/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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 * Handles the indicator that displays the progress of ongoing downloads, which
 * is also used as the anchor for the downloads panel.
 * This module includes the following constructors and global objects:
 * DownloadsButton
 * Main entry point for the downloads indicator.  Depending on how the toolbars
 * have been customized, this object determines if we should show a fully
 * functional indicator, a placeholder used during customization and in the
 * customization palette, or a neutral view as a temporary anchor for the
 * downloads panel.
 * DownloadsIndicatorView
 * Builds and updates the actual downloads status widget, responding to changes
 * in the global status data, or provides a neutral view if the indicator is
 * removed from the toolbars and only used as a temporary anchor.  In addition,
 * handles the user interaction events raised by the widget.

"use strict";

//// DownloadsButton

 * Main entry point for the downloads indicator.  Depending on how the toolbars
 * have been customized, this object determines if we should show a fully
 * functional indicator, a placeholder used during customization and in the
 * customization palette, or a neutral view as a temporary anchor for the
 * downloads panel.
const DownloadsButton = {
   * Location of the indicator overlay.
  get kIndicatorOverlay()

   * Returns a reference to the downloads button position placeholder, or null
   * if not available because it has been removed from the toolbars.
  get _placeholder()
    return document.getElementById("downloads-button");

   * This function is called asynchronously just after window initialization.
   * NOTE: This function should limit the input/output it performs to improve
   *       startup time, and in particular should not cause the Download Manager
   *       service to start.
  initializeIndicator: function DB_initializeIndicator()

   * Indicates whether toolbar customization is in progress.
  _customizing: false,

   * This function is called when toolbar customization starts.
   * During customization, we never show the actual download progress indication
   * or the event notifications, but we show a neutral placeholder.  The neutral
   * placeholder is an ordinary button defined in the browser window that can be
   * moved freely between the toolbars and the customization palette.
  customizeStart: function DB_customizeStart()
    // Hide the indicator and prevent it to be displayed as a temporary anchor
    // during customization, even if requested using the getAnchor method.
    this._customizing = true;
    this._anchorRequested = false;

    let indicator = DownloadsIndicatorView.indicator;
    if (indicator) {
      indicator.collapsed = true;

    let placeholder = this._placeholder;
    if (placeholder) {
      placeholder.collapsed = false;

   * This function is called when toolbar customization ends.
  customizeDone: function DB_customizeDone()
    this._customizing = false;

   * This function is called during initialization or when toolbar customization
   * ends.  It determines if we should enable or disable the object that keeps
   * the indicator updated, and ensures that the placeholder is hidden unless it
   * has been moved to the customization palette.
   * NOTE: This function is also called on startup, thus it should limit the
   *       input/output it performs, and in particular should not cause the
   *       Download Manager service to start.
  _update: function DB_update() {

    if (!DownloadsCommon.useToolkitUI) {
    } else {

   * Determines the position where the indicator should appear, and moves its
   * associated element to the new position.  This does not happen if the
   * indicator is currently being used as the anchor for the panel, to ensure
   * that the panel doesn't flicker because we move the DOM element to which
   * it's anchored.
  updatePosition: function DB_updatePosition()
    if (!this._anchorRequested) {

   * Determines the position where the indicator should appear, and moves its
   * associated element to the new position.
   * @return Anchor element, or null if the indicator is not visible.
  _updatePositionInternal: function DB_updatePositionInternal()
    let indicator = DownloadsIndicatorView.indicator;
    if (!indicator) {
      // Exit now if the indicator overlay isn't loaded yet.
      return null;

    let placeholder = this._placeholder;
    if (!placeholder) {
      // The placeholder has been removed from the browser window.
      indicator.collapsed = true;
      // Move the indicator to a safe position on the toolbar, since otherwise
      // it may break the merge of adjacent items, like back/forward + urlbar.
      return null;

    // Position the indicator where the placeholder is located.  We should
    // update the position even if the placeholder is located on an invisible
    // toolbar, because the toolbar may be displayed later.
    placeholder.parentNode.insertBefore(indicator, placeholder);
    placeholder.collapsed = true;
    indicator.collapsed = false;

    indicator.open = this._anchorRequested;

    // Determine if the placeholder is located on an invisible toolbar.
    if (!isElementVisible(placeholder.parentNode)) {
      return null;

    return DownloadsIndicatorView.indicatorAnchor;

   * Checks whether the indicator is, or will soon be visible in the browser
   * window.
   * @param aCallback
   *        Called once the indicator overlay has loaded. Gets a boolean
   *        argument representing the indicator visibility.
  checkIsVisible: function DB_checkIsVisible(aCallback)
    function DB_CEV_callback() {
      if (!this._placeholder) {
      } else {
        let element = DownloadsIndicatorView.indicator || this._placeholder;

   * Indicates whether we should try and show the indicator temporarily as an
   * anchor for the panel, even if the indicator would be hidden by default.
  _anchorRequested: false,

   * Ensures that there is an anchor available for the panel.
   * @param aCallback
   *        Called when the anchor is available, passing the element where the
   *        panel should be anchored, or null if an anchor is not available (for
   *        example because both the tab bar and the navigation bar are hidden).
  getAnchor: function DB_getAnchor(aCallback)
    // Do not allow anchoring the panel to the element while customizing.
    if (this._customizing) {

    function DB_GA_callback() {
      this._anchorRequested = true;


   * Allows the temporary anchor to be hidden.
  releaseAnchor: function DB_releaseAnchor()
    this._anchorRequested = false;

  get _tabsToolbar()
    delete this._tabsToolbar;
    return this._tabsToolbar = document.getElementById("TabsToolbar");

  get _navBar()
    delete this._navBar;
    return this._navBar = document.getElementById("nav-bar");

//// DownloadsIndicatorView

 * Builds and updates the actual downloads status widget, responding to changes
 * in the global status data, or provides a neutral view if the indicator is
 * removed from the toolbars and only used as a temporary anchor.  In addition,
 * handles the user interaction events raised by the widget.
const DownloadsIndicatorView = {
   * True when the view is connected with the underlying downloads data.
  _initialized: false,

   * True when the user interface elements required to display the indicator
   * have finished loading in the browser window, and can be referenced.
  _operational: false,

   * Prepares the downloads indicator to be displayed.
  ensureInitialized: function DIV_ensureInitialized()
    if (this._initialized) {
    this._initialized = true;

    window.addEventListener("unload", this.onWindowUnload, false);

   * Frees the internal resources related to the indicator.
  ensureTerminated: function DIV_ensureTerminated()
    if (!this._initialized) {
    this._initialized = false;

    window.removeEventListener("unload", this.onWindowUnload, false);

    // Reset the view properties, so that a neutral indicator is displayed if we
    // are visible only temporarily as an anchor.
    this.counter = "";
    this.percentComplete = 0;
    this.paused = false;
    this.attention = false;

   * Ensures that the user interface elements required to display the indicator
   * are loaded, then invokes the given callback.
  _ensureOperational: function DIV_ensureOperational(aCallback)
    if (this._operational) {

    function DIV_EO_callback() {
      this._operational = true;

      // If the view is initialized, we need to update the elements now that
      // they are finally available in the document.
      if (this._initialized) {



  //// Direct control functions

   * Set while we are waiting for a notification to fade out.
  _notificationTimeout: null,

   * If the status indicator is visible in its assigned position, shows for a
   * brief time a visual notification of a relevant event, like a new download.
   * @param aType
   *        Set to "start" for new downloads, "finish" for completed downloads.
  showEventNotification: function DIV_showEventNotification(aType)
    if (!this._initialized) {

    if (!DownloadsCommon.animateNotifications) {

    // No need to show visual notification if the panel is visible.
    if (DownloadsPanel.isPanelShowing) {

    function DIV_SEN_callback() {
      if (this._notificationTimeout) {

      // Now that the overlay is loaded, place the indicator in its final
      // position.

      let indicator = this.indicator;
      indicator.setAttribute("notification", aType);
      this._notificationTimeout = setTimeout(
        function () indicator.removeAttribute("notification"), 1000);


  //// Callback functions from DownloadsIndicatorData

   * Indicates whether the indicator should be shown because there are some
   * downloads to be displayed.
  set hasDownloads(aValue)
    if (this._hasDownloads != aValue) {
      this._hasDownloads = aValue;

      // If there is at least one download, ensure that the view elements are
      // loaded before determining the position of the downloads button.
      if (aValue) {
        this._ensureOperational(function() DownloadsButton.updatePosition());
      } else {
    return aValue;
  get hasDownloads()
    return this._hasDownloads;
  _hasDownloads: false,

   * Status text displayed in the indicator.  If this is set to an empty value,
   * then the small downloads icon is displayed instead of the text.
  set counter(aValue)
    if (!this._operational) {
      return this._counter;

    if (this._counter !== aValue) {
      this._counter = aValue;
      if (this._counter)
        this.indicator.setAttribute("counter", "true");
      // We have to set the attribute instead of using the property because the
      // XBL binding isn't applied if the element is invisible for any reason.
      this._indicatorCounter.setAttribute("value", aValue);
    return aValue;
  _counter: null,

   * Progress indication to display, from 0 to 100, or -1 if unknown.  The
   * progress bar is hidden if the current progress is unknown and no status
   * text is set in the "counter" property.
  set percentComplete(aValue)
    if (!this._operational) {
      return this._percentComplete;

    if (this._percentComplete !== aValue) {
      this._percentComplete = aValue;
      if (this._percentComplete >= 0)
        this.indicator.setAttribute("progress", "true");
      // We have to set the attribute instead of using the property because the
      // XBL binding isn't applied if the element is invisible for any reason.
      this._indicatorProgress.setAttribute("value", Math.max(aValue, 0));
    return aValue;
  _percentComplete: null,

   * Indicates whether the progress won't advance because of a paused state.
   * Setting this property forces a paused progress bar to be displayed, even if
   * the current progress information is unavailable.
  set paused(aValue)
    if (!this._operational) {
      return this._paused;

    if (this._paused != aValue) {
      this._paused = aValue;
      if (this._paused) {
        this.indicator.setAttribute("paused", "true")
      } else {
    return aValue;
  _paused: false,

   * Set when the indicator should draw user attention to itself.
  set attention(aValue)
    if (!this._operational) {
      return this._attention;

    if (this._attention != aValue) {
      this._attention = aValue;
      if (aValue) {
        this.indicator.setAttribute("attention", "true");
      } else {
    return aValue;
  _attention: false,

  //// User interface event functions

  onWindowUnload: function DIV_onWindowUnload()
    // This function is registered as an event listener, we can't use "this".

  onCommand: function DIV_onCommand(aEvent)
    if (DownloadsCommon.useToolkitUI) {
      // The panel won't suppress attention for us, we need to clear now.
      DownloadsCommon.getIndicatorData(window).attention = false;
    } else {


  onDragOver: function DIV_onDragOver(aEvent)

  onDrop: function DIV_onDrop(aEvent)
    let dt = aEvent.dataTransfer;
    // If dragged item is from our source, do not try to
    // redownload already downloaded file.
    if (dt.mozGetDataAt("application/x-moz-file", 0))

    let name = {};
    let url = browserDragAndDrop.drop(aEvent, name);
    if (url) {
      if (url.startsWith("about:")) {

      let sourceDoc = dt.mozSourceNode ? dt.mozSourceNode.ownerDocument : document;
      saveURL(url, name.value, null, true, true, null, sourceDoc);

   * Returns a reference to the main indicator element, or null if the element
   * is not present in the browser window yet.
  get indicator()
    let indicator = document.getElementById("downloads-indicator");
    if (!indicator) {
      return null;

    // Once the element is loaded, it will never be unloaded.
    delete this.indicator;
    return this.indicator = indicator;

  get indicatorAnchor()
    delete this.indicatorAnchor;
    return this.indicatorAnchor =

  get _indicatorCounter()
    delete this._indicatorCounter;
    return this._indicatorCounter =

  get _indicatorProgress()
    delete this._indicatorProgress;
    return this._indicatorProgress =