
  <title>AccessFu tests for live regions support</title>

  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
        href="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
  <script type="application/javascript"
  <script type="application/javascript"
  <script type="application/javascript"
  <script type="application/javascript">

    function startAccessFu() {
      SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({"set": [['accessibility.accessfu.activate', 1]]});
      AccessFuTest.once_log("EventManager.start", AccessFuTest.nextTest);

    function stopAccessFu() {
      SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({"set": [['accessibility.accessfu.activate', 0]]});
      AccessFuTest.once_log("EventManager.stop", () => AccessFuTest.finish());

    function hide(id) {
      var element = document.getElementById(id);
      element.style.display = "none";

    function show(id) {
      var element = document.getElementById(id);
      element.style.display = "block";

    function ariaHide(id) {
      var element = document.getElementById(id);
      element.setAttribute('aria-hidden', true);

    function ariaShow(id) {
      var element = document.getElementById(id);
      element.setAttribute('aria-hidden', false);

    function udpate(id, text, property) {
      var element = document.getElementById(id);
      element[property] = text;

    function updateText(id, text) {
      udpate(id, text, "textContent");

    function updateHTML(id, text) {
      udpate(id, text, "innerHTML");

    var tests = [{
      expected: {
        "eventType": "liveregion-change",
        "data": [{"string": "hidden"}, "I will be hidden"],
        "options": {
          "enqueue": true
      action: function action() {
        ["to_hide1", "to_hide2", "to_hide3", "to_hide4"].forEach(id => hide(id));
    }, {
      expected: {
        "eventType": "liveregion-change",
        "data": [{"string": "hidden"}, "I will be hidden"],
        "options": {
          "enqueue": true
      action: function action() {
        ["to_hide_descendant1", "to_hide_descendant2",
         "to_hide_descendant3", "to_hide_descendant4"].forEach(id => hide(id));
    }, {
      expected: {
        "eventType": "liveregion-change",
        "data": ["I will be shown"],
        "options": {
          "enqueue": true
      action: function action() {
        ["to_show1", "to_show2", "to_show3", "to_show4"].forEach(id => show(id));
    }, {
      expected: {
        "eventType": "liveregion-change",
        "data": ["I will be shown"],
        "options": {
          "enqueue": true
      action: function action() {
        ["to_show_descendant1", "to_show_descendant2",
         "to_show_descendant3", "to_show_descendant4"].forEach(id => show(id));
    }, {
      expected: {
        "eventType": "liveregion-change",
        "data": [{"string": "hidden"}, "I will be hidden"],
        "options": {
          "enqueue": true
      action: function action() {
        ["to_hide5", "to_hide6", "to_hide7", "to_hide8", "to_hide9"].forEach(id => ariaHide(id));
    }, {
      expected: {
        "eventType": "liveregion-change",
        "data": [{"string": "hidden"}, "I will be hidden"],
        "options": {
          "enqueue": true
      action: function action() {
        ["to_hide_descendant5", "to_hide_descendant6",
         "to_hide_descendant7", "to_hide_descendant8"].forEach(id => ariaHide(id));
    }, {
      expected: {
        "eventType": "liveregion-change",
        "data": ["I will be shown"],
        "options": {
          "enqueue": true
      action: function action() {
        ["to_show5", "to_show6", "to_show7", "to_show8", "to_show9"].forEach(id => ariaShow(id));
    }, {
      expected: {
        "eventType": "liveregion-change",
        "data": ["I will be shown"],
        "options": {
          "enqueue": true
      action: function action() {
        ["to_show_descendant5", "to_show_descendant6",
         "to_show_descendant7", "to_show_descendant8"].forEach(id => ariaShow(id));
    }, {
      expected: {
        "eventType": "liveregion-change",
        "data": [{"string": "hidden"}, "I will be hidden"],
        "options": {
          "enqueue": false
      action: function action() {
    }, {
      expected: {
        "eventType": "liveregion-change",
        "data": [{"string": "hidden"}, "I will be hidden"],
        "options": {
          "enqueue": false
      action: function action() {
    }, {
      expected: {
        "eventType": "liveregion-change",
        "data": ["I will be shown"],
        "options": {
          "enqueue": false
      action: function action() {
        ["to_show_live_off", "to_show_live_assertive"].forEach(id => show(id));
    }, {
      expected: {
        "eventType": "liveregion-change",
        "data": ["I will be shown"],
        "options": {
          "enqueue": false
      action: function action() {
        ["to_show_live_off2", "to_show_live_assertive2"].forEach(id => ariaShow(id));
    }, {
      expected: {
        "eventType": "liveregion-change",
        "data": ["Text Added"],
        "options": {
          "enqueue": false
      action: function action() {
        updateText("text_add", "Text Added");
    }, {
      expected: {
        "eventType": "liveregion-change",
        "data": ["Text Added"],
        "options": {
          "enqueue": false
      action: function action() {
        updateHTML("text_add", "Text Added");
    }, {
      expected: {
        "eventType": "liveregion-change",
        "data": [{"string": "hidden"}, "Text Removed"],
        "options": {
          "enqueue": true
      action: function action() {
        updateText("text_remove", "");
    }, {
      expected: {
        "eventType": "liveregion-change",
        "data": ["Descendant Text Added"],
        "options": {
          "enqueue": false
      action: function action() {
        updateText("text_add_descendant", "Descendant Text Added");
    }, {
      expected: {
        "eventType": "liveregion-change",
        "data": ["Descendant Text Added"],
        "options": {
          "enqueue": false
      action: function action() {
        updateHTML("text_add_descendant", "Descendant Text Added");
    }, {
      expected: {
        "eventType": "liveregion-change",
        "data": [{"string": "hidden"}, "Descendant Text Removed"],
        "options": {
          "enqueue": true
      action: function action() {
        updateText("text_remove_descendant", "");
    }, {
      expected: {
        "eventType": "liveregion-change",
        "data": ["Descendant Text Added"],
        "options": {
          "enqueue": false
      action: function action() {
        updateText("text_add_descendant2", "Descendant Text Added");
    }, {
      expected: {
        "eventType": "liveregion-change",
        "data": ["Descendant Text Added"],
        "options": {
          "enqueue": false
      action: function action() {
        updateHTML("text_add_descendant2", "Descendant Text Added");
    }, {
      expected: {
        "eventType": "liveregion-change",
        "data": [{"string": "hidden"}, "Descendant Text Removed"],
        "options": {
          "enqueue": true
      action: function action() {
        updateText("text_remove_descendant2", "");
    }, {
      expected: {
        "eventType": "liveregion-change",
        "data": ["I am replaced", {"string": "main"}],
        "options": {
          "enqueue": true
      action: function action() {
        var region = document.getElementById("to_replace_region");
        var child = document.getElementById("to_replace");
        child.setAttribute("role", "main");
    }, {
      expected: {
        "eventType": "liveregion-change",
        "data": ["I am a replaced text"],
        "options": {
          "enqueue": false
      action: function action() {
        updateText("to_replace_text", "I am a replaced text");
    }, {
      expected: {
        "eventType": "liveregion-change",
        "data": ["I am a replaced text"],
        "options": {
          "enqueue": false
      action: function action() {
        updateHTML("to_replace_text", "I am a replaced text");

    function doTest() {
      tests.forEach(function addTest(test) {
        AccessFuTest.addFunc(function () {
          AccessFuTest.once(test.expected, AccessFuTest.nextTest);


  <a target="_blank"
     title="[AccessFu] Support live regions">
    Mozilla Bug 795957
  <div id="root">
    <p id="display"></p>
    <div id="content" style="display: none"></div>
    <pre id="test"></pre>

    <p id="to_hide1">I should not be announced 1</p>
    <p id="to_hide2" aria-live="polite">I should not be announced 2</p>
    <p id="to_hide3" aria-live="assertive" aria-relevant="text">I should not be announced 3</p>
    <p id="to_hide4" aria-live="polite" aria-relevant="all">I will be hidden</p>

    <p id="to_hide5" aria-hidden="true">I should not be announced 5</p>
    <p id="to_hide6">I should not be announced 6</p>
    <p id="to_hide7" aria-live="polite">I should not be announced 7</p>
    <p id="to_hide8" aria-live="assertive" aria-relevant="text">I should not be announced 8</p>
    <p id="to_hide9" aria-live="polite" aria-relevant="all">I will be hidden</p>

      <p id="to_hide_descendant1">I should not be announced 1</p>
    <div aria-live="polite">
      <p id="to_hide_descendant2">I should not be announced 2</p>
    <div aria-live="assertive" aria-relevant="text">
      <p id="to_hide_descendant3">I should not be announced 3</p>
    <div aria-live="polite" aria-relevant="all">
      <p id="to_hide_descendant4">I will be hidden</p>

      <p id="to_hide_descendant5">I should not be announced 4</p>
    <div aria-live="polite">
      <p id="to_hide_descendant6">I should not be announced 5</p>
    <div aria-live="assertive" aria-relevant="text">
      <p id="to_hide_descendant7">I should not be announced 6</p>
    <div aria-live="polite" aria-relevant="all">
      <p id="to_hide_descendant8">I will be hidden</p>

    <p id="to_show1" style="display: none">I should not be announced 1</p>
    <p id="to_show2" aria-live="assertive" aria-relevant="text" style="display: none">I should not be announced 2</p>
    <p id="to_show3" aria-live="polite" aria-relevant="removals" style="display: none">I should not be announced 3</p>
    <p id="to_show4" aria-live="polite" aria-relevant="all" style="display: none">I will be shown</p>

    <p id="to_show5" aria-hidden="false">I should not be announced 5</p>
    <p id="to_show6" aria-hidden="true">I should not be announced 6</p>
    <p id="to_show7" aria-hidden="true" aria-live="assertive" aria-relevant="text">I should not be announced 7</p>
    <p id="to_show8" aria-hidden="true" aria-live="polite" aria-relevant="removals">I should not be announced 8</p>
    <p id="to_show9" aria-hidden="true" aria-live="polite" aria-relevant="all">I will be shown</p>

      <p id="to_show_descendant1" style="display: none">I should not be announced 1</p>
    <div aria-live="polite" aria-relevant="removals">
      <p id="to_show_descendant2" style="display: none">I should not be announced 2</p>
    <div aria-live="assertive" aria-relevant="text">
      <p id="to_show_descendant3" style="display: none">I should not be announced 3</p>
    <div aria-live="polite" aria-relevant="all">
      <p id="to_show_descendant4" style="display: none">I will be shown</p>

      <p id="to_show_descendant5" aria-hidden="true">I should not be announced 5</p>
    <div aria-live="polite" aria-relevant="removals">
      <p id="to_show_descendant6" aria-hidden="true">I should not be announced 6</p>
    <div aria-live="assertive" aria-relevant="text">
      <p id="to_show_descendant7" aria-hidden="true">I should not be announced 7</p>
    <div aria-live="polite" aria-relevant="all">
      <p id="to_show_descendant8" aria-hidden="true">I will be shown</p>

    <div aria-live="assertive" aria-relevant="all">
      <p id="to_hide_live_assertive">I will be hidden</p>

    <div aria-live="assertive" aria-relevant="all">
      <p id="to_hide_live_assertive2">I will be hidden</p>
    <p id="to_show_live_assertive" aria-live="assertive" style="display: none">I will be shown</p>

    <p id="to_show_live_off" aria-live="off" style="display: none">I will not be shown</p>

    <p id="to_show_live_assertive2" aria-live="assertive" aria-hidden="true">I will be shown</p>

    <p id="to_show_live_off2" aria-live="off" aria-hidden="true">I will not be shown</p>

    <div id="to_replace_region" aria-live="polite" aria-relevant="all">
      <p id="to_replace">I am replaced</p>

    <p id="to_replace_text" aria-live="assertive" aria-relevant="text">I am going to be replaced</p>

    <p id="text_add" aria-live="assertive" aria-relevant="text"></p>
    <p id="text_remove" aria-live="polite" aria-relevant="all">Text Removed</p>

    <div aria-live="assertive" aria-relevant="all">
      <p id="text_add_descendant"></p>
    <div aria-live="polite" aria-relevant="text">
      <p id="text_remove_descendant">Descendant Text Removed</p>
    <div aria-live="assertive" aria-relevant="text">
      <p id="text_add_descendant2"></p>
    <div aria-live="polite" aria-relevant="all">
      <p id="text_remove_descendant2">Descendant Text Removed</p>