/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const Cc = Components.classes; const Ci = Components.interfaces; const Cu = Components.utils; const kIMig = Ci.nsIBrowserProfileMigrator; const kIPStartup = Ci.nsIProfileStartup; Cu.import("resource:///modules/MigrationUtils.jsm"); var MigrationWizard = { _source: "", // Source Profile Migrator ContractID suffix _itemsFlags: kIMig.ALL, // Selected Import Data Sources (16-bit bitfield) _selectedProfile: null, // Selected Profile name to import from _wiz: null, _migrator: null, _autoMigrate: null, init: function () { var os = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIObserverService); os.addObserver(this, "Migration:Started", false); os.addObserver(this, "Migration:ItemBeforeMigrate", false); os.addObserver(this, "Migration:ItemAfterMigrate", false); os.addObserver(this, "Migration:ItemError", false); os.addObserver(this, "Migration:Ended", false); this._wiz = document.documentElement; if ("arguments" in window && window.arguments.length > 1) { this._source = window.arguments[0]; this._migrator = window.arguments[1] instanceof kIMig ? window.arguments[1] : null; this._autoMigrate = window.arguments[2].QueryInterface(kIPStartup); this._skipImportSourcePage = window.arguments[3]; if (this._migrator && window.arguments[4]) { let sourceProfiles = this._migrator.sourceProfiles; this._selectedProfile = sourceProfiles.find(profile => profile.id == window.arguments[4]); } if (this._autoMigrate) { // Show the "nothing" option in the automigrate case to provide an // easily identifiable way to avoid migration and create a new profile. var nothing = document.getElementById("nothing"); nothing.hidden = false; } } this.onImportSourcePageShow(); }, uninit: function () { var os = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIObserverService); os.removeObserver(this, "Migration:Started"); os.removeObserver(this, "Migration:ItemBeforeMigrate"); os.removeObserver(this, "Migration:ItemAfterMigrate"); os.removeObserver(this, "Migration:ItemError"); os.removeObserver(this, "Migration:Ended"); MigrationUtils.finishMigration(); }, // 1 - Import Source onImportSourcePageShow: function () { this._wiz.canRewind = false; var selectedMigrator = null; // Figure out what source apps are are available to import from: var group = document.getElementById("importSourceGroup"); for (var i = 0; i < group.childNodes.length; ++i) { var migratorKey = group.childNodes[i].id; if (migratorKey != "nothing") { var migrator = MigrationUtils.getMigrator(migratorKey); if (migrator) { // Save this as the first selectable item, if we don't already have // one, or if it is the migrator that was passed to us. if (!selectedMigrator || this._source == migratorKey) selectedMigrator = group.childNodes[i]; } else { // Hide this option group.childNodes[i].hidden = true; } } } if (selectedMigrator) group.selectedItem = selectedMigrator; else { // We didn't find a migrator, notify the user document.getElementById("noSources").hidden = false; this._wiz.canAdvance = false; document.getElementById("importBookmarks").hidden = true; document.getElementById("importAll").hidden = true; } // Advance to the next page if the caller told us to. if (this._migrator && this._skipImportSourcePage) { this._wiz.advance(); this._wiz.canRewind = false; } }, onImportSourcePageAdvanced: function () { var newSource = document.getElementById("importSourceGroup").selectedItem.id; if (newSource == "nothing") { document.documentElement.cancel(); return false; } if (!this._migrator || (newSource != this._source)) { // Create the migrator for the selected source. this._migrator = MigrationUtils.getMigrator(newSource); this._itemsFlags = kIMig.ALL; this._selectedProfile = null; } this._source = newSource; // check for more than one source profile var sourceProfiles = this._migrator.sourceProfiles; if (this._skipImportSourcePage) { this._wiz.currentPage.next = "homePageImport"; } else if (sourceProfiles && sourceProfiles.length > 1) { this._wiz.currentPage.next = "selectProfile"; } else { if (this._autoMigrate) this._wiz.currentPage.next = "homePageImport"; else this._wiz.currentPage.next = "importItems"; if (sourceProfiles && sourceProfiles.length == 1) this._selectedProfile = sourceProfiles[0]; else this._selectedProfile = null; } }, // 2 - [Profile Selection] onSelectProfilePageShow: function () { // Disabling this for now, since we ask about import sources in automigration // too and don't want to disable the back button // if (this._autoMigrate) // document.documentElement.getButton("back").disabled = true; var profiles = document.getElementById("profiles"); while (profiles.hasChildNodes()) profiles.removeChild(profiles.firstChild); // Note that this block is still reached even if the user chose 'From File' // and we canceled the dialog. When that happens, _migrator will be null. if (this._migrator) { var sourceProfiles = this._migrator.sourceProfiles; for (let profile of sourceProfiles) { var item = document.createElement("radio"); item.id = profile.id; item.setAttribute("label", profile.name); profiles.appendChild(item); } } profiles.selectedItem = this._selectedProfile ? document.getElementById(this._selectedProfile.id) : profiles.firstChild; }, onSelectProfilePageRewound: function () { var profiles = document.getElementById("profiles"); this._selectedProfile = this._migrator.sourceProfiles.find( profile => profile.id == profiles.selectedItem.id ) || null; }, onSelectProfilePageAdvanced: function () { var profiles = document.getElementById("profiles"); this._selectedProfile = this._migrator.sourceProfiles.find( profile => profile.id == profiles.selectedItem.id ) || null; // If we're automigrating or just doing bookmarks don't show the item selection page if (this._autoMigrate) this._wiz.currentPage.next = "homePageImport"; }, // 3 - ImportItems onImportItemsPageShow: function () { var dataSources = document.getElementById("dataSources"); while (dataSources.hasChildNodes()) dataSources.removeChild(dataSources.firstChild); var items = this._migrator.getMigrateData(this._selectedProfile, this._autoMigrate); for (var i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { var itemID = (items >> i) & 0x1 ? Math.pow(2, i) : 0; if (itemID > 0) { var checkbox = document.createElement("checkbox"); checkbox.id = itemID; checkbox.setAttribute("label", MigrationUtils.getLocalizedString(itemID + "_" + this._source)); dataSources.appendChild(checkbox); if (!this._itemsFlags || this._itemsFlags & itemID) checkbox.checked = true; } } }, onImportItemsPageRewound: function () { this._wiz.canAdvance = true; this.onImportItemsPageAdvanced(); }, onImportItemsPageAdvanced: function () { var dataSources = document.getElementById("dataSources"); this._itemsFlags = 0; for (var i = 0; i < dataSources.childNodes.length; ++i) { var checkbox = dataSources.childNodes[i]; if (checkbox.localName == "checkbox" && checkbox.checked) this._itemsFlags |= parseInt(checkbox.id); } }, onImportItemCommand: function (aEvent) { var items = document.getElementById("dataSources"); var checkboxes = items.getElementsByTagName("checkbox"); var oneChecked = false; for (var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; ++i) { if (checkboxes[i].checked) { oneChecked = true; break; } } this._wiz.canAdvance = oneChecked; }, // 4 - Home Page Selection onHomePageMigrationPageShow: function () { // only want this on the first run if (!this._autoMigrate) { this._wiz.advance(); return; } var brandBundle = document.getElementById("brandBundle"); // These strings don't exist when not using official branding. If that's // the case, just skip this page. try { var pageTitle = brandBundle.getString("homePageMigrationPageTitle"); var pageDesc = brandBundle.getString("homePageMigrationDescription"); var mainStr = brandBundle.getString("homePageSingleStartMain"); } catch (e) { this._wiz.advance(); return; } document.getElementById("homePageImport").setAttribute("label", pageTitle); document.getElementById("homePageImportDesc").setAttribute("value", pageDesc); this._wiz._adjustWizardHeader(); var singleStart = document.getElementById("homePageSingleStart"); singleStart.setAttribute("label", mainStr); singleStart.setAttribute("value", "DEFAULT"); var source = null; switch (this._source) { case "ie": source = "sourceNameIE"; break; case "safari": source = "sourceNameSafari"; break; case "chrome": source = "sourceNameChrome"; break; case "firefox": source = "sourceNameFirefox"; break; } // semi-wallpaper for crash when multiple profiles exist, since we haven't initialized mSourceProfile in places this._migrator.getMigrateData(this._selectedProfile, this._autoMigrate); var oldHomePageURL = this._migrator.sourceHomePageURL; if (oldHomePageURL && source) { var appName = MigrationUtils.getLocalizedString(source); var oldHomePageLabel = brandBundle.getFormattedString("homePageImport", [appName]); var oldHomePage = document.getElementById("oldHomePage"); oldHomePage.setAttribute("label", oldHomePageLabel); oldHomePage.setAttribute("value", oldHomePageURL); oldHomePage.removeAttribute("hidden"); } else { // if we don't have at least two options, just advance this._wiz.advance(); } }, onHomePageMigrationPageAdvanced: function () { // we might not have a selectedItem if we're in fallback mode try { var radioGroup = document.getElementById("homePageRadiogroup"); this._newHomePage = radioGroup.selectedItem.value; } catch(ex) {} }, // 5 - Migrating onMigratingPageShow: function () { this._wiz.getButton("cancel").disabled = true; this._wiz.canRewind = false; this._wiz.canAdvance = false; // When automigrating, show all of the data that can be received from this source. if (this._autoMigrate) this._itemsFlags = this._migrator.getMigrateData(this._selectedProfile, this._autoMigrate); this._listItems("migratingItems"); setTimeout(this.onMigratingMigrate, 0, this); }, onMigratingMigrate: function (aOuter) { aOuter._migrator.migrate(aOuter._itemsFlags, aOuter._autoMigrate, aOuter._selectedProfile); }, _listItems: function (aID) { var items = document.getElementById(aID); while (items.hasChildNodes()) items.removeChild(items.firstChild); var brandBundle = document.getElementById("brandBundle"); var itemID; for (var i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { var itemID = (this._itemsFlags >> i) & 0x1 ? Math.pow(2, i) : 0; if (itemID > 0) { var label = document.createElement("label"); label.id = itemID + "_migrated"; try { label.setAttribute("value", MigrationUtils.getLocalizedString(itemID + "_" + this._source)); items.appendChild(label); } catch (e) { // if the block above throws, we've enumerated all the import data types we // currently support and are now just wasting time, break. break; } } } }, observe: function (aSubject, aTopic, aData) { switch (aTopic) { case "Migration:Started": break; case "Migration:ItemBeforeMigrate": var label = document.getElementById(aData + "_migrated"); if (label) label.setAttribute("style", "font-weight: bold"); break; case "Migration:ItemAfterMigrate": var label = document.getElementById(aData + "_migrated"); if (label) label.removeAttribute("style"); break; case "Migration:Ended": if (this._autoMigrate) { if (this._newHomePage) { try { // set homepage properly var prefSvc = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefService); var prefBranch = prefSvc.getBranch(null); if (this._newHomePage == "DEFAULT") { prefBranch.clearUserPref("browser.startup.homepage"); } else { var str = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/supports-string;1"] .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString); str.data = this._newHomePage; prefBranch.setComplexValue("browser.startup.homepage", Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString, str); } var dirSvc = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/file/directory_service;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIProperties); var prefFile = dirSvc.get("ProfDS", Components.interfaces.nsIFile); prefFile.append("prefs.js"); prefSvc.savePrefFile(prefFile); } catch(ex) { dump(ex); } } // We're done now. this._wiz.canAdvance = true; this._wiz.advance(); setTimeout(close, 5000); } else { this._wiz.canAdvance = true; var nextButton = this._wiz.getButton("next"); nextButton.click(); } break; case "Migration:ItemError": var type = "undefined"; switch (parseInt(aData)) { case Ci.nsIBrowserProfileMigrator.SETTINGS: type = "settings"; break; case Ci.nsIBrowserProfileMigrator.COOKIES: type = "cookies"; break; case Ci.nsIBrowserProfileMigrator.HISTORY: type = "history"; break; case Ci.nsIBrowserProfileMigrator.FORMDATA: type = "form data"; break; case Ci.nsIBrowserProfileMigrator.PASSWORDS: type = "passwords"; break; case Ci.nsIBrowserProfileMigrator.BOOKMARKS: type = "bookmarks"; break; case Ci.nsIBrowserProfileMigrator.OTHERDATA: type = "misc. data"; break; } Cc["@mozilla.org/consoleservice;1"] .getService(Ci.nsIConsoleService) .logStringMessage("some " + type + " did not successfully migrate."); break; } }, onDonePageShow: function () { this._wiz.getButton("cancel").disabled = true; this._wiz.canRewind = false; this._listItems("doneItems"); } };