"use strict";

const SCALAR_ABOUT_HOME = "browser.engagement.navigation.about_home";

add_task(function* setup() {
  // about:home uses IndexedDB. However, the test finishes too quickly and doesn't
  // allow it enougth time to save. So it throws. This disables all the uncaught
  // exception in this file and that's the reason why we split about:home tests
  // out of the other UsageTelemetry files.

  // Create two new search engines. Mark one as the default engine, so
  // the test don't crash. We need to engines for this test as the searchbar
  // in content doesn't display the default search engine among the one-off engines.
  Services.search.addEngineWithDetails("MozSearch", "", "mozalias", "", "GET",

  Services.search.addEngineWithDetails("MozSearch2", "", "mozalias2", "", "GET",

  // Make the first engine the default search engine.
  let engineDefault = Services.search.getEngineByName("MozSearch");
  let originalEngine = Services.search.currentEngine;
  Services.search.currentEngine = engineDefault;

  // Move the second engine at the beginning of the one-off list.
  let engineOneOff = Services.search.getEngineByName("MozSearch2");
  Services.search.moveEngine(engineOneOff, 0);

  // Enable Extended Telemetry.
  yield SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({"set": [["toolkit.telemetry.enabled", true]]});

  // Make sure to restore the engine once we're done.
  registerCleanupFunction(function* () {
    Services.search.currentEngine = originalEngine;

add_task(function* test_abouthome_simpleQuery() {
  // Let's reset the counts.
  let search_hist = getSearchCountsHistogram();

  let tab = yield BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab(gBrowser);

  info("Setup waiting for AboutHomeLoadSnippetsCompleted.");
  let promiseAboutHomeLoaded = new Promise(resolve => {
    tab.linkedBrowser.addEventListener("AboutHomeLoadSnippetsCompleted", function loadListener(event) {
      tab.linkedBrowser.removeEventListener("AboutHomeLoadSnippetsCompleted", loadListener, true);
    }, true, true);

  info("Load about:home.");
  info("Wait for AboutHomeLoadSnippetsCompleted.");
  yield promiseAboutHomeLoaded;

  info("Trigger a simple serch, just test + enter.");
  let p = BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(tab.linkedBrowser);
  yield typeInSearchField(tab.linkedBrowser, "test query", "searchText");
  yield BrowserTestUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_RETURN", {}, tab.linkedBrowser);
  yield p;

  // Check if the scalars contain the expected values.
  const scalars =
    Services.telemetry.snapshotKeyedScalars(Ci.nsITelemetry.DATASET_RELEASE_CHANNEL_OPTIN, false);
  checkKeyedScalar(scalars, SCALAR_ABOUT_HOME, "search_enter", 1);
  Assert.equal(Object.keys(scalars[SCALAR_ABOUT_HOME]).length, 1,
               "This search must only increment one entry in the scalar.");

  // Make sure SEARCH_COUNTS contains identical values.
  checkKeyedHistogram(search_hist, 'other-MozSearch.abouthome', 1);

  // Also check events.
  let events = Services.telemetry.snapshotBuiltinEvents(Ci.nsITelemetry.DATASET_RELEASE_CHANNEL_OPTIN, false);
  events = events.filter(e => e[1] == "navigation" && e[2] == "search");
  checkEvents(events, [["navigation", "search", "about_home", "enter", {engine: "other-MozSearch"}]]);

  yield BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tab);