var lastElement; function openContextMenuFor(element, shiftkey, waitForSpellCheck) { // Context menu should be closed before we open it again. is(SpecialPowers.wrap(contextMenu).state, "closed", "checking if popup is closed"); if (lastElement) lastElement.blur(); element.focus(); // Some elements need time to focus and spellcheck before any tests are // run on them. function actuallyOpenContextMenuFor() { lastElement = element; var eventDetails = { type : "contextmenu", button : 2, shiftKey : shiftkey }; synthesizeMouse(element, 2, 2, eventDetails, element.ownerGlobal); } if (waitForSpellCheck) { var { onSpellCheck } = SpecialPowers.Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/AsyncSpellCheckTestHelper.jsm", {}); onSpellCheck(element, actuallyOpenContextMenuFor); } else { actuallyOpenContextMenuFor(); } } function closeContextMenu() { contextMenu.hidePopup(); } function getVisibleMenuItems(aMenu, aData) { var items = []; var accessKeys = {}; for (var i = 0; i < aMenu.childNodes.length; i++) { var item = aMenu.childNodes[i]; if (item.hidden) continue; var key = item.accessKey; if (key) key = key.toLowerCase(); var isPageMenuItem = item.hasAttribute("generateditemid"); if (item.nodeName == "menuitem") { var isGenerated = item.className == "spell-suggestion" || item.className == "sendtab-target"; if (isGenerated) { is(, "", "child menuitem #" + i + " is generated"); } else if (isPageMenuItem) { is(, "", "child menuitem #" + i + " is a generated page menu item"); } else { ok(, "child menuitem #" + i + " has an ID"); } var label = item.getAttribute("label"); ok(label.length, "menuitem " + + " has a label"); if (isGenerated) { is(key, "", "Generated items shouldn't have an access key"); items.push("*" + label); } else if (isPageMenuItem) { items.push("+" + label); } else if ("spell-check-dictionary-") != 0 && != "spell-no-suggestions" && != "spell-add-dictionaries-main" && != "context-savelinktopocket" && != "fill-login-saved-passwords" && != "fill-login-no-logins") { ok(key, "menuitem " + + " has an access key"); if (accessKeys[key]) ok(false, "menuitem " + + " has same accesskey as " + accessKeys[key]); else accessKeys[key] =; } if (!isGenerated && !isPageMenuItem) { items.push(; } if (isPageMenuItem) { var p = {}; p.type = item.getAttribute("type"); p.icon = item.getAttribute("image"); p.checked = item.hasAttribute("checked"); p.disabled = item.hasAttribute("disabled"); items.push(p); } else { items.push(!item.disabled); } } else if (item.nodeName == "menuseparator") { ok(true, "--- seperator id is " +; items.push("---"); items.push(null); } else if (item.nodeName == "menu") { if (isPageMenuItem) { = "generated-submenu-" + aData.generatedSubmenuId++; } ok(, "child menu #" + i + " has an ID"); if (!isPageMenuItem) { ok(key, "menu has an access key"); if (accessKeys[key]) ok(false, "menu " + + " has same accesskey as " + accessKeys[key]); else accessKeys[key] =; } items.push(; items.push(!item.disabled); // Add a dummy item so that the indexes in checkMenu are the same // for expectedItems and actualItems. items.push([]); items.push(null); } else if (item.nodeName == "menugroup") { ok(, "child menugroup #" + i + " has an ID"); items.push(; items.push(!item.disabled); var menugroupChildren = []; for (var child of item.children) { if (child.hidden) continue; menugroupChildren.push([, !child.disabled]); } items.push(menugroupChildren); items.push(null); } else { ok(false, "child #" + i + " of menu ID " + + " has an unknown type (" + item.nodeName + ")"); } } return items; } function checkContextMenu(expectedItems) { is(contextMenu.state, "open", "checking if popup is open"); var data = { generatedSubmenuId: 1 }; checkMenu(contextMenu, expectedItems, data); } function checkMenuItem(actualItem, actualEnabled, expectedItem, expectedEnabled, index) { is(actualItem, expectedItem, "checking item #" + index/2 + " (" + expectedItem + ") name"); if (typeof expectedEnabled == "object" && expectedEnabled != null || typeof actualEnabled == "object" && actualEnabled != null) { ok(!(actualEnabled == null), "actualEnabled is not null"); ok(!(expectedEnabled == null), "expectedEnabled is not null"); is(typeof actualEnabled, typeof expectedEnabled, "checking types"); if (typeof actualEnabled != typeof expectedEnabled || actualEnabled == null || expectedEnabled == null) return; is(actualEnabled.type, expectedEnabled.type, "checking item #" + index/2 + " (" + expectedItem + ") type attr value"); var icon = actualEnabled.icon; if (icon) { var tmp = ""; var j = icon.length - 1; while (j && icon[j] != "/") { tmp = icon[j--] + tmp; } icon = tmp; } is(icon, expectedEnabled.icon, "checking item #" + index/2 + " (" + expectedItem + ") icon attr value"); is(actualEnabled.checked, expectedEnabled.checked, "checking item #" + index/2 + " (" + expectedItem + ") has checked attr"); is(actualEnabled.disabled, expectedEnabled.disabled, "checking item #" + index/2 + " (" + expectedItem + ") has disabled attr"); } else if (expectedEnabled != null) is(actualEnabled, expectedEnabled, "checking item #" + index/2 + " (" + expectedItem + ") enabled state"); } /* * checkMenu - checks to see if the specified contains the * expected items and state. * expectedItems is a array of (1) item IDs and (2) a boolean specifying if * the item is enabled or not (or null to ignore it). Submenus can be checked * by providing a nested array entry after the expected ID. * For example: ["blah", true, // item enabled * "submenu", null, // submenu * ["sub1", true, // submenu contents * "sub2", false], null, // submenu contents * "lol", false] // item disabled * */ function checkMenu(menu, expectedItems, data) { var actualItems = getVisibleMenuItems(menu, data); // ok(false, "Items are: " + actualItems); for (var i = 0; i < expectedItems.length; i+=2) { var actualItem = actualItems[i]; var actualEnabled = actualItems[i + 1]; var expectedItem = expectedItems[i]; var expectedEnabled = expectedItems[i + 1]; if (expectedItem instanceof Array) { ok(true, "Checking submenu/menugroup..."); var previousId = expectedItems[i - 2]; // The last item was the menu ID. var previousItem = menu.getElementsByAttribute("id", previousId)[0]; ok(previousItem, (previousItem ? previousItem.nodeName : "item") + " with previous id (" + previousId + ") found"); if (previousItem && previousItem.nodeName == "menu") { ok(previousItem, "got a submenu element of id='" + previousId + "'"); is(previousItem.nodeName, "menu", "submenu element of id='" + previousId + "' has expected nodeName"); checkMenu(previousItem.menupopup, expectedItem, data, i); } else if (previousItem && previousItem.nodeName == "menugroup") { ok(expectedItem.length, "menugroup must not be empty"); for (var j = 0; j < expectedItem.length / 2; j++) { checkMenuItem(actualItems[i][j][0], actualItems[i][j][1], expectedItem[j*2], expectedItem[j*2+1], i+j*2); } i += j; } else { ok(false, "previous item is not a menu or menugroup"); } } else { checkMenuItem(actualItem, actualEnabled, expectedItem, expectedEnabled, i); } } // Could find unexpected extra items at the end... is(actualItems.length, expectedItems.length, "checking expected number of menu entries"); } let lastElementSelector = null; /** * Right-clicks on the element that matches `selector` and checks the * context menu that appears against the `menuItems` array. * * @param {String} selector * A selector passed to querySelector to find * the element that will be referenced. * @param {Array} menuItems * An array of menuitem ids and their associated enabled state. A state * of null means that it will be ignored. Ids of '---' are used for * menuseparators. * @param {Object} options, optional * skipFocusChange: don't move focus to the element before test, useful * if you want to delay spell-check initialization * offsetX: horizontal mouse offset from the top-left corner of * the element, optional * offsetY: vertical mouse offset from the top-left corner of the * element, optional * centered: if true, mouse position is centered in element, defaults * to true if offsetX and offsetY are not provided * waitForSpellCheck: wait until spellcheck is initialized before * starting test * preCheckContextMenuFn: callback to run before opening menu * onContextMenuShown: callback to run when the context menu is shown * postCheckContextMenuFn: callback to run after opening menu * @return {Promise} resolved after the test finishes */ function* test_contextmenu(selector, menuItems, options={}) { contextMenu = document.getElementById("contentAreaContextMenu"); is(contextMenu.state, "closed", "checking if popup is closed"); // Default to centered if no positioning is defined. if (!options.offsetX && !options.offsetY) { options.centered = true; } if (!options.skipFocusChange) { yield ContentTask.spawn(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, [lastElementSelector, selector], function*([contentLastElementSelector, contentSelector]) { if (contentLastElementSelector) { let contentLastElement = content.document.querySelector(contentLastElementSelector); contentLastElement.blur(); } let element = content.document.querySelector(contentSelector); element.focus(); }); lastElementSelector = selector; info(`Moved focus to ${selector}`); } if (options.preCheckContextMenuFn) { yield options.preCheckContextMenuFn(); info("Completed preCheckContextMenuFn"); } if (options.waitForSpellCheck) { info("Waiting for spell check"); yield ContentTask.spawn(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, selector, function*(contentSelector) { let {onSpellCheck} = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/AsyncSpellCheckTestHelper.jsm", {}); let element = content.document.querySelector(contentSelector); yield new Promise(resolve => onSpellCheck(element, resolve)); info("Spell check running"); }); } let awaitPopupShown = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(contextMenu, "popupshown"); yield BrowserTestUtils.synthesizeMouse(selector, options.offsetX || 0, options.offsetY || 0, { type: "contextmenu", button: 2, shiftkey: options.shiftkey, centered: options.centered }, gBrowser.selectedBrowser); yield awaitPopupShown; info("Popup Shown"); if (options.onContextMenuShown) { yield options.onContextMenuShown(); info("Completed onContextMenuShown"); } if (menuItems) { if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref("devtools.inspector.enabled")) { let inspectItems = ["---", null, "context-inspect", true]; menuItems = menuItems.concat(inspectItems); } checkContextMenu(menuItems); } let awaitPopupHidden = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(contextMenu, "popuphidden"); if (options.postCheckContextMenuFn) { yield options.postCheckContextMenuFn(); info("Completed postCheckContextMenuFn"); } contextMenu.hidePopup(); yield awaitPopupHidden; }