/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#include "InterfaceInitFuncs.h"

#include "AccessibleWrap.h"
#include "ImageAccessible.h"
#include "mozilla/Likely.h"
#include "nsMai.h"
#include "nsIAccessibleTypes.h"
#include "nsIURI.h"
#include "ProxyAccessible.h"

using namespace mozilla;
using namespace mozilla::a11y;

extern "C" {
const gchar* getDescriptionCB(AtkObject* aAtkObj);

static void
getImagePositionCB(AtkImage* aImage, gint* aAccX, gint* aAccY,
                   AtkCoordType aCoordType)
  nsIntPoint pos;
  uint32_t geckoCoordType = (aCoordType == ATK_XY_WINDOW) ?
    nsIAccessibleCoordinateType::COORDTYPE_WINDOW_RELATIVE :

  AccessibleWrap* accWrap = GetAccessibleWrap(ATK_OBJECT(aImage));
  if (accWrap && accWrap->IsImage()) {
    ImageAccessible* image = accWrap->AsImage();
    pos = image->Position(geckoCoordType);
  } else if (ProxyAccessible* proxy = GetProxy(ATK_OBJECT(aImage))) {
    pos = proxy->ImagePosition(geckoCoordType);

  *aAccX = pos.x;
  *aAccY = pos.y;

static const gchar*
getImageDescriptionCB(AtkImage* aImage)
  return getDescriptionCB(ATK_OBJECT(aImage));

static void
getImageSizeCB(AtkImage* aImage, gint* aAccWidth, gint* aAccHeight)
  nsIntSize size;
  AccessibleWrap* accWrap = GetAccessibleWrap(ATK_OBJECT(aImage));
  if (accWrap && accWrap->IsImage()) {
    size = accWrap->AsImage()->Size();
  } else if (ProxyAccessible* proxy = GetProxy(ATK_OBJECT(aImage))) {
    size = proxy->ImageSize();

  *aAccWidth = size.width;
  *aAccHeight = size.height;

} // extern "C"

imageInterfaceInitCB(AtkImageIface* aIface)
  NS_ASSERTION(aIface, "no interface!");
  if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(!aIface))

  aIface->get_image_position = getImagePositionCB;
  aIface->get_image_description = getImageDescriptionCB;
  aIface->get_image_size = getImageSizeCB;