# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. profileName_format=%S %S # Browser Specific sourceNameIE=Internet Explorer sourceNameSafari=Safari sourceNameChrome=Google Chrome sourceNameFirefox=Mozilla Firefox importedBookmarksFolder=From %S importedSafariReadingList=Reading List (From Safari) # Import Sources # Note: When adding an import source for profile reset, add the string name to # resetProfile.js if it should be listed in the reset dialog. 1_ie=Internet Options 1_safari=Preferences 1_chrome=Preferences 2_ie=Cookies 2_safari=Cookies 2_chrome=Cookies 2_firefox=Cookies 4_ie=Browsing History 4_safari=Browsing History 4_chrome=Browsing History 4_firefox_history_and_bookmarks=Browsing History and Bookmarks 8_ie=Saved Form History 8_safari=Saved Form History 8_chrome=Saved Form History 8_firefox=Saved Form History 16_ie=Saved Passwords 16_safari=Saved Passwords 16_chrome=Saved Passwords 16_firefox=Saved Passwords 32_ie=Favorites 32_safari=Bookmarks 32_chrome=Bookmarks 64_ie=Other Data 64_safari=Other Data 64_chrome=Other Data 64_firefox_other=Other Data