/* -*- Mode: indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set sts=2 sw=2 et tw=80: */ "use strict"; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "CustomizableUI", "resource:///modules/CustomizableUI.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "clearTimeout", "resource://gre/modules/Timer.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "setTimeout", "resource://gre/modules/Timer.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "colorUtils", () => { return require("devtools/shared/css/color").colorUtils; }); Cu.import("resource://devtools/shared/event-emitter.js"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/ExtensionUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Task.jsm"); var { EventManager, IconDetails, } = ExtensionUtils; const POPUP_PRELOAD_TIMEOUT_MS = 200; const XUL_NS = "http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"; function isAncestorOrSelf(target, node) { for (; node; node = node.parentNode) { if (node === target) { return true; } } return false; } // WeakMap[Extension -> BrowserAction] var browserActionMap = new WeakMap(); // Responsible for the browser_action section of the manifest as well // as the associated popup. function BrowserAction(options, extension) { this.extension = extension; let widgetId = makeWidgetId(extension.id); this.id = `${widgetId}-browser-action`; this.viewId = `PanelUI-webext-${widgetId}-browser-action-view`; this.widget = null; this.pendingPopup = null; this.pendingPopupTimeout = null; this.tabManager = TabManager.for(extension); this.defaults = { enabled: true, title: options.default_title || extension.name, badgeText: "", badgeBackgroundColor: null, icon: IconDetails.normalize({path: options.default_icon}, extension), popup: options.default_popup || "", }; this.browserStyle = options.browser_style || false; if (options.browser_style === null) { this.extension.logger.warn("Please specify whether you want browser_style " + "or not in your browser_action options."); } this.tabContext = new TabContext(tab => Object.create(this.defaults), extension); EventEmitter.decorate(this); } BrowserAction.prototype = { build() { let widget = CustomizableUI.createWidget({ id: this.id, viewId: this.viewId, type: "view", removable: true, label: this.defaults.title || this.extension.name, tooltiptext: this.defaults.title || "", defaultArea: CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR, onBeforeCreated: document => { let view = document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "panelview"); view.id = this.viewId; view.setAttribute("flex", "1"); document.getElementById("PanelUI-multiView").appendChild(view); }, onDestroyed: document => { let view = document.getElementById(this.viewId); if (view) { this.clearPopup(); CustomizableUI.hidePanelForNode(view); view.remove(); } }, onCreated: node => { node.classList.add("badged-button"); node.classList.add("webextension-browser-action"); node.setAttribute("constrain-size", "true"); node.onmousedown = event => this.handleEvent(event); this.updateButton(node, this.defaults); }, onViewShowing: event => { let document = event.target.ownerDocument; let tabbrowser = document.defaultView.gBrowser; let tab = tabbrowser.selectedTab; let popupURL = this.getProperty(tab, "popup"); this.tabManager.addActiveTabPermission(tab); // Popups are shown only if a popup URL is defined; otherwise // a "click" event is dispatched. This is done for compatibility with the // Google Chrome onClicked extension API. if (popupURL) { try { let popup = this.getPopup(document.defaultView, popupURL); event.detail.addBlocker(popup.attach(event.target)); } catch (e) { Cu.reportError(e); event.preventDefault(); } } else { // This isn't not a hack, but it seems to provide the correct behavior // with the fewest complications. event.preventDefault(); this.emit("click"); } }, }); this.tabContext.on("tab-select", // eslint-disable-line mozilla/balanced-listeners (evt, tab) => { this.updateWindow(tab.ownerGlobal); }); this.widget = widget; }, /** * Triggers this browser action for the given window, with the same effects as * if it were clicked by a user. * * This has no effect if the browser action is disabled for, or not * present in, the given window. */ triggerAction: Task.async(function* (window) { let popup = ViewPopup.for(this.extension, window); if (popup) { popup.closePopup(); return; } let widget = this.widget.forWindow(window); let tab = window.gBrowser.selectedTab; if (!widget || !this.getProperty(tab, "enabled")) { return; } // Popups are shown only if a popup URL is defined; otherwise // a "click" event is dispatched. This is done for compatibility with the // Google Chrome onClicked extension API. if (this.getProperty(tab, "popup")) { if (this.widget.areaType == CustomizableUI.TYPE_MENU_PANEL) { yield window.PanelUI.show(); } let event = new window.CustomEvent("command", {bubbles: true, cancelable: true}); widget.node.dispatchEvent(event); } else { this.emit("click"); } }), handleEvent(event) { let button = event.target; let window = button.ownerDocument.defaultView; switch (event.type) { case "mousedown": if (event.button == 0) { // Begin pre-loading the browser for the popup, so it's more likely to // be ready by the time we get a complete click. let tab = window.gBrowser.selectedTab; let popupURL = this.getProperty(tab, "popup"); let enabled = this.getProperty(tab, "enabled"); if (popupURL && enabled) { // Add permission for the active tab so it will exist for the popup. // Store the tab to revoke the permission during clearPopup. if (!this.pendingPopup && !this.tabManager.hasActiveTabPermission(tab)) { this.tabManager.addActiveTabPermission(tab); this.tabToRevokeDuringClearPopup = tab; } this.pendingPopup = this.getPopup(window, popupURL); window.addEventListener("mouseup", this, true); } else { this.clearPopup(); } } break; case "mouseup": if (event.button == 0) { this.clearPopupTimeout(); // If we have a pending pre-loaded popup, cancel it after we've waited // long enough that we can be relatively certain it won't be opening. if (this.pendingPopup) { let {node} = this.widget.forWindow(window); if (isAncestorOrSelf(node, event.originalTarget)) { this.pendingPopupTimeout = setTimeout(() => this.clearPopup(), POPUP_PRELOAD_TIMEOUT_MS); } else { this.clearPopup(); } } } break; } }, /** * Returns a potentially pre-loaded popup for the given URL in the given * window. If a matching pre-load popup already exists, returns that. * Otherwise, initializes a new one. * * If a pre-load popup exists which does not match, it is destroyed before a * new one is created. * * @param {Window} window * The browser window in which to create the popup. * @param {string} popupURL * The URL to load into the popup. * @returns {ViewPopup} */ getPopup(window, popupURL) { this.clearPopupTimeout(); let {pendingPopup} = this; this.pendingPopup = null; if (pendingPopup) { if (pendingPopup.window === window && pendingPopup.popupURL === popupURL) { return pendingPopup; } pendingPopup.destroy(); } let fixedWidth = this.widget.areaType == CustomizableUI.TYPE_MENU_PANEL; return new ViewPopup(this.extension, window, popupURL, this.browserStyle, fixedWidth); }, /** * Clears any pending pre-loaded popup and related timeouts. */ clearPopup() { this.clearPopupTimeout(); if (this.pendingPopup) { if (this.tabToRevokeDuringClearPopup) { this.tabManager.revokeActiveTabPermission(this.tabToRevokeDuringClearPopup); this.tabToRevokeDuringClearPopup = null; } this.pendingPopup.destroy(); this.pendingPopup = null; } }, /** * Clears any pending timeouts to clear stale, pre-loaded popups. */ clearPopupTimeout() { if (this.pendingPopup) { this.pendingPopup.window.removeEventListener("mouseup", this, true); } if (this.pendingPopupTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.pendingPopupTimeout); this.pendingPopupTimeout = null; } }, // Update the toolbar button |node| with the tab context data // in |tabData|. updateButton(node, tabData) { let title = tabData.title || this.extension.name; node.setAttribute("tooltiptext", title); node.setAttribute("label", title); if (tabData.badgeText) { node.setAttribute("badge", tabData.badgeText); } else { node.removeAttribute("badge"); } if (tabData.enabled) { node.removeAttribute("disabled"); } else { node.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); } let badgeNode = node.ownerDocument.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(node, "class", "toolbarbutton-badge"); if (badgeNode) { let color = tabData.badgeBackgroundColor; if (color) { color = `rgba(${color[0]}, ${color[1]}, ${color[2]}, ${color[3] / 255})`; } badgeNode.style.backgroundColor = color || ""; } const LEGACY_CLASS = "toolbarbutton-legacy-addon"; node.classList.remove(LEGACY_CLASS); let baseSize = 16; let {icon, size} = IconDetails.getPreferredIcon(tabData.icon, this.extension, baseSize); // If the best available icon size is not divisible by 16, check if we have // an 18px icon to fall back to, and trim off the padding instead. if (size % 16 && !icon.endsWith(".svg")) { let result = IconDetails.getPreferredIcon(tabData.icon, this.extension, 18); if (result.size % 18 == 0) { baseSize = 18; icon = result.icon; node.classList.add(LEGACY_CLASS); } } // These URLs should already be properly escaped, but make doubly sure CSS // string escape characters are escaped here, since they could lead to a // sandbox break. let escape = str => str.replace(/[\\\s"]/g, encodeURIComponent); let getIcon = size => escape(IconDetails.getPreferredIcon(tabData.icon, this.extension, size).icon); node.setAttribute("style", ` --webextension-menupanel-image: url("${getIcon(32)}"); --webextension-menupanel-image-2x: url("${getIcon(64)}"); --webextension-toolbar-image: url("${escape(icon)}"); --webextension-toolbar-image-2x: url("${getIcon(baseSize * 2)}"); `); }, // Update the toolbar button for a given window. updateWindow(window) { let widget = this.widget.forWindow(window); if (widget) { let tab = window.gBrowser.selectedTab; this.updateButton(widget.node, this.tabContext.get(tab)); } }, // Update the toolbar button when the extension changes the icon, // title, badge, etc. If it only changes a parameter for a single // tab, |tab| will be that tab. Otherwise it will be null. updateOnChange(tab) { if (tab) { if (tab.selected) { this.updateWindow(tab.ownerGlobal); } } else { for (let window of WindowListManager.browserWindows()) { this.updateWindow(window); } } }, // tab is allowed to be null. // prop should be one of "icon", "title", "badgeText", "popup", or "badgeBackgroundColor". setProperty(tab, prop, value) { if (tab == null) { this.defaults[prop] = value; } else if (value != null) { this.tabContext.get(tab)[prop] = value; } else { delete this.tabContext.get(tab)[prop]; } this.updateOnChange(tab); }, // tab is allowed to be null. // prop should be one of "title", "badgeText", "popup", or "badgeBackgroundColor". getProperty(tab, prop) { if (tab == null) { return this.defaults[prop]; } return this.tabContext.get(tab)[prop]; }, shutdown() { this.tabContext.shutdown(); CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(this.id); }, }; BrowserAction.for = (extension) => { return browserActionMap.get(extension); }; global.browserActionFor = BrowserAction.for; /* eslint-disable mozilla/balanced-listeners */ extensions.on("manifest_browser_action", (type, directive, extension, manifest) => { let browserAction = new BrowserAction(manifest.browser_action, extension); browserAction.build(); browserActionMap.set(extension, browserAction); }); extensions.on("shutdown", (type, extension) => { if (browserActionMap.has(extension)) { browserActionMap.get(extension).shutdown(); browserActionMap.delete(extension); } }); /* eslint-enable mozilla/balanced-listeners */ extensions.registerSchemaAPI("browserAction", "addon_parent", context => { let {extension} = context; return { browserAction: { onClicked: new EventManager(context, "browserAction.onClicked", fire => { let listener = () => { let tab = TabManager.activeTab; fire(TabManager.convert(extension, tab)); }; BrowserAction.for(extension).on("click", listener); return () => { BrowserAction.for(extension).off("click", listener); }; }).api(), enable: function(tabId) { let tab = tabId !== null ? TabManager.getTab(tabId, context) : null; BrowserAction.for(extension).setProperty(tab, "enabled", true); }, disable: function(tabId) { let tab = tabId !== null ? TabManager.getTab(tabId, context) : null; BrowserAction.for(extension).setProperty(tab, "enabled", false); }, setTitle: function(details) { let tab = details.tabId !== null ? TabManager.getTab(details.tabId, context) : null; let title = details.title; // Clear the tab-specific title when given a null string. if (tab && title == "") { title = null; } BrowserAction.for(extension).setProperty(tab, "title", title); }, getTitle: function(details) { let tab = details.tabId !== null ? TabManager.getTab(details.tabId, context) : null; let title = BrowserAction.for(extension).getProperty(tab, "title"); return Promise.resolve(title); }, setIcon: function(details) { let tab = details.tabId !== null ? TabManager.getTab(details.tabId, context) : null; let icon = IconDetails.normalize(details, extension, context); BrowserAction.for(extension).setProperty(tab, "icon", icon); }, setBadgeText: function(details) { let tab = details.tabId !== null ? TabManager.getTab(details.tabId, context) : null; BrowserAction.for(extension).setProperty(tab, "badgeText", details.text); }, getBadgeText: function(details) { let tab = details.tabId !== null ? TabManager.getTab(details.tabId, context) : null; let text = BrowserAction.for(extension).getProperty(tab, "badgeText"); return Promise.resolve(text); }, setPopup: function(details) { let tab = details.tabId !== null ? TabManager.getTab(details.tabId, context) : null; // Note: Chrome resolves arguments to setIcon relative to the calling // context, but resolves arguments to setPopup relative to the extension // root. // For internal consistency, we currently resolve both relative to the // calling context. let url = details.popup && context.uri.resolve(details.popup); BrowserAction.for(extension).setProperty(tab, "popup", url); }, getPopup: function(details) { let tab = details.tabId !== null ? TabManager.getTab(details.tabId, context) : null; let popup = BrowserAction.for(extension).getProperty(tab, "popup"); return Promise.resolve(popup); }, setBadgeBackgroundColor: function(details) { let tab = details.tabId !== null ? TabManager.getTab(details.tabId, context) : null; let color = details.color; if (!Array.isArray(color)) { let col = colorUtils.colorToRGBA(color); color = col && [col.r, col.g, col.b, Math.round(col.a * 255)]; } BrowserAction.for(extension).setProperty(tab, "badgeBackgroundColor", color); }, getBadgeBackgroundColor: function(details, callback) { let tab = details.tabId !== null ? TabManager.getTab(details.tabId, context) : null; let color = BrowserAction.for(extension).getProperty(tab, "badgeBackgroundColor"); return Promise.resolve(color || [0xd9, 0, 0, 255]); }, }, }; });