/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* global EVENT_TEXT_INSERTED, EVENT_TEXT_REMOVED, nsIAccessibleTextChangeEvent */ 'use strict'; function checkTextChangeEvent(event, id, text, start, end, isInserted, isFromUserInput) { let tcEvent = event.QueryInterface(nsIAccessibleTextChangeEvent); is(tcEvent.start, start, `Correct start offset for ${prettyName(id)}`); is(tcEvent.length, end - start, `Correct length for ${prettyName(id)}`); is(tcEvent.isInserted, isInserted, `Correct isInserted flag for ${prettyName(id)}`); is(tcEvent.modifiedText, text, `Correct text for ${prettyName(id)}`); is(tcEvent.isFromUserInput, isFromUserInput, `Correct value of isFromUserInput for ${prettyName(id)}`); } function* changeText(browser, id, value, events) { let onEvents = waitForMultipleEvents(events.map(({ isInserted }) => { let eventType = isInserted ? EVENT_TEXT_INSERTED : EVENT_TEXT_REMOVED; return { id, eventType }; })); // Change text in the subtree. yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, [id, value], ([contentId, contentValue]) => { content.document.getElementById(contentId).firstChild.textContent = contentValue; }); let resolvedEvents = yield onEvents; events.forEach(({ isInserted, str, offset }, idx) => checkTextChangeEvent(resolvedEvents[idx], id, str, offset, offset + str.length, isInserted, false)); } function* removeTextFromInput(browser, id, value, start, end) { let onTextRemoved = waitForEvent(EVENT_TEXT_REMOVED, id); // Select text and delete it. yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, [id, start, end], ([contentId, contentStart, contentEnd]) => { let el = content.document.getElementById(contentId); el.focus(); el.setSelectionRange(contentStart, contentEnd); }); yield BrowserTestUtils.sendChar('VK_DELETE', browser); let event = yield onTextRemoved; checkTextChangeEvent(event, id, value, start, end, false, true); } /** * Test text change event and its interface: * - start * - length * - isInserted * - modifiedText * - isFromUserInput */ addAccessibleTask(`


`, function*(browser) { let events = [ { isInserted: false, str: 'abc', offset: 0 }, { isInserted: true, str: 'def', offset: 0 } ]; yield changeText(browser, 'p', 'def', events); events = [{ isInserted: true, str: 'DEF', offset: 2 }]; yield changeText(browser, 'p', 'deDEFf', events); // Test isFromUserInput property. yield removeTextFromInput(browser, 'input', 'n', 1, 2); });