
  <title>Accessible text update algorithm testing</title>

  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
        href="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />

  <script type="application/javascript"
  <script type="application/javascript"

  <script type="application/javascript"
  <script type="application/javascript"

  <script type="application/javascript">
    // Invokers

    const kRemoval = false;
    const kInsertion = true;
    const kUnexpected = true;

    function changeText(aContainerID, aValue, aEventList)
      this.containerNode = getNode(aContainerID);
      this.textNode = this.containerNode.firstChild;
      this.textData = this.textNode.data;

      this.eventSeq = [ ];
      this.unexpectedEventSeq = [ ];

      for (var i = 0; i < aEventList.length; i++) {
        var event = aEventList[i];

        var isInserted = event[0];
        var str = event[1];
        var offset = event[2];
        var checker = new textChangeChecker(this.containerNode, offset,
                                            offset + str.length, str,

        if (event[3] == kUnexpected)

      this.invoke = function changeText_invoke()
        this.textNode.data = aValue;

      this.getID = function changeText_getID()
        return "change text '" + shortenString(this.textData) + "' -> '" +
          shortenString(this.textNode.data) + "' for " +

    function expStr(x, doublings)
      for (var i = 0; i < doublings; ++i)
        x = x + x;
      return x;

    // Do tests

    //gA11yEventDumpID = "eventdump"; // debug stuff
    //gA11yEventDumpToConsole = true;

    var gQueue = null;
    function doTests()
      gQueue = new eventQueue();

      // wqrema -> tqb: substitution coalesced with removal

      var events = [
        [ kRemoval, "w", 0 ], // wqrema -> qrema
        [ kInsertion, "t", 0], // qrema -> tqrema
        [ kRemoval, "rema", 2 ], // tqrema -> tq
        [ kInsertion, "b", 2] // tq -> tqb
      gQueue.push(new changeText("p1", "tqb", events));

      // b -> insa: substitution coalesced with insertion (complex substitution)

      events = [
        [ kRemoval, "b", 0 ], // b ->
        [ kInsertion, "insa", 0] //  -> insa
      gQueue.push(new changeText("p2", "insa", events));

      // abc -> def: coalesced substitutions

      events = [
        [ kRemoval, "abc", 0 ], // abc ->
        [ kInsertion, "def", 0] //  -> def
      gQueue.push(new changeText("p3", "def", events));

      // abcabc -> abcDEFabc: coalesced insertions

      events = [
        [ kInsertion, "DEF", 3] // abcabc -> abcDEFabc
      gQueue.push(new changeText("p4", "abcDEFabc", events));

      // abc -> defabc: insertion into begin

      events = [
        [ kInsertion, "def", 0] // abc -> defabc
      gQueue.push(new changeText("p5", "defabc", events));

      // abc -> abcdef: insertion into end

      events = [
        [ kInsertion, "def", 3] // abc -> abcdef
      gQueue.push(new changeText("p6", "abcdef", events));

      // defabc -> abc: removal from begin

      events = [
        [ kRemoval, "def", 0] // defabc -> abc
      gQueue.push(new changeText("p7", "abc", events));

      // abcdef -> abc: removal from the end

      events = [
        [ kRemoval, "def", 3] // abcdef -> abc
      gQueue.push(new changeText("p8", "abc", events));

      // abcDEFabc -> abcabc: coalesced removals

      events = [
        [ kRemoval, "DEF", 3] // abcDEFabc -> abcabc
      gQueue.push(new changeText("p9", "abcabc", events));

      // !abcdef@ -> @axbcef!: insertion, deletion and substitutions

      events = [
        [ kRemoval, "!", 0 ], // !abcdef@ -> abcdef@
        [ kInsertion, "@", 0], // abcdef@ -> @abcdef@
        [ kInsertion, "x", 2 ], // @abcdef@ -> @axbcdef@
        [ kRemoval, "d", 5], // @axbcdef@ -> @axbcef@
        [ kRemoval, "@", 7 ], // @axbcef@ -> @axbcef
        [ kInsertion, "!", 7 ], // @axbcef -> @axbcef!
      gQueue.push(new changeText("p10", "@axbcef!", events));

      // meilenstein -> levenshtein: insertion, complex and simple substitutions

      events = [
        [ kRemoval, "m", 0 ], // meilenstein -> eilenstein
        [ kInsertion, "l", 0], // eilenstein -> leilenstein
        [ kRemoval, "il", 2 ], // leilenstein -> leenstein
        [ kInsertion, "v", 2], // leenstein -> levenstein
        [ kInsertion, "h", 6 ], // levenstein -> levenshtein
      gQueue.push(new changeText("p11", "levenshtein", events));

      // long strings, remove/insert pair as the old string was replaced on
      // new one

      var longStr1 = expStr("x", 16);
      var longStr2 = expStr("X", 16);

      var newStr = "a" + longStr1 + "b", insStr = longStr1, rmStr = "";
      events = [
        [ kRemoval, rmStr, 1, kUnexpected ],
        [ kInsertion, insStr, 1 ]
      gQueue.push(new changeText("p12", newStr, events));

      newStr = "a" + longStr2 + "b", insStr = longStr2, rmStr = longStr1;
      events = [
        [ kRemoval, rmStr, 1 ],
        [ kInsertion, insStr, 1]
      gQueue.push(new changeText("p12", newStr, events));

      newStr = "ab", insStr = "", rmStr = longStr2;
      events = [
        [ kRemoval, rmStr, 1 ],
        [ kInsertion, insStr, 1, kUnexpected ]
      gQueue.push(new changeText("p12", newStr, events));

      gQueue.invoke(); // Will call SimpleTest.finish();



  <a target="_blank"
     title="Cache rendered text on a11y side">
    Mozilla Bug 626660

  <p id="display"></p>
  <div id="content" style="display: none"></div>
  <pre id="test">
  <div id="eventdump"></div>

  <p id="p1">wqrema</p>
  <p id="p2">b</p>
  <p id="p3">abc</p>
  <p id="p4">abcabc</p>
  <p id="p5">abc</p>
  <p id="p6">abc</p>
  <p id="p7">defabc</p>
  <p id="p8">abcdef</p>
  <p id="p9">abcDEFabc</p>
  <p id="p10">!abcdef@</p>
  <p id="p11">meilenstein</p>
  <p id="p12">ab</p>