/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ typedef struct _MozRemotableHandle { long fContext; long hRemote; } MozRemotableHandle; typedef [unique] MozRemotableHandle * mozHWND; typedef [unique] MozRemotableHandle * mozHMENU; typedef [unique] MozRemotableHandle * mozHACCEL; typedef [unique] MozRemotableHandle * mozHBRUSH; typedef [unique] MozRemotableHandle * mozHFONT; typedef [unique] MozRemotableHandle * mozHDC; typedef [unique] MozRemotableHandle * mozHICON; typedef [unique] MozRemotableHandle * mozHRGN; typedef [unique] MozRemotableHandle * mozHMONITOR; cpp_quote("#if 0") typedef [wire_marshal(mozHWND)] void* HWND; typedef [wire_marshal(mozHMENU)] void* HMENU; typedef [wire_marshal(mozHACCEL)] void* HACCEL; typedef [wire_marshal(mozHBRUSH)] void* HBRUSH; typedef [wire_marshal(mozHFONT)] void* HFONT; typedef [wire_marshal(mozHDC)] void* HDC; typedef [wire_marshal(mozHICON)] void* HICON; typedef [wire_marshal(mozHRGN)] void* HRGN; typedef [wire_marshal(mozHMONITOR)] void* HMONITOR; cpp_quote("#endif // 0") import "Accessible2.idl"; import "Accessible2_2.idl"; import "Accessible2_3.idl"; import "AccessibleAction.idl"; import "AccessibleApplication.idl"; import "AccessibleComponent.idl"; import "AccessibleDocument.idl"; import "AccessibleEditableText.idl"; import "AccessibleEventId.idl"; import "AccessibleHyperlink.idl"; import "AccessibleHypertext.idl"; import "AccessibleHypertext2.idl"; import "AccessibleImage.idl"; import "AccessibleRelation.idl"; import "AccessibleRole.idl"; import "AccessibleStates.idl"; import "AccessibleTable.idl"; import "AccessibleTable2.idl"; import "AccessibleTableCell.idl"; import "AccessibleText.idl"; import "AccessibleText2.idl"; import "AccessibleValue.idl"; import "IA2CommonTypes.idl"; // We are explicitly using #include instead of import so that the imported // IDL is treated as part of this IDL file. #include "IA2TypeLibrary.idl"