/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ 'use strict'; const { id, preferencesBranch } = require('sdk/self'); const simple = require('sdk/simple-prefs'); const service = require('sdk/preferences/service'); const { getAddonByID } = require('sdk/addon/manager'); exports.testStandardID = function(assert) { assert.equal(id, 'standard-id@jetpack', 'standard ID is standard'); assert.equal(simple.prefs.test13, 26, 'test13 is 26'); simple.prefs.test14 = '15'; assert.equal(service.get('extensions.standard-id@jetpack.test14'), '15', 'test14 is 15'); assert.equal(service.get('extensions.standard-id@jetpack.test14'), simple.prefs.test14, 'simple test14 also 15'); } // from `/test/test-self.js`, adapted to `sdk/test/assert` API exports.testSelfID = function*(assert) { assert.equal(typeof(id), 'string', 'self.id is a string'); assert.ok(id.length > 0, 'self.id not empty'); let addon = yield getAddonByID(id); assert.ok(addon, 'found addon with self.id'); } require('sdk/test/runner').runTestsFromModule(module);