/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ 'use strict'; const { Cu } = require('chrome'); const sp = require('sdk/simple-prefs'); const app = require('sdk/system/xul-app'); const self = require('sdk/self'); const tabs = require('sdk/tabs'); const { preferencesBranch } = require('sdk/self'); const { AddonManager } = Cu.import('resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm', {}); // Once Bug 903018 is resolved, just move the application testing to // module.metadata.engines // // This should work in Fennec, needs to be refactored to work, via bug 979645 if (app.is('Firefox')) { exports.testAOMLocalization = function(assert, done) { tabs.open({ url: 'about:addons', onReady: function(tab) { tab.attach({ contentScriptWhen: 'end', contentScript: 'function onLoad() {\n' + 'unsafeWindow.removeEventListener("load", onLoad, false);\n' + 'AddonManager.getAddonByID("' + self.id + '", function(aAddon) {\n' + 'unsafeWindow.gViewController.viewObjects.detail.node.addEventListener("ViewChanged", function whenViewChanges() {\n' + 'unsafeWindow.gViewController.viewObjects.detail.node.removeEventListener("ViewChanged", whenViewChanges, false);\n' + 'setTimeout(function() {\n' + // TODO: figure out why this is necessary.. 'self.postMessage({\n' + 'somePreference: getAttributes(unsafeWindow.document.querySelector("setting[data-jetpack-id=\'' + self.id + '\']"))\n' + '});\n' + '}, 250);\n' + '}, false);\n' + 'unsafeWindow.gViewController.commands.cmd_showItemDetails.doCommand(aAddon, true);\n' + '});\n' + 'function getAttributes(ele) {\n' + 'if (!ele) return {};\n' + 'return {\n' + 'title: ele.getAttribute("title")\n' + '}\n' + '}\n' + '}\n' + // Wait for the load event ? 'if (document.readyState == "complete") {\n' + 'onLoad()\n' + '} else {\n' + 'unsafeWindow.addEventListener("load", onLoad, false);\n' + '}\n', onMessage: function(msg) { // test somePreference assert.equal(msg.somePreference.title, 'A', 'somePreference title is correct'); tab.close(done); } }); } }); } } else { exports['test unsupported'] = (assert) => assert.pass('This test is unsupported.'); } require('sdk/test/runner').runTestsFromModule(module);