/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /* WHERE'S MAH BUCKET?! \ ___ .-9 9 `\ =(:(::)= ; |||| \ |||| `-. ,\|\| `, / \ ; `'---., | `\ ; / | \ | / ) \ __,.--\ / .-' \,..._\ \` .-' .-' `-=`` `: | /-/-/` `.__/ */ "use strict"; add_task(function* testBUIT() { let s = {}; Components.utils.import("resource:///modules/BrowserUITelemetry.jsm", s); let BUIT = s.BrowserUITelemetry; registerCleanupFunction(function() { BUIT.setBucket(null); }); // setBucket is(BUIT.currentBucket, BUIT.BUCKET_DEFAULT, "Bucket should be default bucket"); BUIT.setBucket("mah-bucket"); is(BUIT.currentBucket, BUIT.BUCKET_PREFIX + "mah-bucket", "Bucket should have correct name"); BUIT.setBucket(null); is(BUIT.currentBucket, BUIT.BUCKET_DEFAULT, "Bucket should be reset to default"); // _toTimeStr is(BUIT._toTimeStr(10), "10ms", "Checking time string reprentation, 10ms"); is(BUIT._toTimeStr(1000 + 10), "1s10ms", "Checking time string reprentation, 1s10ms"); is(BUIT._toTimeStr((20 * 1000) + 10), "20s10ms", "Checking time string reprentation, 20s10ms"); is(BUIT._toTimeStr(60 * 1000), "1m", "Checking time string reprentation, 1m"); is(BUIT._toTimeStr(3 * 60 * 1000), "3m", "Checking time string reprentation, 3m"); is(BUIT._toTimeStr((3 * 60 * 1000) + 1), "3m1ms", "Checking time string reprentation, 3m1ms"); is(BUIT._toTimeStr((60 * 60 * 1000) + (10 * 60 * 1000)), "1h10m", "Checking time string reprentation, 1h10m"); is(BUIT._toTimeStr(100 * 60 * 60 * 1000), "100h", "Checking time string reprentation, 100h"); // setExpiringBucket BUIT.setExpiringBucket("walrus", [1001, 2001, 3001, 10001]); is(BUIT.currentBucket, BUIT.BUCKET_PREFIX + "walrus" + BUIT.BUCKET_SEPARATOR + "1s1ms", "Bucket should be expiring and have time step of 1s1ms"); yield waitForConditionPromise(function() { return BUIT.currentBucket == (BUIT.BUCKET_PREFIX + "walrus" + BUIT.BUCKET_SEPARATOR + "2s1ms"); }, "Bucket should be expiring and have time step of 2s1ms"); yield waitForConditionPromise(function() { return BUIT.currentBucket == (BUIT.BUCKET_PREFIX + "walrus" + BUIT.BUCKET_SEPARATOR + "3s1ms"); }, "Bucket should be expiring and have time step of 3s1ms"); // Interupt previous expiring bucket BUIT.setExpiringBucket("walrus2", [1002, 2002]); is(BUIT.currentBucket, BUIT.BUCKET_PREFIX + "walrus2" + BUIT.BUCKET_SEPARATOR + "1s2ms", "Should be new expiring bucket, with time step of 1s2ms"); yield waitForConditionPromise(function() { return BUIT.currentBucket == (BUIT.BUCKET_PREFIX + "walrus2" + BUIT.BUCKET_SEPARATOR + "2s2ms"); }, "Should be new expiring bucket, with time step of 2s2ms"); // Let expiring bucket expire yield waitForConditionPromise(function() { return BUIT.currentBucket == BUIT.BUCKET_DEFAULT; }, "Bucket should have expired, default bucket should now be active"); // Interupt expiring bucket with normal bucket BUIT.setExpiringBucket("walrus3", [1003, 2003]); is(BUIT.currentBucket, BUIT.BUCKET_PREFIX + "walrus3" + BUIT.BUCKET_SEPARATOR + "1s3ms", "Should be new expiring bucket, with time step of 1s3ms"); BUIT.setBucket("mah-bucket"); is(BUIT.currentBucket, BUIT.BUCKET_PREFIX + "mah-bucket", "Bucket should have correct name"); yield waitForConditionPromise(function() { return BUIT.currentBucket == (BUIT.BUCKET_PREFIX + "mah-bucket"); }, "Next step of old expiring bucket shouldn't have progressed"); });