator: function appendIterator(iter) { this._iteratorQueue.push(iter); }, next: function next(arg) { if (!this._iteratorQueue.length) { this.destroy(); this._callbacks.done(); return; } try { var { done, value: val } = this._iteratorQueue[0].next(arg); if (done) { this._iteratorQueue.shift(); this.next(); return; } } catch (err) { this._callbacks.error(err); } // val is an iterator => prepend it to the queue and start on it // val is otherwise truthy => call next if (val) { if (typeof(val) != "boolean") this._iteratorQueue.unshift(val); this.next(); } }, destroy: function destroy() { Cc["@mozilla.org/consoleservice;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIConsoleService). unregisterListener(this); this.destroy = function alreadyDestroyed() {}; }, observe: function observe(msg) { if (msg instanceof Ci.nsIScriptError && !(msg.flags & Ci.nsIScriptError.warningFlag)) { this._callbacks.consoleError(msg); } }, };