function press(key, expectedPos) { var originalSelectedTab = gBrowser.selectedTab; EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_" + key.toUpperCase(), { accelKey: true }); is(gBrowser.selectedTab, originalSelectedTab, "accel+" + key + " doesn't change which tab is selected"); is(gBrowser.tabContainer.selectedIndex, expectedPos, "accel+" + key + " moves the tab to the expected position"); is(document.activeElement, gBrowser.selectedTab, "accel+" + key + " leaves the selected tab focused"); } function test() { gBrowser.addTab(); gBrowser.addTab(); is(gBrowser.tabs.length, 3, "got three tabs"); is(gBrowser.tabs[0], gBrowser.selectedTab, "first tab is selected"); gBrowser.selectedTab.focus(); is(document.activeElement, gBrowser.selectedTab, "selected tab is focused"); press("right", 1); press("down", 2); press("left", 1); press("up", 0); press("end", 2); press("home", 0); gBrowser.removeCurrentTab(); gBrowser.removeCurrentTab(); }