/* Tests for correct behaviour of getEffectiveHost on identity handler */ function test() { waitForExplicitFinish(); requestLongerTimeout(2); ok(gIdentityHandler, "gIdentityHandler should exist"); BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab(gBrowser, "about:blank", true).then(() => { gBrowser.selectedBrowser.addEventListener("load", checkResult, true); nextTest(); }); } // Greek IDN for 'example.test'. var idnDomain = "\u03C0\u03B1\u03C1\u03AC\u03B4\u03B5\u03B9\u03B3\u03BC\u03B1.\u03B4\u03BF\u03BA\u03B9\u03BC\u03AE"; var tests = [ { name: "normal domain", location: "http://test1.example.org/", effectiveHost: "test1.example.org" }, { name: "view-source", location: "view-source:http://example.com/", effectiveHost: null }, { name: "normal HTTPS", location: "https://example.com/", effectiveHost: "example.com", isHTTPS: true }, { name: "IDN subdomain", location: "http://sub1." + idnDomain + "/", effectiveHost: "sub1." + idnDomain }, { name: "subdomain with port", location: "http://sub1.test1.example.org:8000/", effectiveHost: "sub1.test1.example.org" }, { name: "subdomain HTTPS", location: "https://test1.example.com/", effectiveHost: "test1.example.com", isHTTPS: true }, { name: "view-source HTTPS", location: "view-source:https://example.com/", effectiveHost: null, isHTTPS: true }, { name: "IP address", location: "", effectiveHost: "" }, ] var gCurrentTest, gCurrentTestIndex = -1, gTestDesc, gPopupHidden; // Go through the tests in both directions, to add additional coverage for // transitions between different states. var gForward = true; var gCheckETLD = false; function nextTest() { if (!gCheckETLD) { if (gForward) gCurrentTestIndex++; else gCurrentTestIndex--; if (gCurrentTestIndex == tests.length) { // Went too far, reverse gCurrentTestIndex--; gForward = false; } if (gCurrentTestIndex == -1) { gBrowser.selectedBrowser.removeEventListener("load", checkResult, true); gBrowser.removeCurrentTab(); finish(); return; } gCurrentTest = tests[gCurrentTestIndex]; gTestDesc = "#" + gCurrentTestIndex + " (" + gCurrentTest.name + ")"; if (!gForward) gTestDesc += " (second time)"; if (gCurrentTest.isHTTPS) { gCheckETLD = true; } // Navigate to the next page, which will cause checkResult to fire. let spec = gBrowser.selectedBrowser.currentURI.spec; if (spec == "about:blank" || spec == gCurrentTest.location) { BrowserTestUtils.loadURI(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, gCurrentTest.location); } else { // Open the Control Center and make sure it closes after nav (Bug 1207542). let popupShown = promisePopupShown(gIdentityHandler._identityPopup); gPopupHidden = promisePopupHidden(gIdentityHandler._identityPopup); gIdentityHandler._identityBox.click(); info("Waiting for the Control Center to be shown"); popupShown.then(() => { is_element_visible(gIdentityHandler._identityPopup, "Control Center is visible"); // Show the subview, which is an easy way in automation to reproduce // Bug 1207542, where the CC wouldn't close on navigation. gBrowser.ownerDocument.querySelector("#identity-popup-security-expander").click(); BrowserTestUtils.loadURI(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, gCurrentTest.location); }); } } else { gCheckETLD = false; gTestDesc = "#" + gCurrentTestIndex + " (" + gCurrentTest.name + " without eTLD in identity icon label)"; if (!gForward) gTestDesc += " (second time)"; gBrowser.selectedBrowser.reloadWithFlags(Ci.nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_BYPASS_CACHE | Ci.nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_BYPASS_PROXY); } } function checkResult() { // Sanity check other values, and the value of gIdentityHandler.getEffectiveHost() is(gIdentityHandler._uri.spec, gCurrentTest.location, "location matches for test " + gTestDesc); // getEffectiveHost can't be called for all modes if (gCurrentTest.effectiveHost === null) { let identityBox = document.getElementById("identity-box"); ok(identityBox.className == "unknownIdentity" || identityBox.className == "chromeUI", "mode matched"); } else { is(gIdentityHandler.getEffectiveHost(), gCurrentTest.effectiveHost, "effectiveHost matches for test " + gTestDesc); } if (gPopupHidden) { info("Waiting for the Control Center to hide"); gPopupHidden.then(() => { gPopupHidden = null; is_element_hidden(gIdentityHandler._identityPopup, "control center is hidden"); executeSoon(nextTest); }); } else { executeSoon(nextTest); } }