// screen.js: // Set the screen size, pixel density and scaling of the b2g client screen // based on the --screen command-line option, if there is one. // // TODO: support multiple device pixels per CSS pixel // var browserWindow = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser"); var isMulet = "ResponsiveUI" in browserWindow; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/GlobalSimulatorScreen.jsm"); window.addEventListener('ContentStart', onStart); window.addEventListener('SafeModeStart', onStart); // We do this on ContentStart and SafeModeStart because querying the // displayDPI fails otherwise. function onStart() { // This is the toplevel element let shell = document.getElementById('shell'); // The element inside it let browser = document.getElementById('systemapp'); // Figure out the native resolution of the screen let windowUtils = window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDOMWindowUtils); let hostDPI = windowUtils.displayDPI; let DEFAULT_SCREEN = '320x480'; // This is a somewhat random selection of named screens. // Add more to this list when we support more hardware. // Data from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_displays_by_pixel_density let screens = { iphone: { name: 'Apple iPhone', width:320, height:480, dpi:163 }, ipad: { name: 'Apple iPad', width:1024, height:768, dpi:132 }, nexus_s: { name: 'Samsung Nexus S', width:480, height:800, dpi:235 }, galaxy_s2: { name: 'Samsung Galaxy SII (I9100)', width:480, height:800, dpi:219 }, galaxy_nexus: { name: 'Samsung Galaxy Nexus', width:720, height:1280, dpi:316 }, galaxy_tab: { name: 'Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1', width:800, height:1280, dpi:149 }, wildfire: { name: 'HTC Wildfire', width:240, height:320, dpi:125 }, tattoo: { name: 'HTC Tattoo', width:240, height:320, dpi:143 }, salsa: { name: 'HTC Salsa', width:320, height:480, dpi:170 }, chacha: { name: 'HTC ChaCha', width:320, height:480, dpi:222 }, }; // Get the command line arguments that were passed to the b2g client let args; try { let service = Cc["@mozilla.org/commandlinehandler/general-startup;1?type=b2gcmds"].getService(Ci.nsISupports); args = service.wrappedJSObject.cmdLine; } catch(e) {} let screenarg = null; // Get the --screen argument from the command line try { if (args) { screenarg = args.handleFlagWithParam('screen', false); } // Override default screen size with a pref if (screenarg === null && Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue('b2g.screen.size')) { screenarg = Services.prefs.getCharPref('b2g.screen.size'); } // If there isn't one, use the default screen if (screenarg === null) screenarg = DEFAULT_SCREEN; // With no value, tell the user how to use it if (screenarg == '') usage(); } catch(e) { // If getting the argument value fails, its an error usage(); } // Special case --screen=full goes into fullscreen mode if (screenarg === 'full') { shell.setAttribute('sizemode', 'fullscreen'); return; } let width, height, ratio = 1.0; let lastResizedWidth; if (screenarg in screens) { // If this is a named screen, get its data let screen = screens[screenarg]; width = screen.width; height = screen.height; ratio = screen.ratio; } else { // Otherwise, parse the resolution and density from the --screen value. // The supported syntax is WIDTHxHEIGHT[@DPI] let match = screenarg.match(/^(\d+)x(\d+)(@(\d+(\.\d+)?))?$/); // Display usage information on syntax errors if (match == null) usage(); // Convert strings to integers width = parseInt(match[1], 10); height = parseInt(match[2], 10); if (match[4]) ratio = parseFloat(match[4], 10); // If any of the values came out 0 or NaN or undefined, display usage if (!width || !height || !ratio) { usage(); } } Services.prefs.setCharPref('layout.css.devPixelsPerPx', ratio == 1 ? -1 : ratio); let defaultOrientation = width < height ? 'portrait' : 'landscape'; GlobalSimulatorScreen.mozOrientation = GlobalSimulatorScreen.screenOrientation = defaultOrientation; function resize() { GlobalSimulatorScreen.width = width; GlobalSimulatorScreen.height = height; // Set the window width and height to desired size plus chrome // Include the size of the toolbox displayed under the system app let controls = document.getElementById('controls'); let controlsHeight = controls ? controls.getBoundingClientRect().height : 0; if (isMulet) { let tab = browserWindow.gBrowser.selectedTab; let responsive = ResponsiveUIManager.getResponsiveUIForTab(tab); responsive.setSize(width + 16*2, height + controlsHeight + 61); } else { let chromewidth = window.outerWidth - window.innerWidth; let chromeheight = window.outerHeight - window.innerHeight + controlsHeight; if (lastResizedWidth == width) { return; } lastResizedWidth = width; window.resizeTo(width + chromewidth, height + chromeheight); } let frameWidth = width, frameHeight = height; // If the current app doesn't supports the current screen orientation // still resize the window, but rotate its frame so that // it is displayed rotated on the side let shouldFlip = GlobalSimulatorScreen.mozOrientation != GlobalSimulatorScreen.screenOrientation; if (shouldFlip) { frameWidth = height; frameHeight = width; } // Set the browser element to the full unscaled size of the screen let style = browser.style; style.transform = ''; style.height = 'calc(100% - ' + controlsHeight + 'px)'; style.bottom = controlsHeight; style.width = frameWidth + "px"; style.height = frameHeight + "px"; if (shouldFlip) { // Display the system app with a 90° clockwise rotation let shift = Math.floor(Math.abs(frameWidth - frameHeight) / 2); style.transform += ' rotate(0.25turn) translate(-' + shift + 'px, -' + shift + 'px)'; } } // Resize on startup resize(); // Catch manual resizes to update the internal device size. window.onresize = function() { let controls = document.getElementById('controls'); let controlsHeight = controls ? controls.getBoundingClientRect().height : 0; width = window.innerWidth; height = window.innerHeight - controlsHeight; queueResize(); }; // Then resize on each rotation button click, // or when the system app lock/unlock the orientation Services.obs.addObserver(function orientationChangeListener(subject) { let screen = subject.wrappedJSObject; let { mozOrientation, screenOrientation } = screen; // If we have an orientation different than the current one, // we switch the sizes if (screenOrientation != defaultOrientation) { let w = width; width = height; height = w; } defaultOrientation = screenOrientation; queueResize(); }, 'simulator-adjust-window-size', false); // Queue resize request in order to prevent race and slowdowns // by requesting resize multiple times per loop let resizeTimeout; function queueResize() { if (resizeTimeout) { clearTimeout(resizeTimeout); } resizeTimeout = setTimeout(function () { resizeTimeout = null; resize(); }, 0); } // A utility function like console.log() for printing to the terminal window // Uses dump(), but enables it first, if necessary function print() { let dump_enabled = Services.prefs.getBoolPref('browser.dom.window.dump.enabled'); if (!dump_enabled) Services.prefs.setBoolPref('browser.dom.window.dump.enabled', true); dump(Array.prototype.join.call(arguments, ' ') + '\n'); if (!dump_enabled) Services.prefs.setBoolPref('browser.dom.window.dump.enabled', false); } // Print usage info for --screen and exit function usage() { // Documentation for the --screen argument let msg = 'The --screen argument specifies the desired resolution and\n' + 'pixel density of the simulated device screen. Use it like this:\n' + '\t--screen=WIDTHxHEIGHT\t\t\t// E.g.: --screen=320x480\n' + '\t--screen=WIDTHxHEIGHT@DOTS_PER_INCH\t// E.g.: --screen=480x800@250\n' + '\t--screen=full\t\t\t\t// run in fullscreen mode\n' + '\nYou can also specify certain device names:\n'; for(let p in screens) msg += '\t--screen=' + p + '\t// ' + screens[p].name + '\n'; // Display the usage message print(msg); // Exit the b2g client Services.startup.quit(Ci.nsIAppStartup.eAttemptQuit); } }