/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ 'use strict'; const { URL, toFilename, fromFilename, isValidURI, getTLD, DataURL, isLocalURL } = require('sdk/url'); const { pathFor } = require('sdk/system'); const file = require('sdk/io/file'); const tabs = require('sdk/tabs'); const { decode } = require('sdk/base64'); const httpd = require('./lib/httpd'); const port = 8099; exports.testResolve = function(assert) { assert.equal(URL('bar', 'http://www.foo.com/').toString(), 'http://www.foo.com/bar'); assert.equal(URL('bar', 'http://www.foo.com'), 'http://www.foo.com/bar'); assert.equal(URL('http://bar.com/', 'http://foo.com/'), 'http://bar.com/', 'relative should override base'); assert.throws(function() { URL('blah'); }, /malformed URI: blah/i, 'url.resolve() should throw malformed URI on base'); assert.throws(function() { URL('chrome://global'); }, /invalid URI: chrome:\/\/global/i, 'url.resolve() should throw invalid URI on base'); assert.throws(function() { URL('chrome://foo/bar'); }, /invalid URI: chrome:\/\/foo\/bar/i, 'url.resolve() should throw on bad chrome URI'); assert.equal(URL('', 'http://www.foo.com'), 'http://www.foo.com/', 'url.resolve() should add slash to end of domain'); }; exports.testParseHttp = function(assert) { var aUrl = 'http://sub.foo.com/bar?locale=en-US&otherArg=%20x%20#myhash'; var info = URL(aUrl); assert.equal(info.scheme, 'http'); assert.equal(info.protocol, 'http:'); assert.equal(info.host, 'sub.foo.com'); assert.equal(info.hostname, 'sub.foo.com'); assert.equal(info.port, null); assert.equal(info.userPass, null); assert.equal(info.path, '/bar?locale=en-US&otherArg=%20x%20#myhash'); assert.equal(info.pathname, '/bar'); assert.equal(info.href, aUrl); assert.equal(info.hash, '#myhash'); assert.equal(info.search, '?locale=en-US&otherArg=%20x%20'); assert.equal(info.fileName, 'bar'); }; exports.testParseHttpSearchAndHash = function (assert) { var info = URL('https://www.moz.com/some/page.html'); assert.equal(info.hash, ''); assert.equal(info.search, ''); var hashOnly = URL('https://www.sub.moz.com/page.html#justhash'); assert.equal(hashOnly.search, ''); assert.equal(hashOnly.hash, '#justhash'); var queryOnly = URL('https://www.sub.moz.com/page.html?my=query'); assert.equal(queryOnly.search, '?my=query'); assert.equal(queryOnly.hash, ''); var qMark = URL('http://www.moz.org?'); assert.equal(qMark.search, ''); assert.equal(qMark.hash, ''); var hash = URL('http://www.moz.org#'); assert.equal(hash.search, ''); assert.equal(hash.hash, ''); var empty = URL('http://www.moz.org?#'); assert.equal(hash.search, ''); assert.equal(hash.hash, ''); var strange = URL('http://moz.org?test1#test2?test3'); assert.equal(strange.search, '?test1'); assert.equal(strange.hash, '#test2?test3'); }; exports.testParseHttpWithPort = function(assert) { var info = URL('http://foo.com:5/bar'); assert.equal(info.port, 5); }; exports.testParseChrome = function(assert) { var info = URL('chrome://global/content/blah'); assert.equal(info.scheme, 'chrome'); assert.equal(info.host, 'global'); assert.equal(info.port, null); assert.equal(info.userPass, null); assert.equal(info.path, '/content/blah'); assert.equal(info.fileName, 'blah'); }; exports.testParseAbout = function(assert) { var info = URL('about:boop'); assert.equal(info.scheme, 'about'); assert.equal(info.host, null); assert.equal(info.port, null); assert.equal(info.userPass, null); assert.equal(info.path, 'boop'); }; exports.testParseFTP = function(assert) { var info = URL(''); assert.equal(info.scheme, 'ftp'); assert.equal(info.host, ''); assert.equal(info.port, null); assert.equal(info.userPass, null); assert.equal(info.path, '/foo'); assert.equal(info.fileName, 'foo'); }; exports.testParseFTPWithUserPass = function(assert) { var info = URL('ftp://user:pass@'); assert.equal(info.userPass, 'user:pass'); }; exports.testToFilename = function(assert) { assert.throws( function() { toFilename('resource://nonexistent'); }, /resource does not exist: resource:\/\/nonexistent\//i, 'toFilename() on nonexistent resources should throw' ); assert.throws( function() { toFilename('http://foo.com/'); }, /cannot map to filename: http:\/\/foo.com\//i, 'toFilename() on http: URIs should raise error' ); try { assert.ok( /.*console\.xul$/.test(toFilename('chrome://global/content/console.xul')), 'toFilename() w/ console.xul works when it maps to filesystem' ); } catch (e) { if (/chrome url isn\'t on filesystem/.test(e.message)) assert.pass('accessing console.xul in jar raises exception'); else assert.fail('accessing console.xul raises ' + e); } // TODO: Are there any chrome URLs that we're certain exist on the // filesystem? // assert.ok(/.*main\.js$/.test(toFilename('chrome://myapp/content/main.js'))); }; exports.testFromFilename = function(assert) { var profileDirName = require('sdk/system').pathFor('ProfD'); var fileUrl = fromFilename(profileDirName); assert.equal(URL(fileUrl).scheme, 'file', 'toFilename() should return a file: url'); assert.equal(fromFilename(toFilename(fileUrl)), fileUrl); }; exports.testURL = function(assert) { assert.ok(URL('h:foo') instanceof URL, 'instance is of correct type'); assert.throws(() => URL(), /malformed URI: undefined/i, 'url.URL should throw on undefined'); assert.throws(() => URL(''), /malformed URI: /i, 'url.URL should throw on empty string'); assert.throws(() => URL('foo'), /malformed URI: foo/i, 'url.URL should throw on invalid URI'); assert.ok(URL('h:foo').scheme, 'has scheme'); assert.equal(URL('h:foo').toString(), 'h:foo', 'toString should roundtrip'); // test relative + base assert.equal(URL('mypath', 'http://foo').toString(), 'http://foo/mypath', 'relative URL resolved to base'); // test relative + no base assert.throws(() => URL('path').toString(), /malformed URI: path/i, 'no base for relative URI should throw'); let a = URL('h:foo'); let b = URL(a); assert.equal(b.toString(), 'h:foo', 'a URL can be initialized from another URL'); assert.notStrictEqual(a, b, 'a URL initialized from another URL is not the same object'); assert.ok(a == 'h:foo', 'toString is implicit when a URL is compared to a string via =='); assert.strictEqual(a + '', 'h:foo', 'toString is implicit when a URL is concatenated to a string'); }; exports.testStringInterface = function(assert) { var EM = 'about:addons'; var a = URL(EM); // make sure the standard URL properties are enumerable and not the String interface bits assert.equal(Object.keys(a), 'fileName,scheme,userPass,host,hostname,port,path,pathname,hash,href,origin,protocol,search', 'enumerable key list check for URL.'); assert.equal( JSON.stringify(a), JSON.stringify(EM), 'JSON.stringify on url should return the url as a flat string'); // JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(url)) wont work like an url object // (missing methods). this makes it easier to re-create an url // instance from the whole string, and every place that // accepts an url also works with a flat string. // make sure that the String interface exists and works as expected assert.equal(a.indexOf(':'), EM.indexOf(':'), 'indexOf on URL works'); assert.equal(a.valueOf(), EM.valueOf(), 'valueOf on URL works.'); assert.equal(a.toSource(), EM.toSource(), 'toSource on URL works.'); assert.equal(a.lastIndexOf('a'), EM.lastIndexOf('a'), 'lastIndexOf on URL works.'); assert.equal(a.match('t:').toString(), EM.match('t:').toString(), 'match on URL works.'); assert.equal(a.toUpperCase(), EM.toUpperCase(), 'toUpperCase on URL works.'); assert.equal(a.toLowerCase(), EM.toLowerCase(), 'toLowerCase on URL works.'); assert.equal(a.split(':').toString(), EM.split(':').toString(), 'split on URL works.'); assert.equal(a.charAt(2), EM.charAt(2), 'charAt on URL works.'); assert.equal(a.charCodeAt(2), EM.charCodeAt(2), 'charCodeAt on URL works.'); assert.equal(a.concat(EM), EM.concat(a), 'concat on URL works.'); assert.equal(a.substr(2,3), EM.substr(2,3), 'substr on URL works.'); assert.equal(a.substring(2,3), EM.substring(2,3), 'substring on URL works.'); assert.equal(a.trim(), EM.trim(), 'trim on URL works.'); assert.equal(a.trimRight(), EM.trimRight(), 'trimRight on URL works.'); assert.equal(a.trimLeft(), EM.trimLeft(), 'trimLeft on URL works.'); } exports.testDataURLwithouthURI = function (assert) { let dataURL = new DataURL(); assert.equal(dataURL.base64, false, 'base64 is false for empty uri') assert.equal(dataURL.data, '', 'data is an empty string for empty uri') assert.equal(dataURL.mimeType, '', 'mimeType is an empty string for empty uri') assert.equal(Object.keys(dataURL.parameters).length, 0, 'parameters is an empty object for empty uri'); assert.equal(dataURL.toString(), 'data:,'); } exports.testDataURLwithMalformedURI = function (assert) { assert.throws(function() { let dataURL = new DataURL('http://www.mozilla.com/'); }, /Malformed Data URL: http:\/\/www.mozilla.com\//i, 'DataURL raises an exception for malformed data uri' ); } exports.testDataURLparse = function (assert) { let dataURL = new DataURL('data:text/html;charset=US-ASCII,%3Ch1%3EHello!%3C%2Fh1%3E'); assert.equal(dataURL.base64, false, 'base64 is false for non base64 data uri') assert.equal(dataURL.data, '