"use strict"; /* * This test triggers multiple alerts on one single tab, because it"s possible * for web content to do so. The behavior is described in bug 1266353. * * We assert the presentation of the multiple alerts, ensuring we show only * the oldest one. */ add_task(function*() { const PROMPTCOUNT = 5; let contentScript = function() { var i = 5; // contentScript has no access to PROMPTCOUNT. window.addEventListener("message", function() { i--; if (i) { window.postMessage("ping", "*"); } alert("Alert countdown #" + i); }); window.postMessage("ping", "*"); }; let url = "data:text/html," let promptsOpenedPromise = new Promise(function(resolve) { let unopenedPromptCount = PROMPTCOUNT; Services.obs.addObserver(function observer() { unopenedPromptCount--; if (!unopenedPromptCount) { Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, "tabmodal-dialog-loaded"); info("Prompts opened."); resolve(); } }, "tabmodal-dialog-loaded", false); }); let tab = yield BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab(gBrowser, url, true); info("Tab loaded"); yield promptsOpenedPromise; let promptsCount = PROMPTCOUNT; while (promptsCount--) { let prompts = tab.linkedBrowser.parentNode.querySelectorAll("tabmodalprompt"); is(prompts.length, promptsCount + 1, "There should be " + (promptsCount + 1) + " prompt(s)."); // The oldest should be the first. let i = 0; for (let prompt of prompts) { is(prompt.Dialog.args.text, "Alert countdown #" + i, "The #" + i + " alert should be labelled as such."); if (i !== promptsCount) { is(prompt.hidden, true, "This prompt should be hidden."); i++; continue; } is(prompt.hidden, false, "The last prompt should not be hidden."); prompt.onButtonClick(0); // The click is handled async; wait for an event loop turn for that to // happen. yield new Promise(function(resolve) { Services.tm.mainThread.dispatch(resolve, Ci.nsIThread.DISPATCH_NORMAL); }); } } let prompts = tab.linkedBrowser.parentNode.querySelectorAll("tabmodalprompt"); is(prompts.length, 0, "Prompts should all be dismissed."); yield BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tab); });