var Cu = Components.utils; const { Services } = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); // Load a duplicated copy of the jsm to prevent messing with the currently running one var scope = {}; Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript("resource://gre/modules/SystemAppProxy.jsm", scope); const { SystemAppProxy } = scope; var frame; var customEventTarget; var index = -1; function next() { index++; if (index >= steps.length) { assert.ok(false, "Shouldn't get here!"); return; } try { steps[index](); } catch(ex) { assert.ok(false, "Caught exception: " + ex); } } // Listen for events received by the system app document // to ensure that we receive all of them, in an expected order and time var isLoaded = false; var isReady = false; var n = 0; function listener(event) { if (!isLoaded) { assert.ok(false, "Received event before the iframe is loaded"); return; } n++; if (n == 1) { assert.equal(event.type, "mozChromeEvent"); assert.equal(, "first"); } else if (n == 2) { assert.equal(event.type, "custom"); assert.equal(, "second"); next(); // call checkEventPendingBeforeLoad } else if (n == 3) { if (!isReady) { assert.ok(false, "Received event before the iframe is loaded"); return; } assert.equal(event.type, "custom"); assert.equal(, "third"); } else if (n == 4) { if (!isReady) { assert.ok(false, "Received event before the iframe is loaded"); return; } assert.equal(event.type, "mozChromeEvent"); assert.equal(, "fourth"); next(); // call checkEventDispatching } else if (n == 5) { assert.equal(event.type, "custom"); assert.equal(, "fifth"); } else if (n === 6) { assert.equal(event.type, "mozChromeEvent"); assert.equal(, "sixth"); } else if (n === 7) { assert.equal(event.type, "custom"); assert.equal(, "seventh"); assert.equal(, customEventTarget); next(); // call checkEventListening(); } else { assert.ok(false, "Unexpected event of type " + event.type); } } var steps = [ function earlyEvents() { // Immediately try to send events SystemAppProxy._sendCustomEvent("mozChromeEvent", { name: "first" }, true); SystemAppProxy._sendCustomEvent("custom", { name: "second" }, true); next(); }, function createFrame() { // Create a fake system app frame let win = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser"); let doc = win.document; frame = doc.createElement("iframe"); doc.documentElement.appendChild(frame); customEventTarget = frame.contentDocument.body; // Ensure that events are correctly sent to the frame. // `listener` is going to call next() frame.contentWindow.addEventListener("mozChromeEvent", listener); frame.contentWindow.addEventListener("custom", listener); // Ensure that listener being registered before the system app is ready // are correctly removed from the pending list function removedListener() { assert.ok(false, "Listener isn't correctly removed from the pending list"); } SystemAppProxy.addEventListener("mozChromeEvent", removedListener); SystemAppProxy.removeEventListener("mozChromeEvent", removedListener); // Register it to the JSM SystemAppProxy.registerFrame(frame); assert.ok(true, "Frame created and registered"); frame.contentWindow.addEventListener("load", function onload() { frame.contentWindow.removeEventListener("load", onload); assert.ok(true, "Frame document loaded"); // Declare that the iframe is now loaded. // That should dispatch early events isLoaded = true; SystemAppProxy.setIsLoaded(); assert.ok(true, "Frame declared as loaded"); let gotFrame = SystemAppProxy.getFrame(); assert.equal(gotFrame, frame, "getFrame returns the frame we passed"); // Once pending events are received, // we will run checkEventDispatching from `listener` function }); frame.setAttribute("src", "data:text/html,system app"); }, function checkEventPendingBeforeLoad() { // Frame is loaded but not ready, // these events should queue before the System app is ready. SystemAppProxy._sendCustomEvent("custom", { name: "third" }); SystemAppProxy.dispatchEvent({ name: "fourth" }); isReady = true; SystemAppProxy.setIsReady(); // Once this 4th event is received, we will run checkEventDispatching }, function checkEventDispatching() { // Send events after the iframe is ready, // they should be dispatched right away SystemAppProxy._sendCustomEvent("custom", { name: "fifth" }); SystemAppProxy.dispatchEvent({ name: "sixth" }); SystemAppProxy._sendCustomEvent("custom", { name: "seventh" }, false, customEventTarget); // Once this 7th event is received, we will run checkEventListening }, function checkEventListening() { SystemAppProxy.addEventListener("mozContentEvent", function onContentEvent(event) { assert.equal(, "first-content", "received a system app event"); SystemAppProxy.removeEventListener("mozContentEvent", onContentEvent); next(); }); let win = frame.contentWindow; win.dispatchEvent(new win.CustomEvent("mozContentEvent", { detail: {name: "first-content"} })); }, function endOfTest() { frame.remove(); sendAsyncMessage("finish"); } ]; next();