/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ 'use strict'; const { Cc, Ci } = require('chrome'); const { Loader, LoaderWithHookedConsole } = require('sdk/test/loader'); const timer = require('sdk/timers'); const tabs = require('sdk/tabs'); const windows = require('sdk/windows'); const { set: setPref } = require("sdk/preferences/service"); const DEPRECATE_PREF = "devtools.errorconsole.deprecation_warnings"; const tabsLen = tabs.length; const URL = 'data:text/html;charset=utf-8,#title#'; // Fennec error message dispatched on all currently unimplement tab features, // that match LoaderWithHookedConsole messages object pattern const ERR_FENNEC_MSG = { type: "error", msg: "This method is not yet supported by Fennec" }; // TEST: tab unloader exports.testAutomaticDestroy = function(assert, done) { let called = false; let loader2 = Loader(module); let loader3 = Loader(module); let tabs2 = loader2.require('sdk/tabs'); let tabs3 = loader3.require('sdk/tabs'); let tabs2Len = tabs2.length; tabs2.on('open', function onOpen(tab) { assert.fail("an onOpen listener was called that should not have been"); called = true; }); tabs2.on('ready', function onReady(tab) { assert.fail("an onReady listener was called that should not have been"); called = true; }); tabs2.on('select', function onSelect(tab) { assert.fail("an onSelect listener was called that should not have been"); called = true; }); tabs2.on('close', function onClose(tab) { assert.fail("an onClose listener was called that should not have been"); called = true; }); loader2.unload(); tabs3.on('open', function onOpen(tab) { assert.pass("an onOpen listener was called for tabs3"); tab.on('ready', function onReady(tab) { assert.fail("an onReady listener was called that should not have been"); called = true; }); tab.on('select', function onSelect(tab) { assert.fail("an onSelect listener was called that should not have been"); called = true; }); tab.on('close', function onClose(tab) { assert.fail("an onClose listener was called that should not have been"); called = true; }); }); tabs3.open(URL.replace(/#title#/, 'tabs3')); loader3.unload(); // Fire a tab event and ensure that the destroyed tab is inactive tabs.once('open', function(tab) { assert.pass('tabs.once("open") works!'); assert.equal(tabs2Len, tabs2.length, "tabs2 length was not changed"); assert.equal(tabs.length, (tabs2.length+2), "tabs.length > tabs2.length"); tab.once('ready', function() { assert.pass('tab.once("ready") works!'); tab.once('close', function() { assert.pass('tab.once("close") works!'); timer.setTimeout(function () { assert.ok(!called, "Unloaded tab module is destroyed and inactive"); // end test done(); }); }); tab.close(); }); }); tabs.open('data:text/html;charset=utf-8,foo'); }; // TEST: tab properties exports.testTabProperties = function(assert, done) { let url = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,foofoo"; let tabsLen = tabs.length; tabs.open({ url: url, onReady: function(tab) { assert.equal(tab.title, "foo", "title of the new tab matches"); assert.equal(tab.url, url, "URL of the new tab matches"); assert.equal(tab.style, null, "style of the new tab matches"); assert.equal(tab.index, tabsLen, "index of the new tab matches"); assert.notEqual(tab.getThumbnail(), null, "thumbnail of the new tab matches"); assert.notEqual(tab.id, null, "a tab object always has an id property"); tab.close(function() { loader.unload(); // end test done(); }); } }); }; // TEST: tabs iterator and length property exports.testTabsIteratorAndLength = function(assert, done) { let newTabs = []; let startCount = 0; for (let t of tabs) startCount++; assert.equal(startCount, tabs.length, "length property is correct"); let url = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,testTabsIteratorAndLength"; tabs.open({url: url, onOpen: tab => newTabs.push(tab)}); tabs.open({url: url, onOpen: tab => newTabs.push(tab)}); tabs.open({ url: url, onOpen: function(tab) { let count = 0; for (let t of tabs) count++; assert.equal(count, startCount + 3, "iterated tab count matches"); assert.equal(startCount + 3, tabs.length, "iterated tab count matches length property"); let newTabsLength = newTabs.length; newTabs.forEach(t => t.close(function() { if (--newTabsLength > 0) return; tab.close(done); })); } }); }; // TEST: tab.url setter exports.testTabLocation = function(assert, done) { let url1 = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,foo"; let url2 = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,bar"; tabs.on('ready', function onReady(tab) { if (tab.url != url2) return; tabs.removeListener('ready', onReady); assert.pass("tab loaded the correct url"); tab.close(done); }); tabs.open({ url: url1, onOpen: function(tab) { tab.url = url2; } }); }; // TEST: tab.move() exports.testTabMove = function(assert, done) { let { loader, messages } = LoaderWithHookedConsole(); let tabs = loader.require('sdk/tabs'); let url = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,testTabMove"; tabs.open({ url: url, onOpen: function(tab1) { assert.ok(tab1.index >= 0, "opening a tab returns a tab w/ valid index"); tabs.open({ url: url, onOpen: function(tab) { let i = tab.index; assert.ok(tab.index > tab1.index, "2nd tab has valid index"); tab.index = 0; assert.equal(tab.index, i, "tab index after move matches"); assert.equal(JSON.stringify(messages), JSON.stringify([ERR_FENNEC_MSG]), "setting tab.index logs error"); // end test tab1.close(() => tab.close(function() { loader.unload(); done(); })); } }); } }); }; // TEST: open tab with default options exports.testTabsOpen_alt = function(assert, done) { let { loader, messages } = LoaderWithHookedConsole(); let tabs = loader.require('sdk/tabs'); let url = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,default"; tabs.open({ url: url, onReady: function(tab) { assert.equal(tab.url, url, "URL of the new tab matches"); assert.equal(tabs.activeTab, tab, "URL of active tab in the current window matches"); assert.equal(tab.isPinned, false, "The new tab is not pinned"); assert.equal(messages.length, 1, "isPinned logs error"); // end test tab.close(function() { loader.unload(); done(); }); } }); }; // TEST: open pinned tab exports.testOpenPinned_alt = function(assert, done) { let { loader, messages } = LoaderWithHookedConsole(); let tabs = loader.require('sdk/tabs'); let url = "about:blank"; tabs.open({ url: url, isPinned: true, onOpen: function(tab) { assert.equal(tab.isPinned, false, "The new tab is pinned"); // We get two error message: one for tabs.open's isPinned argument // and another one for tab.isPinned assert.equal(JSON.stringify(messages), JSON.stringify([ERR_FENNEC_MSG, ERR_FENNEC_MSG]), "isPinned logs error"); // end test tab.close(function() { loader.unload(); done(); }); } }); }; // TEST: pin/unpin opened tab exports.testPinUnpin_alt = function(assert, done) { let { loader, messages } = LoaderWithHookedConsole(); let tabs = loader.require('sdk/tabs'); let url = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,default"; tabs.open({ url: url, onOpen: function(tab) { tab.pin(); assert.equal(tab.isPinned, false, "The tab was pinned correctly"); assert.equal(JSON.stringify(messages), JSON.stringify([ERR_FENNEC_MSG, ERR_FENNEC_MSG]), "tab.pin() logs error"); // Clear console messages for the following test messages.length = 0; tab.unpin(); assert.equal(tab.isPinned, false, "The tab was unpinned correctly"); assert.equal(JSON.stringify(messages), JSON.stringify([ERR_FENNEC_MSG, ERR_FENNEC_MSG]), "tab.unpin() logs error"); // end test tab.close(function() { loader.unload(); done(); }); } }); }; // TEST: open tab in background exports.testInBackground = function(assert, done) { let activeUrl = tabs.activeTab.url; let url = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,background"; let window = windows.browserWindows.activeWindow; tabs.once('ready', function onReady(tab) { assert.equal(tabs.activeTab.url, activeUrl, "URL of active tab has not changed"); assert.equal(tab.url, url, "URL of the new background tab matches"); assert.equal(windows.browserWindows.activeWindow, window, "a new window was not opened"); assert.notEqual(tabs.activeTab.url, url, "URL of active tab is not the new URL"); // end test tab.close(done); }); tabs.open({ url: url, inBackground: true }); }; // TEST: open tab in new window exports.testOpenInNewWindow = function(assert, done) { let url = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,newwindow"; let window = windows.browserWindows.activeWindow; tabs.open({ url: url, inNewWindow: true, onReady: function(tab) { assert.equal(windows.browserWindows.length, 1, "a new window was not opened"); assert.equal(windows.browserWindows.activeWindow, window, "old window is active"); assert.equal(tab.url, url, "URL of the new tab matches"); assert.equal(tabs.activeTab, tab, "tab is the activeTab"); tab.close(done); } }); }; // TEST: onOpen event handler exports.testTabsEvent_onOpen = function(assert, done) { let url = URL.replace('#title#', 'testTabsEvent_onOpen'); let eventCount = 0; // add listener via property assignment function listener1(tab) { eventCount++; }; tabs.on('open', listener1); // add listener via collection add tabs.on('open', function listener2(tab) { assert.equal(++eventCount, 2, "both listeners notified"); tabs.removeListener('open', listener1); tabs.removeListener('open', listener2); // ends test tab.close(done); }); tabs.open(url); }; // TEST: onClose event handler exports.testTabsEvent_onClose = function(assert, done) { let url = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,onclose"; let eventCount = 0; // add listener via property assignment function listener1(tab) { eventCount++; } tabs.on('close', listener1); // add listener via collection add tabs.on('close', function listener2(tab) { assert.equal(++eventCount, 2, "both listeners notified"); tabs.removeListener('close', listener1); tabs.removeListener('close', listener2); // end test done(); }); tabs.on('ready', function onReady(tab) { tabs.removeListener('ready', onReady); tab.close(); }); tabs.open(url); }; // TEST: onClose event handler when a window is closed exports.testTabsEvent_onCloseWindow = function(assert, done) { let closeCount = 0, individualCloseCount = 0; function listener() { closeCount++; } tabs.on('close', listener); // One tab is already open with the window let openTabs = 0; function testCasePossiblyLoaded(tab) { tab.close(function() { if (++openTabs == 3) { tabs.removeListener("close", listener); assert.equal(closeCount, 3, "Correct number of close events received"); assert.equal(individualCloseCount, 3, "Each tab with an attached onClose listener received a close " + "event when the window was closed"); done(); } }); } tabs.open({ url: "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,tab2", onOpen: testCasePossiblyLoaded, onClose: () => individualCloseCount++ }); tabs.open({ url: "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,tab3", onOpen: testCasePossiblyLoaded, onClose: () => individualCloseCount++ }); tabs.open({ url: "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,tab4", onOpen: testCasePossiblyLoaded, onClose: () => individualCloseCount++ }); }; // TEST: onReady event handler exports.testTabsEvent_onReady = function(assert, done) { let url = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,onready"; let eventCount = 0; // add listener via property assignment function listener1(tab) { eventCount++; }; tabs.on('ready', listener1); // add listener via collection add tabs.on('ready', function listener2(tab) { assert.equal(++eventCount, 2, "both listeners notified"); tabs.removeListener('ready', listener1); tabs.removeListener('ready', listener2); // end test tab.close(done); }); tabs.open(url); }; // TEST: onActivate event handler exports.testTabsEvent_onActivate = function(assert, done) { let url = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,onactivate"; let eventCount = 0; // add listener via property assignment function listener1(tab) { eventCount++; }; tabs.on('activate', listener1); // add listener via collection add tabs.on('activate', function listener2(tab) { assert.equal(++eventCount, 2, "both listeners notified"); assert.equal(tab, tabs.activeTab, 'the active tab is correct'); tabs.removeListener('activate', listener1); tabs.removeListener('activate', listener2); // end test tab.close(done); }); tabs.open(url); }; // TEST: onDeactivate event handler exports.testTabsEvent_onDeactivate = function(assert, done) { let url = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,ondeactivate"; let eventCount = 0; // add listener via property assignment function listener1(tab) { eventCount++; }; tabs.on('deactivate', listener1); // add listener via collection add tabs.on('deactivate', function listener2(tab) { assert.equal(++eventCount, 2, 'both listeners notified'); assert.notEqual(tab, tabs.activeTab, 'the active tab is not the deactivated tab'); tabs.removeListener('deactivate', listener1); tabs.removeListener('deactivate', listener2); // end test tab.close(done); }); tabs.on('activate', function onActivate(tab) { tabs.removeListener('activate', onActivate); tabs.open("data:text/html;charset=utf-8,foo"); tab.close(); }); tabs.open(url); }; // TEST: per-tab event handlers exports.testPerTabEvents = function(assert, done) { let eventCount = 0; tabs.open({ url: "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,foo", onOpen: function(tab) { // add listener via property assignment function listener1() { eventCount++; }; tab.on('ready', listener1); // add listener via collection add tab.on('ready', function listener2() { assert.equal(eventCount, 1, "both listeners notified"); tab.removeListener('ready', listener1); tab.removeListener('ready', listener2); // end test tab.close(done); }); } }); }; exports.testUniqueTabIds = function(assert, done) { var tabs = require('sdk/tabs'); var tabIds = {}; var steps = [ function (index) { tabs.open({ url: "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,foo", onOpen: function(tab) { tabIds['tab1'] = tab.id; next(index); } }); }, function (index) { tabs.open({ url: "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,bar", onOpen: function(tab) { tabIds['tab2'] = tab.id; next(index); } }); }, function (index) { assert.notEqual(tabIds.tab1, tabIds.tab2, "Tab ids should be unique."); done(); } ]; function next(index) { if (index === steps.length) { return; } let fn = steps[index]; index++; fn(index); } next(0); } exports.testOnLoadEventWithDOM = function(assert, done) { let count = 0; let title = 'testOnLoadEventWithDOM'; tabs.open({ url: 'data:text/html;charset=utf-8,' + title + '', inBackground: true, onLoad: function(tab) { assert.equal(tab.title, title, 'tab passed in as arg, load called'); if (++count > 1) { assert.pass('onLoad event called on reload'); tab.close(done); } else { assert.pass('first onLoad event occured'); tab.reload(); } } }); }; require("sdk/test").run(exports);